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Synonyms for de-signs
Grammar : Noun, verb |
Spell : dih-zahyn |
Phonetic Transcription : dɪˈzaɪn |
Top 10 synonyms for de-signs Other synonyms for the word de-signs
- ABCs
- abstraction
- acceptation
- accomplish
- accumulation
- achieve
- achievement
- actualize
- ad lib
- ad-lib
- adapt
- add up
- adjust
- adjustment
- adumbrate
- adumbration
- adventure
- adviser
- affair
- afford
- afterlife
- agree to
- agreement
- algorithm
- alignment
- allot
- allude to
- analyze
- anatomize
- anatomy
- angle
- animus
- announcement
- answer
- antecedent
- anticipate
- anxiety
- aperçu
- apotheosis
- apparatus
- appeal
- appearance
- apperception
- appetite
- appliqué
- appoint
- appreciation
- apprehension
- approach
- approximation
- arabesque
- archetype
- architectural plan
- architecture
- argument
- arms
- arrange
- arrangement
- array
- art
- art work
- article
- articulation
- artifact
- artifice
- artisanship
- artistic production
- artistry
- arts
- artwork
- ascertain
- aspect
- aspiration
- aspire
- aspire to
- assemble
- assembling
- assembly
- assessment
- assign
- assignment
- assume
- assumption
- assurance
- atlas
- attempt
- attendant
- attentiveness
- attitude
- attraction
- attribute
- author
- baby
- badge
- balance
- band
- Band-Aid
- bang out
- bank on
- banner
- bargain for
- base
- basis
- batch
- bauble
- be determined
- be resolved
- bear
- bearing
- beau ideal
- beautification
- beauty
- beaux arts
- become pregnant
- beget
- beguile
- behavior
- belief
- believed abstraction
- bid
- bid for
- big idea
- big picture
- bill
- black box
- bloc
- block out
- blossom
- blueprint
- blueprinting
- body
- body forth
- boldness
- bonanza
- bones
- bony structure
- booby trap
- book
- bottom line
- bourn
- braid
- brain child
- brainchild
- brainstorm
- brand
- brass tacks
- break
- break down
- breaks
- breakthrough
- breed
- brew
- bring about
- bring forth
- bring into being
- bring into existence
- bring out
- bring to light
- bring to pass
- brood
- brood over
- brush
- budget
- build
- build up
- bunch
- bundle
- burden
- business
- butt
- cabal
- cage
- calculate
- calculation
- calling
- camp
- canon
- canvas
- captain
- caricature
- caring
- carriage
- cartoon
- carve
- carving
- cast
- catalogue
- catch
- catch a likeness
- categorization
- caucus
- cause
- cause to be
- cavity
- cell
- ceramics
- ceremony
- certainty
- chalk
- chance
- channels
- chaperon
- chapter and verse
- character
- characteristic
- characterization
- characterize
- charm
- chart
- cheat
- chemistry
- chew over
- chicanery
- child
- choose
- cicerone
- cipher
- circle
- circumstance
- circumstantiality
- clan
- class
- classification
- clear up
- clef
- clever move
- clinch
- clique
- club
- clue
- clump
- cluster
- coalition
- coat
- coat of arms
- cobble up
- code
- codification
- cogency
- cogitate
- cogitating
- cogitation
- cognition
- coin
- coin a phrase
- coinage
- collector's piece
- collude
- collusion
- colophon
- color
- colors
- combination
- combine
- combo
- come across
- come through
- come to terms
- come up with
- come upon
- commercial art
- commit
- communing
- comp
- company
- compassion
- compendium
- compilation
- compile
- complete
- complex
- complication
- complicity
- component
- compose
- composition
- compound
- comprehension
- compromise
- compute
- con
- conation
- conceit
- conceive
- concentrate
- concentrating
- concept
- conception
- concern
- concert
- conclave
- conclude
- conclusion
- concoct
- concoction
- concord
- condition
- conductor
- confederacy
- confidence
- configuration
- conformation
- conjecture
- connivance
- connive
- conniving
- connotation
- connote
- consecrate
- consequence
- consider
- consideration
- considering
- consonance
- conspectus
