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Synonyms for run through

Grammar : Verb
Spell : ruhn-throo
Phonetic Transcription : ˈrʌnˌθru

Top 10 synonyms for run through Other synonyms for the word run through

Définition of run through

Origin :
  • the modern verb is a merger of two related Old English words, in both of which the first letters sometimes switched places. The first is intransitive rinnan, irnan "to run, flow, run together" (past tense ran, past participle runnen), cognate with (cf. Middle Dutch runnen, Old Saxon, Old High German, Gothic rinnan, German rinnen "to flow, run").
  • The second is Old English transitive weak verb ærnan, earnan "ride, run to, reach, gain by running" (probably a metathesis of *rennan), from Proto-Germanic *rannjanan, causative of the root *ren- "to run." This is cognate with Old Saxon renian, Old High German rennen, German rennen, Gothic rannjan.
  • Both are from PIE *ri-ne-a-, nasalized form of root *reie- "to flow, run" (see Rhine).
  • Of streams, etc., from c.1200; of machinery, from 1560s. Meaning "be in charge of" is first attested 1861, originally American English. Meaning "seek office in an election" is from 1826, American English. Phrase run for it "take flight" is attested from 1640s. Many figurative uses are from horseracing or hunting (e.g. to run (something) into the ground, 1836, American English).
  • To run across "meet" is attested from 1855, American English. To run short "exhaust one's supply" is from 1752; to run out of in the same sense is from 1713. To run around with "consort with" is from 1887. Run away "flee in the face of danger" is from late 14c. To run late is from 1954.
  • verb use up; waste
Example sentences :
  • One of the Javas was run through the body, and a French officer got killed.
  • Extract from : « Ned Myers » by James Fenimore Cooper
  • He had already had two wives, and run through their fortunes.
  • Extract from : « Night and Morning, Complete » by Edward Bulwer-Lytton
  • We may observe a like distinction to run through all the other perceptions of the mind.
  • Extract from : « An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding » by David Hume
  • Cowardice is catching and will run through an army like the putrid fever.'
  • Extract from : « Micah Clarke » by Arthur Conan Doyle
  • When he had run through all his money, his relatives cast him out.
  • Extract from : « The Chinese Fairy Book » by Various
  • The mining-tunnel does not run through a hill, but only into it.
  • Extract from : « Hittel on Gold Mines and Mining » by John S. Hittell
  • Larkin left her a little money, but I guess she's run through most of it by this time.
  • Extract from : « Thankful's Inheritance » by Joseph C. Lincoln
  • His talk sounded as if it had been run through a meat chopper.
  • Extract from : « The Depot Master » by Joseph C. Lincoln
  • Mr. Taylor he mentioned as having been run through the body with a spear.
  • Extract from : « Journal of a Residence at Bagdad » by Anthony Groves
  • Please take her in and see that she is made at home while I run through my mail.
  • Extract from : « Blue-grass and Broadway » by Maria Thompson Daviess

Antonyms for run through

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