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Synonyms for stop

Grammar : Noun, verb
Spell : stop
Phonetic Transcription : stɒp

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Définition of stop

Origin :
  • Old English -stoppian (in forstoppian "to stop up, stifle"), a general West Germanic word (cf. West Frisian stopje, Middle Low German stoppen, Old High German stopfon, German stopfen "to plug, stop up," Old Low Frankish (be)stuppon "to stop (the ears)"), but held by many sources to be a borrowing from Vulgar Latin *stuppare "to stop or stuff with tow or oakum" (cf. Italian stoppare, French étouper "to stop with tow"), from Latin stuppa "coarse part of flax, tow." Plugs made of tow were used from ancient times in Rhine valley. Barnhart, at least, proposes the whole Germanic group rather might be native, from a base *stoppon.
  • Sense of "bring or come to a halt" (mid-15c.) is from notion of preventing a flow by blocking a hole, and the word's development in this sense is unique to English, though it since has been widely adopted in other languages; perhaps influenced by Latin stupere "be stunned, be stupefied." Stop-and-go (adj.) is from 1926, originally a reference to traffic signals.
  • noun end, halt; impediment
  • noun visit; place of rest
  • verb bring or come to a halt or end
  • verb prevent, hold back
Example sentences :
  • Stop for us at the Laurels, about eleven, or p'r'aps I'll stroll over and get you.
  • Extract from : « The Spenders » by Harry Leon Wilson
  • To the porter who answered his ring he handed the message to be put off at the first stop.
  • Extract from : « The Spenders » by Harry Leon Wilson
  • Stop her—say Miss Milbrey wishes to ask a favour of her; and Jarvis.
  • Extract from : « The Spenders » by Harry Leon Wilson
  • But did you ever stop to think what happens when you write a letter?
  • Extract from : « Ancient Man » by Hendrik Willem van Loon
  • I'd worked wid my mouf full of dust, but could not stop to get a drink of water.
  • Extract from : « Harriet, The Moses of Her People » by Sarah H. Bradford
  • Yet he knew that he was not fatally injured if he could stop that mortal drain of his wounds.
  • Extract from : « Way of the Lawless » by Max Brand
  • And there is much to be done and to be said, but take my word for it: This scourge will stop.
  • Extract from : « United States Presidents' Inaugural Speeches » by Various
  • Did you ask him would he stop Bartley going this day with the horses to the Galway fair?
  • Extract from : « Riders to the Sea » by J. M. Synge
  • He won't go this day, for the young priest will stop him surely.
  • Extract from : « Riders to the Sea » by J. M. Synge
  • I did not stop to put on my clothes until I had got two or three miles from the plantation.
  • Extract from : « Biography of a Slave » by Charles Thompson

Antonyms for stop

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019