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Synonyms for contour
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : kon-toor |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈkɒn tʊər |
Définition of contour
Origin :- 1660s, a term in painting and sculpture, from French contour "circumference, outline," from Italian and Medieval Latin contornare "to go around," from Latin com-, intensive prefix (see com-), + tornare "to turn (on a lathe);" see turn (v.).
- First recorded application to topography is from 1769. Earlier the word was used to mean "bedspread, quilt" (early 15c.) in reference to its falling over the sides of the mattress. Related: Contoured. Contour line in geography is from 1844.
- noun outline, profile
- Her contour was rather square than oblong, and she was very heavy.
- Extract from : « Meadow Grass » by Alice Brown
- If ever he praised a limb, a tint, a contour, it was solely from the artistic point of view.
- Extract from : « His Masterpiece » by Emile Zola
- A scanty growth of whisker did not conceal the contour of his jaw.
- Extract from : « End of the Tether » by Joseph Conrad
- “I wonder you had the heart to risk spoiling its contour,” she said resentfully.
- Extract from : « Olive in Italy » by Moray Dalton
- The circumference of the crest on the 10,000-foot contour is nearly seven miles.
- Extract from : « The Mountain that was 'God' » by John H. Williams
- It was a contour map, giving the hills, sand reaches, and groves.
- Extract from : « The Pirate of Panama » by William MacLeod Raine
- But the features were nonhuman, closer to saurian in contour.
- Extract from : « Storm Over Warlock » by Andre Norton
- And the contour of the cliff was plainly visible in front of it.
- Extract from : « The White Invaders » by Raymond King Cummings
- There were no lines, nothing lost, nothing hardened in contour.
- Extract from : « Athalie » by Robert W. Chambers
- Sometimes the contour of the country drove him into the open or down into hollows.
- Extract from : « Brand Blotters » by William MacLeod Raine
Words or expressions associated with your search
- adult contemporary
- aerosol container
- air traffic control
- air traffic control service
- be contained in
- be content
- be contiguous
- be contiguous to
- be contingent
- be contingent on
- be contracted
- be contrary to
- be contrite
- be control of
- be in contact
- be in control
- be in control of
- be uncontrollable
- beauty contest winner
- become contaminated
- birth control
- birth control pill
- bone of contention
- bring under control
- by contract
- climate control
- contact
- contagion
- contain
- contained
- container
- containers
- containing
- contains
- contaminate
- contaminated
- contaminates
- contamination
- contemn
- contemplate
- contemplating
- contemplation
- contemplative
- contempo
- contemporary
- contempt
- contemptible
- contemptuous
- contemptuously
- contemptuousness
- contend
- contended
- contender
- contenders
- contending
- contends
- content
- contented
- contentedly
- contentedness
- contention
- contentious
- contentiousness
- contentment
- contents
- contessa
- contest
- contestable
- contestant
- contested
- contesting
- context
- contexture
- contiguity
- contiguous to
- continent
- Continental
- contingence
- contingency
- contingency money
- contingent
- contingent upon
- continual
- continuance
- continuation
- continue
- continue ahead
- continue on
- continued
- continues
- continuity
- continuous
- continuously
- continuum theory
- contort
- contortion
- contortionist
- contour
- contour line
- contra
- contraband
- contraception
- contract
- contracted
- contracted for
- contraction
- contractions
- contractor
- contradict
- contradiction
- contradictory
- contradistinct
- contradistinction
- contradistinctive
- contraposition
- contraption
- contraptions
- contrarient
- contrariety
- contrariness
- contrary
- contrary to
- contrast
- contrasting
- contrastive
- contravene
- contretemps
- contribute
- contribute work
- contribution
- contributions
- contributive
- contributor
- contrite
- contrition
- contriturate
- contrivance
- contrive
- contrived
- contriving
- control
- control center
- control desk
- control oneself
- control panel
- controllable
- controlled
- controller
- controlling
- controversial
- controversial issue
- controversial situation
- controversy
- controvert
- controvertible
- contumacious
- contumaciously
- contumaciousness
- contumacy
- contumelious
- contumely
- contuse
- contusion
- damage-control
- damage control
- de contaminate
- de-contaminate
- de contaminated
- de-contaminated
- de contaminates
- de-contaminates
- de contaminating
- de-contaminating
- de-controlling
- de-controls
- decontaminant
- decontaminate
- decontamination
- decontrol
- decontrolled
- delusive contentment
- disaster control
- discontent
- discontented
- discontinuance
- discontinuation
- discontinuity
- discontinuous
- employment contract
- environmental control
- establish contact
- establishes contact
- exercise control
- fierce contest
- financial control
- flight control
- gain control
- get under control
- gun control
- in contact with
- in contemplation of
- in contempt of
- in contestable
- in continence
- in continent
- in contrast to
- in control
- in controvertible
- incontestable
- incontinence
- incontinent
- incontrovertible
- intercontinental
- intercontinental ballistic missile
- keep contact
- keep in contact
- keeping contact
- keeps contact
- keeps in contact
- kept contact
- kept in contact
- labor contract
- lacking self-control
- let continue
- lets continue
- lose control
- made contact with
- make contact with
- make contacts
- makes contact with
- malcontented
- malcontentment
- malcontents
- master control desk
- mission control
- nemine contradicente
- newfangled contraption
- on the contrary
- one at the controls
- out control
- out of control
- per contra
- put out a contract
- putting out a contract
- quality control
- raconteur
- ran contraband
- self-contained
- self-contented
- self-control
- show contrast
- summons to contest
- sweetheart contract
- table content
- table of content
- table of contents
- take out of context
- uncontestable
- uncontrived
- uncontrollable
- uncontrollableness
- uncontrollably
- uncontrolled
- uncontrolledly
- under control
- was contact
- was control of
- was in control of
- yellow-dog contract
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