- conspiracy
- conspire
- constellation
- constitute
- constitution
- construct
- construction
- consummate
- contemplate
- content
- contents
- contingent
- contour
- contraption
- contribute
- contrivance
- contrive
- controller
- convention
- conventionalism
- conviction
- convoy
- cook
- cook up
- cool out
- coordination
- copy
- core
- coterie
- counselor
- count
- count on
- coup
- courage
- course
- course of action
- course of events
- cover
- cover up
- covet
- covin
- craft
- craftiness
- craftship
- craving
- crayon
- create
- creation
- creativeness
- creativity
- crest
- crew
- criterion
- crowd
- crystallization
- cue
- cultivate
- cunning
- cunningness
- cup
- cup of tea
- curio
- curlicue
- custom
- customariness
- cut
- data
- daub
- deal
- deal with
- debunk
- decide
- decide upon
- decidedness
- decipher
- decision
- decisiveness
- decorate
- decoration
- decree
- dedicate
- delegate
- delegation
- deliberate
- deliberating
- deliberation
- delineate
- delineation
- deliver
- denotation
- denote
- dent
- depend on
- depict
- depiction
- depicture
- deployment
- deposit
- depression
- derision
- describe
- description
- desideratum
- design
- designate
- designation
- desire
- destination
- destine
- detail
- detect
- determinant
- determination
- determine
- develop
- development
- device
- devise
- devote
- diagram
- diamond in the rough
- dictates
- die
- dig up
- digest
- dingbat
- direct
- direction
- director
- dirty work
- discern
- discipline
- disclose
- discover
- discovery
- discretion
- dispersal
- display
- disposal
- dispose
- disposition
- dissect
- dissolve
- distinguish
- distribution
- divine decree
- division
- docent
- doctor
- doctrine
- dodge
- doing
- doodad
- doodle
- doom
- doom to
- dope
- dope out
- double-dealing
- draft
- draw
- draw up
- drawing
- dream
- dream up
- dreaming
- drift
- drive
- druthers
- dummy
- duplicate
- duty
- dye
- earmark
- earnestness
- easy way out
- edit
- effect
- effectiveness
- effectuate
- elect
- element
- elevate
- elevation
- elicit
- elucidate
- embellishment
- emblem
- embodiment
- embroidery
- emotion
- emphasis
- emulate
- enact
- enactment
- end
- end in view
- end purpose
- endeavor
- engage
- engender
- engineer
- engrave
- engraving
- ensign
- entente
- enter
- enterprise
- entertain idea
- envisage
- envisaging
- envision
- epithet
- epitome
- erect
- escort
- espy
- essay
- essence
- establish
- established way
- estimate
- estimation
- etch
- etching
- etiquette
- evasion
- events
- evoke
- evolution
- example
- excogitate
- execute
- exemplar
- exhibit
- exhibition
- exhibitor
- expect
- expectancy
- expectation
- expedient
- expertise
- explanation
- exploit
- explore
- exposition
- express
- extrapolate
- extravagance
- fabric
- fabricate
- fabrication
- fact
- factor
- fake
- fake it
- falsify
- fancy
- fancying
- fandangle
- fascination
- fashion
- fate
- father
- fathom
- fear
- feat
- feature
- feed
- feeler
- feeling
- feign
- feint
- fence
- ferret out
- festoon
- fetch
- field of vision
- figuration
- figure
- figure on
- figure out
- filigree
- finagle
- finality
- find
- finding
- fine point
- finery
- finesse
- finish
- firmness
- first draft
- first stab
- fit
- fix
- fix to
- fixed purpose
- flag
- flash
- flight of fancy
- floor plan
- flounce
- flourish
- flower
- focus
- folkways
- follow
- forecast
- foreordain
- foreordination
- foresee
- forge
- form
- formality
- format
- formation
- forming
- formula
- formulate
- formulation
- fortune
- found
- fraction
- frame
- frame-up
- framework
- fraud
- fresco
- fretwork
- frill
- frippery
- frontispiece
- frou frou
- fudge together
- fulfill
- function
- furbelow
- furnish
- fuss
- future
- gadget
- gambit
- game
- game plan
- gang
- garbage
- garnish
- garniture
- gauge
- generate
