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Synonyms for nonpareil
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : non-puh-rel |
Phonetic Transcription : ˌnɒn pəˈrɛl |
Définition of nonpareil
Origin :- late 15c., "having no equal," from Middle French nonpareil "unequalled, peerless," from non- "not" (see non-) + pareil "equal." The noun meaning "an unequaled person or thing" is from 1590s; first applied to a kind of candy 1690s. As the name of a printing type (6 point size) it is attested from 1640s.
- noun model of perfection
- The phœnix,” she sighed, “the paragon, the nonpareil of the buttery.
- Extract from : « The Lady of Loyalty House » by Justin Huntly McCarthy
- You know it; in that yallow building over by Nonpareil Square.
- Extract from : « Frictional Electricity » by Max Adeler
- The “Nonpareil” was then taken off, and they started a coach called the “Tally Ho!”
- Extract from : « Hints on Driving » by C. S. Ward
- At that time there was a coach called the “Nonpareil,” running from Devonport to Bristol.
- Extract from : « Hints on Driving » by C. S. Ward
- Two nonpareil columns had to be filled, and I was getting along.
- Extract from : « Roughing It » by Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens)
- It is generally allowed that the Nonpareil is originally from France.
- Extract from : « British Pomology » by Robert Hogg
- It belongs to the Nonpareil family, and is valuable as a late winter apple.
- Extract from : « British Pomology » by Robert Hogg
- These are made in lengths of one yard and in sizes of 6-point (nonpareil), 12-point (pica), and 18-point.
- Extract from : « Typesetting » by A. A. Stewart
- Sprinkle the top with nonpareil candies, and place in ice box.
- Extract from : « The Hotel St. Francis Cook Book » by Victor Hirtzler
- One evening, the nonpareil of its race, especially “burned the mind.”
- Extract from : « The Bonadventure » by Edmund Blunden
Words or expressions associated with your search
- nonpareil
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- nonperformances
- nonperformer
- nonperformers
- nonperishable
- nonperson
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- nonphysical
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- nonplused
- nonplussed
- nonpoisonous
- nonporous
- nonproductive
- nonprofessional
- nonprofit
- nonproliferation treaty
- nonprosecution
- nonprovocative
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