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Antonyms for avoidance
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : uh-void-ns |
Phonetic Transcription : əˈvɔɪd ns |
Definition of avoidance
Origin :- late 14c., "action of emptying," from avoid + -ance. Sense of "action of dodging or shunning" is recorded from early 15c.; it also meant "action of making legally invalid," 1620s; "becoming vacant" (of an office, etc.), mid-15c.
- noun eluding; preventing
- And to the class of opposites belong assent and dissent, desire and avoidance.
- Extract from : « The Republic » by Plato
- Pleasure is an object of desire, pain of avoidance; and the absence of pain is to be preferred to pain, but not to pleasure.
- Extract from : « Laws » by Plato
- There was a pause, and whilst his eyes were upon hers, hers were upon the ground in avoidance of his glance.
- Extract from : « Love-at-Arms » by Raphael Sabatini
- Mackenzie determined there was not going to be any avoidance on his part.
- Extract from : « The Flockmaster of Poison Creek » by George W. Ogden
- For the purpose of all their delays had been compromise, and their hope was the avoidance of bloodshed.
- Extract from : « The Siege of Boston » by Allen French
- And do you go to him this second time and see what may be done in the matter of avoidance.
- Extract from : « The O'Ruddy » by Stephen Crane
- To excuse his avoidance of the natural greeting he looked at Gaspare.
- Extract from : « The Call of the Blood » by Robert Smythe Hichens
- But avoidance of the new planes was all the good the train trip did him.
- Extract from : « Out Like a Light » by Gordon Randall Garrett
- He gets his right to avoid it from the agreement, but the avoidance comes from him.
- Extract from : « The Common Law » by Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
- Much of the world's big mischief is due to the avoidance of a bigger one.
- Extract from : « Laurus Nobilis » by Vernon Lee
Synonyms for avoidance
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019