- generation
- genesis
- genie
- genius
- genre
- geography
- get act together
- get at
- get off
- get on line
- get ready
- get up
- get wind of
- get wise to
- gewgaw
- gewgaws
- ghost
- ghostwrite
- gilt
- gimcrack
- gimcracks
- gimmick
- gingerbread
- gist
- give
- give birth
- give birth to
- give forth
- give life to
- give parts
- gizmo
- glimpse
- globe
- gloss over
- go around
- goal
- godsend
- grade
- graft
- grand design
- graph
- graphic arts
- graphics
- groove
- ground plan
- ground zero
- grounds
- grouping
- guess
- guideline
- guiding spirit
- guild
- guise
- guru
- habit
- habitude
- habitus
- halftone
- hallmark
- hammer out
- hammer out a deal
- hand
- handicraft
- handiwork
- handwork
- hang-up
- hankering
- happenstance
- harbor
- harmonize
- harmony
- hatch
- have a mind to
- have every intention
- have in mind
- have in view
- haven
- head trip
- heading
- hear
- heart
- heart's desire
- hereafter
- hero
- hint
- hint at
- hoax
- hoke up
- honor
- hook
- hookup
- hope
- hope to
- horoscope
- host
- hypothesis
- idea
- ideal
- identification
- identify
- idiosyncrasy
- illustrate
- illustration
- image
- imagination
- imagine
- imagining
- imitate
- imitation
- impersonation
- impetus
- implication
- imply
- import
- importance
- impress
- impression
- improve
- improvisation
- improvise
- impulse
- impulsion
- inaugurate
- incentive
- incidents
- incitement
- inclination
- incubate
- indentation
- indicate
- indication
- indite
- induce
- inducement
- induction
- inevitability
- inference
- influence
- ingeniousness
- ingenuity
- inheritence
- initials
- initiate
- inkling
- inlay
- innovation
- insiders
- insignia
- inspiration
- installations
- institute
- institution
- instructions
- instrument
- intellection
- intend
- intendment
- intent
- intention
- interest
- interpret
- interpretation
- interrelation
- intimate
- intimation
- intrigue
- intuition
- invent
- invention
- inventiveness
- invest
- iron out
- item
- itemize
- jam
- jazz
- jewel
- jig
- job
- jockey
- joke
- journey's end
- judge
- judgment
- junta
- karma
- kick
- kick around
- kind
- kindness
- kismet
- knickknack
- knock off
- knock out
- knot
- know-how
- knowledge
- lace
- landing-place
- landscape
- law
- lay
- lay eggs
- lay in provisions
- lay of the land
- lay on
- lay out
- layout
- lead
- leader
- learn
- leave holding the bag
- level
- lick
- light upon
- likelihood
- likeness
- liking
- limit
- limn
- line
- line drawing
- line up
- lineup
- list
- little game
- lobby
- locate
- lodestar
- logo
- longing
- look
- look forward
- look up
- looking forward
- loophole
- lot
- luck
- luck out
- machinate
- machination
- machine
- magnitude
- mainspring
- make
- make a connection
- make a point of
- make arrangements
- make ready
- make uniform
- make up
- make up one's mind
- make-up
- makeshift
- makeup
- making
- manage
- management
- maneuver
- maneuvering
- manifestation
- manipulate
- manipulation
- manner
- manufacture
- map
- map out
- mark
- mark out
- marker
- marshal
- master plan
- mastermind
- match
- matrix
- matter
- matter of course
- mature
- mean
- meaning
- means
- measure
- meat
- meat and potatoes
- mecca
- mechanism
- medal
- meditate
- meditate on
- meditating
- meditation
- memento
- mental grasp
- mentor
- message
- metallurgy
- method
- methodize
- methodology
- métier
- mind
- miniature
- minor point
- minority
- mint
- minutia
- mirror
- mission
- mob
- mock-up
- mode
- model
- modeling
- modus
- modus operandi
- Moirai
- mold
- molding
- moment
- momentousness
- monitor
- monkey business
- monogram
- monograph
- moon
- mores
- morphology
- motif
- motion
- motivation
- motive
- motto
- move
- movement
- mull over
- multiply
- multitude
- mural
- muse
- muse over
- musing
- name
- name of the game
- narrate
