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Synonyms for touchstone
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : tuhch-stohn |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈtʌtʃˌstoʊn |
Top 10 synonyms for touchstone Other synonyms for the word touchstone
Définition of touchstone
Origin :- late 15c., from touch (v.) + stone (n.). Black quartz, used for testing the quality of gold and silver alloys by the color of the streak made by rubbing them on it. Cf. also basalt. Figurative sense is from 1530s.
- noun guide
- Fictions or realities, could they survive the touchstone of this atom of common sense?
- Extract from : « The Uncommercial Traveller » by Charles Dickens
- Descartes therefore made evidence the touchstone of certainty.
- Extract from : « Initiation into Philosophy » by Emile Faguet
- I shall have a double respect for his opinion, for this is the touchstone of a man's honesty.
- Extract from : « Homeward Bound » by James Fenimore Cooper
- For Vere's eyes were surely a touchstone to discover honesty.
- Extract from : « A Spirit in Prison » by Robert Hichens
- The answer does not satisfy Socrates, who fears that he is losing his touchstone.
- Extract from : « Gorgias » by Plato
- You can test it now, and by a touchstone that cannot deceive.
- Extract from : « The Bramleighs Of Bishop's Folly » by Charles James Lever
- It is especially her own, and it is the touchstone by which a true heart tests all others.
- Extract from : « In Direst Peril » by David Christie Murray
- The bridegroom's offering to the clergyman is indeed the touchstone of his refinement.
- Extract from : « The Etiquette of To-day » by Edith B. Ordway
- What is the test, the touchstone, by which we can tell to which class any value belongs?
- Extract from : « The Booklover and His Books » by Harry Lyman Koopman
- The touchstone of most animals is the nose, and not the eye.
- Extract from : « The Wit of a Duck and Other Papers » by John Burroughs
Words or expressions associated with your search
- add finishing touches
- adds finishing touches
- be in touch
- be in touch with
- cartouche
- easy touch
- finishing touch
- gat in touch
- gat touch
- gat touch with
- get in touch
- get in touch with
- get touch
- get touch with
- gets in touch
- gets in touch with
- gets touch
- gets touch with
- getting in touch
- getting in touch with
- getting touch with
- in touch
- in touch with
- keep in touch
- keep touch
- keeping in touch
- keeping touch
- keeps in touch
- kept in touch
- kept touch
- Midas touch
- not touch
- not touching
- put the touch on
- putting touch
- re touch
- re touches
- re touching
- thin-skinned touchy
- touch
- touch-and-go
- touch and go
- touch base
- touch base with
- touch of frost
- touch off
- touch shoulders
- touch up
- touchable
- touchableness
- touched
- touchiness
- touching
- touchstone
- touchy
- touchy feely
- touchy-feely
- untouched
- was in touch
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