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Synonyms for toss off

Grammar : Adj, verb
Spell : taws, tos
Phonetic Transcription : tɔs, tɒs

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Définition of toss off

Origin :
  • c.1500, possibly from a Scandinavian source (cf. dialectal Norwegian tossa "to strew, spread"). Related: Tossed; tossing. Food preparation sense (with reference to salad, etc.) is recorded from 1723. The noun meaning "an act of throwing" is first recorded 1650s. Tosspot "heavy drinker" is from 1560s. Toss-up "even matter" first recorded 1809, from earlier sense of "a flipping of a coin to arrive at a decision" (c.1700). Tosser as a term of contempt in British slang is recorded from 1977, probably from slang toss off "masturbate" (1969); cf. jerk (n.).
  • As in extemporaneous : adj improvised
  • As in off-the-cuff : adj extemporaneous
  • As in spur-of-the-moment : adj extemporaneous
  • As in invent : verb create, think up
  • As in ingurgitate : verb gulp
  • As in sup : verb drink
  • As in tank up : verb drink
  • As in drink : verb take in liquid
  • As in extemporize : verb improvise
  • As in gulp : verb eat, drink fast

Antonyms for toss off

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019