- narration
- narrative
- nature
- navigate
- negotiate
- network
- nicety
- nitty-gritty
- nonesuch
- nonpareil
- nose out
- note
- note down
- notice
- notion
- novelty
- nub
- number
- numeral
- nuts and bolts
- object
- object of art
- object of ridicule
- objective
- observance
- observation
- observe
- occasion
- occupation
- off-the-cuff
- offer
- offshoot
- oil
- on the make
- opening
- operate
- opinion
- option
- opus
- orchestrate
- ordain
- order
- ordering
- orderliness
- ordinance
- organism
- organization
- organize
- organizing
- original
- originality
- originate
- ornament
- osteology
- outfit
- outline
- outlook
- overture
- paint
- painting
- pan out
- panorama
- parade
- paradigm
- paragon
- parent
- parquetry
- part
- particular
- partnership
- party
- pass
- pass upon
- passion
- paste-up
- pathfinder
- pattern
- pecking order
- peculiarity
- pen
- pencil
- pencil in
- pennant
- perceive
- perception
- percolate
- perfect
- perform
- performance
- perpend
- personification
- perspective
- pet
- philosophizing
- phony up
- photo
- photograph
- photography
- physique
- pick
- pick up on
- pictorialization
- picture
- piece
- piece of art
- pilot
- pining
- pioneer
- pipe dream
- pirate
- pitch
- pith
- placement
- placing
- plan
- plan of action
- planning
- plaque
- plat
- plate
- play
- play games
- play it by ear
- pleasure
- plot
- ploy
- poetize
- point
- policy
- polity
- poll
- ponder
- pondering
- portion
- portrait
- portray
- portrayal
- possibility
- power
- practical joke
- practice
- prank
- praxis
- prearrange
- precedent
- precept
- précis
- predestination
- predestine
- predetermination
- predetermine
- predict
- prediction
- prefab
- preference
- preform
- premeditation
- premise
- preordain
- prepare
- prerogative
- present
- presentation
- pressure group
- prestige
- presumption
- price mark
- pride
- principle
- prioritize
- probability
- procedure
- proceed
- proceeding
- process
- procreate
- produce
- product
- production
- profession
- proffer
- profile
- program
- progress
- progression
- project
- projection
- promise
- promote
- proof
- propagate
- proportion
- proposal
- propose
- proposition
- prospect
- protocol
- prototype
- provide
- provoke
- pull a wire
- pull strings
- pull things together
- pull together
- punch
- purport
- purpose
- purposefulness
- purposiveness
- pursue
- push around
- push pencil
- put down
- put on coats
- put on thinking cap
- put one over
- put out
- put pen to paper
- put together
- put up
- puzzle out
- puzzle over
- quarterback
- quintessence
- racket
- rage
- raise
- range of vision
- rangi
- ranging
- rank
- rationale
- rationalize
- raw material
- ready
- realization
- realize
- rear
- reason
- receipt
- recipe
- reckon
- reckon on
- recognize
- recommendation
- recourse
- red tape
- refer to
- reflect
- reflect upon
- reflection
- regalia
- regard
- register
- regularity
- regulate
- regulation
- relate
- relation
- reliance
- rely on
- remain firm
- reminder
- render
- rendering
- report
- represent
- representation
- reproduce
- reproduction
- reserve
- resoluteness
- resolution
- resolve
- resort
- resourcefulness
- respect
- resting-place
- result
- return
- reveal
- reverie
- revolve
- rhythm
- ribbon
- rig
- ring
- rite
- ritual
- role model
- roll
- root
- rote
- rough
- rough draft
- rough in
- rough out
- rough outline
- rough sketch
- routine
- rubric
- rudder
- rule
- ruminate
- rumination
- run down
- run through
- running
- ruse
- rut
- saint
- say to oneself
- scaffolding
- scam
- scenario
- scene
- scepter
- schedule
- schema
- schematize
- scheme
- schism
- scope
- score
- scout
- scratch
- scribble
- script
- scroll
- sculpt
- sculpting
- sculpture
- seal
- seascape
- second nature
- secret
- sect
- section
- sector
- see
- self-control
