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Synonyms for paint

Grammar : Noun, verb
Spell : peynt
Phonetic Transcription : peɪnt

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Définition of paint

Origin :
  • early 13c., "represent in painting or drawing, portray;" early 14c., "paint the surface of, color, stain;" from Old French peintier "to paint," from peint, past participle of peindre "to paint," from Latin pingere "to paint, represent in a picture, stain; embroider, tattoo," from PIE root *peig-/*peik- "to cut" (cf. Sanskrit pimsati "hews out, cuts, carves, adorns," Old Church Slavonic pila "file, saw," Lithuanian pela "file"). Sense evolution between PIE and Latin was, presumably, from "decorate with cut marks" to "decorate" to "decorate with color." Cf. Sanskrit pingah "reddish," pesalah "adorned, decorated, lovely," Old Church Slavonic pegu "variegated;" Greek poikilos "variegated;" Old High German fehjan "to adorn;" Old Church Slavonic pisati, Lithuanian piesiu "to write." Probably also representing the "cutting" branch of the family is Old English feol (see file (n.)).
  • To paint the town (red) "go on a spree" first recorded 1884; to paint (someone or something) black "represent it as wicked or evil" is from 1590s. Adjective paint-by-numbers "simple" is attested by 1970; the art-for-beginners kits themselves date to c.1953.
  • noun tinted covering
  • verb apply colored tint, often to make design
Example sentences :
  • He will paint the same scene under a dozen conditions of light.
  • Extract from : « Ballads of a Bohemian » by Robert W. Service
  • Why did Shakespeare want to paint this unpleasant bitter-tongued wife?
  • Extract from : « The Man Shakespeare » by Frank Harris
  • He could paint you Bassanio or Benedick or Mercutio to the life.
  • Extract from : « The Man Shakespeare » by Frank Harris
  • His passion is so intense that he has no desire to paint her seduction as greater than it was.
  • Extract from : « The Man Shakespeare » by Frank Harris
  • S' fur 's the pitcher goes, it's about as good 's kin be did with paint, I guess.
  • Extract from : « Chip, of the Flying U » by B. M. Bower
  • Yes, except the part that makes the picture worth the paint it's done with!
  • Extract from : « Chip, of the Flying U » by B. M. Bower
  • There was one which he did paint at once, however—though no one saw it but Della.
  • Extract from : « Chip, of the Flying U » by B. M. Bower
  • He has got to paint them so you can tell them apart the minute you look at them, hain't he?
  • Extract from : « Tom Sawyer Abroad » by Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens)
  • In the hurry of finishing, some of the woodwork had but one coat of paint.
  • Extract from : « Tales And Novels, Volume 4 (of 10) » by Maria Edgeworth
  • Eudora's, behind her trees and leafing vines, was gray for lack of paint.
  • Extract from : « The Yates Pride » by Mary E. Wilkins Freeman

Antonyms for paint

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