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Synonyms for paradigm
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : par-uh-dahym, -dim |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈpær əˌdaɪm, -dɪm |
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Définition of paradigm
Origin :- late 15c., from Late Latin paradigma "pattern, example," especially in grammar, from Greek paradeigma "pattern, model; precedent, example," from paradeiknynai "exhibit, represent," literally "show side by side," from para- "beside" (see para- (1)) + deiknynai "to show" (cognate with Latin dicere "to show;" see diction). Related: Paradigmatic; paradigmatical.
- noun example
- The paradigm of a once-for-life education is over, as much as literacy is over.
- Extract from : « The Civilization of Illiteracy » by Mihai Nadin
- These paradigm descriptions facilitate our knowing how we are with others.
- Extract from : « Nursing as Caring » by Anne Boykin
- Verona shall serve as the paradigm for the despotic form of government.
- Extract from : « A Short History of Italy » by Henry Dwight Sedgwick
- The paradigm employed uses eye movement recordings and comprehension measures to study picture-text interactions.
- Extract from : « The Civilization of Illiteracy » by Mihai Nadin
- The paradigm of self-servicing machines, of circuits that can fix themselves (von Neumann's genius at work) is already a reality.
- Extract from : « The Civilization of Illiteracy » by Mihai Nadin
- Their uses will be best ascertained by examining the paradigm at the end of this section.
- Extract from : « Grammar of the New Zealand language (2nd edition) » by Robert Maunsell
- The inheritance of eye color serves as a paradigm of the method of inheritance of any unit-character.
- Extract from : « Introduction to the Science of Sociology » by Robert E. Park
- Rapid Dominance also means looking to invest in technologies perhaps not fully or currently captured by the Cold War paradigm.
- Extract from : « Shock and Awe » by Harlan K. Ullman
- What we intend by the use of the term general theory is similar to "conceptual framework," "conceptual model," or "paradigm."
- Extract from : « Nursing as Caring » by Anne Boykin
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- parabolic reflector
- parachute
- parachuted
- parachuting
- paraclete
- parade
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- parade one wares
- parade wares
- paraded
- paraded one's wares
- parades one's wares
- parades one wares
- paradigm
- paradigmatic
- paradigms
- parading
- paradings
- paradisaic
- paradisaical
- paradisal
- paradise
- paradisiac
- paradisiacal
- paradisiacally
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- paradoxes
- paradoxical
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- paragon
- paragoned
- paragoning
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- paragraphed
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- paralogism
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- paralysis agitan
- paralysis agitans
- paralytic
- paralyze
- paralyzed
- paralyzing
- paralyzings
- paramecia
- paramecium
- paramedic
- paramedics
- parameter
- parameters
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- paramountcy
- paramour
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- paranormal
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Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019