- self-discipline
- self-restraint
- sellout
- semblance
- sense
- sequence
- sequin
- serendipity
- set
- set apart
- set aside
- set one's sights on
- set out
- set stage
- set type
- set up
- settle
- setup
- shade
- sham
- shape
- shape up
- shaping
- shift
- shortcut
- shot
- show
- show fruit
- side
- sight
- sign
- signature
- significance
- significancy
- signification
- signify
- silhouette
- simulation
- singularity
- sire
- situation
- size up
- skeleton
- skeletonize
- sketch
- sketch out
- sketching
- skill
- skillfulness
- skullduggery
- slant
- slap on
- slap together
- slate
- slather
- slogan
- smoke out
- snapshot
- solicitude
- solution
- solve
- song and dance
- sort
- spacing
- spangle
- spark
- spawn
- specialty
- species
- specification
- spectacle
- speculate
- speculating
- speculation
- spell
- spirit
- spitball
- splinter group
- spot
- spread
- spring
- spur
- stamp
- standard
- standardization
- standardize
- start
- state
- station
- stature
- status
- steadfastness
- steer
- step
- sticker
- stimulus
- stipple
- stop
- stopgap
- story
- storyboard
- straighten up
- strain
- stratagem
- strategic plan
- strategy
- stress
- stretch
- strive
- stroke
- structure
- structures
- structuring
- struggle
- study
- stuff
- stunt
- style
- subject
- substance
- substitute
- subterfuge
- subtlety
- suggest
- suggestion
- suit
- summary
- superintendent
- supply
- support
- suppose
- supposition
- surmise
- surrogate
- survey
- surveying
- suspense
- suspicion
- swab
- switch
- syllabus
- symbol
- symbolization
- symmetry
- sympathy
- synopsis
- synthesis
- system
- systematization
- systemization
- systemize
- tableau
- tack
- tactic
- tactical plan
- tactics
- tag
- tailor
- tailpiece
- take a stand
- take in
- tally
- target
- task
- taste
- teacher
- teaching
- team
- technic
- technicality
- technique
- temper
- temperament
- tendency
- tender
- tenet
- tenor
- terminal
- terminus
- terms
- texture
- the book
- the numbers
- the stars
- theme
- theorem
- theory
- thing
- think
- think deeply
- think likely
- think of
- think over
- think to
- think up
- thinking
- thought
- thread
- throng
- throw together
- throw up
- thrust
- ticket
- tighten up
- time
- tinsel
- tint
- token
- tone
- tooling
- topographical depiction
- toss off
- touch up
- touchstone
- trace
- tracery
- tracing
- track
- trade
- trademark
- train
- trait
- transcribe
- trap
- treasure
- treatment
- trend
- trick
- trickery
- trim
- trimming
- trinket
- trivia
- triviality
- trump up
- trust
- try
- turn out
- turn up
- twist
- type
- ulterior motive
- understanding
- undertake
- undertaking
- unearth
- unfold
- unfolding
- unit
- unity
- unlicked cub
- unravel
- untangle
- unwritten law
- unwritten rule
- unzip
- uprear
- upshot
- upstage
- urge
- usage
- use
- usefulness
- usher
- utility
- validity
- validness
- value
- vamp
- vanguard
- variety
- vehicle
- vein
- velleity
- venture
- version
- view
- viewpoint
- vignette
- vision
- vista
- visualize
- vitality
- vocation
- vogue
- volition
- wangle
- want
- warrant
- wash
- watercolor
- way
- way the ball bounces
- way the cookie crumbles
- ways and means
- weave
- weigh
- weightiness
- what is written
- what's cooking
- whatfor
- wheel of fortune
- where one is heading
- where one's headed
- where one's heading
- wherefore
- whip up
- whole
- whole idea
- why
- why and wherefore
- whyfor
- wile
- will
- willfulness
- willpower
- wing
- wise
- wish
- wishes
- womb
- wont
- work
- work for
- work of art
- work out
- work out a deal
- work through
- work toward
- work up
- working plan
- workmanship
- world to come
- worry
- worth
- wreath
- wrinkle
- write
- yearning
- yield
- zero
- zero in on
- zoom in
Définition of de-signs
Origin :- 1843, from re- + design (n.). Related: Redesigned; redesigning.
- As in imprint : noun impression; symbol
- As in intent/intention : noun aim, purpose
- As in intrigue : noun scheme
- As in invention : noun creation, creativeness
- As in label : noun marker, description; brand
- As in layout : noun physical arrangement
- As in arrangement : noun something that has been ordered
- As in array : noun collection, considerable group
- As in machination : noun maneuver, plot
- As in makeup : noun structure, composition
- As in art : noun creation meant to communicate or appeal to senses or mind
- As in map : noun chart of geographic area
- As in meaning : noun intention, aim
- As in method : noun means, procedure
- As in method : noun order, pattern
- As in methodology : noun methods
- As in model : noun example, standard
- As in model : noun type, version
- As in mold : noun form, pattern
- As in motif : noun central theme
- As in motive : noun reason, purpose
- As in object : noun purpose, use
- As in objective : noun aim, goal
- As in organization : noun arrangement, arranging
- As in ornament : noun decoration
- As in plot : noun plan, scheme
- As in plot : noun story line
- As in point : noun goal, aim
- As in policy : noun procedure, tactics
- As in program : noun scheme, plan
- As in project : noun undertaking, work
- As in proposal : noun suggestion, presentation for action
- As in prospectus : noun details, outline of event
- As in purport : noun meaning, implication
- As in purpose : noun intention, meaning, aim
- As in reason : noun intention, aim
- As in resolve : noun decision, determination
- As in scheme : noun course of action
- As in skeleton : noun structure of bones in animate being or supports in an object
- As in sketch : noun drawing, outline
- As in strategy : noun plan of action
- As in structure : noun makeup, form
- As in style : noun fashion, manner
- As in symbol : noun letter, character, sign of written communication
- As in thought : noun idea, concept
- As in view : noun something that is seen
- As in way : noun method, technique
- As in will : noun personal choice
- As in workmanship : noun craftsmanship
- As in engineering : noun the science of applying power to use
- As in handiwork : noun personal work
- As in blueprint : noun plan
- As in game plan : noun thought out strategy
- As in : noun art object
- As in rough diamond : noun rough copy
- As in visual arts : noun fine arts
- As in premeditation : noun intention
- As in representation : noun description
- As in tattoo : noun design on the skin
- As in cachet : noun distinction
- As in intention : noun goal
- As in monogram : noun symbol
- As in painting : noun artwork
- As in excogitation : noun conception
- As in grouping : noun arrangement
- As in ingeniousness : noun invention
- As in inventiveness : noun invention
- As in lineup : noun arrangement
- As in orderliness : noun method
- As in significancy : noun idea
- As in story line : noun plot
- As in systematization : noun method
- As in systemization : noun method
- As in composition : noun structure, arrangement
- As in conception : noun understanding; idea
- As in constitution : noun physical make-up and health
- As in contemplation : noun deep thought; planning
- As in contrivance : noun plan, fabrication
- As in custom : noun ritual, traditional action
- As in decoration : noun particular type of embellishment
- As in design : noun sketch, draft
- As in design : noun artful conception
- As in design : noun intention
- As in destination : noun goal; place one wants to go
- As in destiny : noun fate
- As in detail : noun feature, specific aspect
- As in device : noun ploy, scheme, maneuver
- As in device : noun symbol, emblem
- As in diagram : noun drawing, sketch of form or plan
- As in discovery : noun treasure; invention
- As in aim : noun goal
- As in drawing : noun illustration
- As in dream : noun goal
- As in drift : noun meaning, significance of communication
- As in emblem : noun crest
- As in end : noun intention, aim
- As in expectation : noun belief, anticipation
- As in expediency/expedience : noun resource
- As in faction : noun group sharing a belief or cause
- As in form : noun shape; arrangement
- As in form : noun type, kind
- As in formation : noun composition, establishment
- As in gambit : noun plan, plot
- As in game : noun plot, trick
- As in goal : noun aim, purpose of an action
- As in guide : noun something that or someone who leads
- As in handicraft : noun artwork, skill
- As in idea : noun something understood, planned, or
- As in illustration : noun drawing, artwork that assists explanation
- As in import : noun significance, weight
- As in intend : verb have in mind; determine
- As in invent : verb create, think up
- As in arrange : verb make plans, often involving agreement
- As in machinate : verb maneuver, plot
- As in maneuver : verb plan, scheme
- As in mean : verb have in mind; intend
- As in meditate : verb contemplate
- As in model : verb form, shape
- As in paint : verb apply colored tint, often to make design
- As in pattern : verb copy, imitate; decorate
- As in plan : verb think out; prepare in advance
- As in plan : verb intend, mean
- As in plot : verb plan, scheme
- As in produce : verb generate, create
- As in program : verb plan out; supply instructions
- As in project : verb plan
- As in propose : verb intend; have in mind
- As in purpose : verb intend, set sights on
- As in represent : verb depict, show
- As in resolve : verb make up one's mind; find solution
- As in sketch : verb draw, outline
- As in systematize : verb put in order
- As in calculate : verb plan on
- As in cast : verb select for activity
- As in chart : verb plan, map out
- As in configure : verb set up
- As in systemize : verb order
- As in compose : verb create writing, artwork, or music
- As in conceive : verb create
- As in concoct : verb formulate, think up
- As in construct : verb assemble, build
- As in contemplate : verb think about seriously; plan
- As in create : verb develop in mind or physically
- As in depict : verb describe, render in drawing or writing
- As in design : verb plan, outline
- As in design : verb create, conceive
- As in design : verb intend, mean to do
- As in destine : verb predetermine, ordain
- As in devise : verb conceive, dream up
- As in discover : verb find, uncover
- As in aim : verb point or direct at a goal
- As in draft : verb formulate
- As in draw : verb create a likeness in a picture
- As in drive at : verb mean, suggest as meaning
- As in forge : verb counterfeit
- As in form : verb bring into existence; make, produce
- As in frame : verb compose, plan
- As in hatch : verb create, plan
Antonyms for de-signs
- abandon
- abort
- abortion
- act
- actuality
- agitate
- agreement
- aimlessness
- alienate
- anger
- annihilate
- arouse
- assemble
- avocation
- avoidance
- bad fortune
- be idle
- be original
- begin
- beginning
- being
- birth
- blindness
- block
- bluntness
- boredom
- borrow
- break
- calmness
- cancel
- carcass
- catch
- cause
- cave in
- certainty
- cessation
- choice
- commencement
- conceal
- concept
- conclude
- concrete
- condemn
- condemnation
- confine
- conformity
- confuse
- construction
- consume
- continuity
- cowardice
- creation
- cruelty
- death
- decline
- decrease
- demolish
- demote
- deny
- departure
- depress
- depression
- derange
- destroy
- destruction
- deterrent
- deviation
- die
- difference
- disadvantage
- disagree
- disagreement
- disallow
- disapprove
- disarrange
- disarrangement
- disbelief
- disbelieve
- discard
- discord
- discourage
- discouragement
- disdain
- disgrace
- disinterest
- dislike
- dismantle
- dismiss
- disorder
- disorganization
- disorganize
- disperse
- disproportion
- disregard
- dissuade
- distaste
- distort
- distress
- distrust
- disturb
- divergence
- doubt
- drop
- dullness
- end
- entertainment
- entirety
- estrange
- excite
- exhale
- existence
- exterior
- exteriority
- eyesore
- fact
- fade
- fail
- fasten
- fear
- finish
- follower
- forget
- foundation
- frankness
- free will
- fun
- gather
- generality
- generalization
- guess
- halt
- harshness
- hate
- hatred
- heedlessness
- hesitate
- hide
- hinder
- hindrance
- hobby
- hold
- honesty
- hopelessness
- hurt
- idleness
- ignorance
- ignore
- imbalance
- impossibility
- inaction
- inactivity
- inappropriateness
- indecision
- indifference
- individual
- indolence
- ineffectiveness
- innocence
- insignificance
- invalidity
- irregularity
- join
- keep
- kill
- knowledge
- lack
- leave alone
- lessen
- let go
- look away
- lose
- loss
- lower
- meaninglessness
- meanness
- means
- measurement
- mend
- mercilessness
- misfortune
- mismanage
- misrepresent
- miss
- misunderstand
- misunderstanding
- misuse
- mix up
- mull
- neglect
- not believe
- not plan
- one
- opening
- openness
- oppose
- origin
- original
- outside
- overlook
- pass by
- pastime
- peace
- personality
- photograph
- photographer
- plainness
- play
- prevent
- proof
- propel
- purposelessness
- push
- push away
- put in
- put together
- question
- raze
- reality
- rebuff
- receive
- refrain
- refusal
- refuse
- reject
- rejection
- remain
- repel
- repulse
- repulsion
- result
- reveal
- ruin
- scatter
- science
- scorn
- shapelessness
- shorten
- shrink
- shrivel
- shun
- slight
- source
- start
- steal
- stop
- stoppage
- strip
- subject
- substance
- suppress
- surface
- take
- tangle
- tell truth
- terminate
- theory
- thing
- thoughtlessness
- total
- truth
- truthfulness
- turn off
- uncover
- unemployment
- unevenness
- unfit
- unimportance
- unity
- unlikelihood
- unsettle
- unskill
- unstylishness
- upset
- use
- uselessness
- vacancy
- vacuity
- veto
- volition
- wait
- waste
- waver
- wavering
- weakness
- whiten
- whole
- withdraw
- withhold
- wonder
- wreck
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019