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Antonyms for de signs

Grammar : Noun, verb
Spell : dih-zahyn
Phonetic Transcription : dɪˈzaɪn

Definition of de signs

Origin :
  • 1843, from re- + design (n.). Related: Redesigned; redesigning.
  • As in imprint : noun impression; symbol
  • As in intent/intention : noun aim, purpose
  • As in intrigue : noun scheme
  • As in invention : noun creation, creativeness
  • As in label : noun marker, description; brand
  • As in layout : noun physical arrangement
  • As in arrangement : noun something that has been ordered
  • As in array : noun collection, considerable group
  • As in machination : noun maneuver, plot
  • As in makeup : noun structure, composition
  • As in art : noun creation meant to communicate or appeal to senses or mind
  • As in map : noun chart of geographic area
  • As in meaning : noun intention, aim
  • As in method : noun means, procedure
  • As in method : noun order, pattern
  • As in methodology : noun methods
  • As in model : noun example, standard
  • As in model : noun type, version
  • As in mold : noun form, pattern
  • As in motif : noun central theme
  • As in motive : noun reason, purpose
  • As in object : noun purpose, use
  • As in objective : noun aim, goal
  • As in organization : noun arrangement, arranging
  • As in ornament : noun decoration
  • As in plot : noun plan, scheme
  • As in plot : noun story line
  • As in point : noun goal, aim
  • As in policy : noun procedure, tactics
  • As in program : noun scheme, plan
  • As in project : noun undertaking, work
  • As in proposal : noun suggestion, presentation for action
  • As in prospectus : noun details, outline of event
  • As in purport : noun meaning, implication
  • As in purpose : noun intention, meaning, aim
  • As in reason : noun intention, aim
  • As in resolve : noun decision, determination
  • As in scheme : noun course of action
  • As in skeleton : noun structure of bones in animate being or supports in an object
  • As in sketch : noun drawing, outline
  • As in strategy : noun plan of action
  • As in structure : noun makeup, form
  • As in style : noun fashion, manner
  • As in symbol : noun letter, character, sign of written communication
  • As in thought : noun idea, concept
  • As in view : noun something that is seen
  • As in way : noun method, technique
  • As in will : noun personal choice
  • As in workmanship : noun craftsmanship
  • As in engineering : noun the science of applying power to use
  • As in handiwork : noun personal work
  • As in blueprint : noun plan
  • As in game plan : noun thought out strategy
  • As in : noun art object
  • As in rough diamond : noun rough copy
  • As in visual arts : noun fine arts
  • As in premeditation : noun intention
  • As in representation : noun description
  • As in tattoo : noun design on the skin
  • As in cachet : noun distinction
  • As in intention : noun goal
  • As in monogram : noun symbol
  • As in painting : noun artwork
  • As in excogitation : noun conception
  • As in grouping : noun arrangement
  • As in ingeniousness : noun invention
  • As in inventiveness : noun invention
  • As in lineup : noun arrangement
  • As in orderliness : noun method
  • As in significancy : noun idea
  • As in story line : noun plot
  • As in systematization : noun method
  • As in systemization : noun method
  • As in composition : noun structure, arrangement
  • As in conception : noun understanding; idea
  • As in constitution : noun physical make-up and health
  • As in contemplation : noun deep thought; planning
  • As in contrivance : noun plan, fabrication
  • As in custom : noun ritual, traditional action
  • As in decoration : noun particular type of embellishment
  • As in design : noun sketch, draft
  • As in design : noun artful conception
  • As in design : noun intention
  • As in destination : noun goal; place one wants to go
  • As in destiny : noun fate
  • As in detail : noun feature, specific aspect
  • As in device : noun ploy, scheme, maneuver
  • As in device : noun symbol, emblem
  • As in diagram : noun drawing, sketch of form or plan
  • As in discovery : noun treasure; invention
  • As in aim : noun goal
  • As in drawing : noun illustration
  • As in dream : noun goal
  • As in drift : noun meaning, significance of communication
  • As in emblem : noun crest
  • As in end : noun intention, aim
  • As in expectation : noun belief, anticipation
  • As in expediency/expedience : noun resource
  • As in faction : noun group sharing a belief or cause
  • As in form : noun shape; arrangement
  • As in form : noun type, kind
  • As in formation : noun composition, establishment
  • As in gambit : noun plan, plot
  • As in game : noun plot, trick
  • As in goal : noun aim, purpose of an action
  • As in guide : noun something that or someone who leads
  • As in handicraft : noun artwork, skill
  • As in idea : noun something understood, planned, or
  • As in illustration : noun drawing, artwork that assists explanation
  • As in import : noun significance, weight
  • As in intend : verb have in mind; determine
  • As in invent : verb create, think up
  • As in arrange : verb make plans, often involving agreement
  • As in machinate : verb maneuver, plot
  • As in maneuver : verb plan, scheme
  • As in mean : verb have in mind; intend
  • As in meditate : verb contemplate
  • As in model : verb form, shape
  • As in paint : verb apply colored tint, often to make design
  • As in pattern : verb copy, imitate; decorate
  • As in plan : verb think out; prepare in advance
  • As in plan : verb intend, mean
  • As in plot : verb plan, scheme
  • As in produce : verb generate, create
  • As in program : verb plan out; supply instructions
  • As in project : verb plan
  • As in propose : verb intend; have in mind
  • As in purpose : verb intend, set sights on
  • As in represent : verb depict, show
  • As in resolve : verb make up one's mind; find solution
  • As in sketch : verb draw, outline
  • As in systematize : verb put in order
  • As in calculate : verb plan on
  • As in cast : verb select for activity
  • As in chart : verb plan, map out
  • As in configure : verb set up
  • As in systemize : verb order
  • As in compose : verb create writing, artwork, or music
  • As in conceive : verb create
  • As in concoct : verb formulate, think up
  • As in construct : verb assemble, build
  • As in contemplate : verb think about seriously; plan
  • As in create : verb develop in mind or physically
  • As in depict : verb describe, render in drawing or writing
  • As in design : verb plan, outline
  • As in design : verb create, conceive
  • As in design : verb intend, mean to do
  • As in destine : verb predetermine, ordain
  • As in devise : verb conceive, dream up
  • As in discover : verb find, uncover
  • As in aim : verb point or direct at a goal
  • As in draft : verb formulate
  • As in draw : verb create a likeness in a picture
  • As in drive at : verb mean, suggest as meaning
  • As in forge : verb counterfeit
  • As in form : verb bring into existence; make, produce
  • As in frame : verb compose, plan
  • As in hatch : verb create, plan
Example sentences :
  • Dat is, de signs what de folks used to believe in dey don't believe in no more.
  • Extract from : « Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves: Volume II, Arkansas Narratives, Part 2 » by Work Projects Administration
  • Dose are all de signs I kin 'member and I don't 'member nothin' 'bout slavery remedies.
  • Extract from : « Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves: Volume IV, Georgia Narratives, Part 1 » by Work Projects Administration
  • Curious you ain't tuck notice of de signs of de times ez dey's been expounded 'mongst de people by Doct' Duvall.
  • Extract from : « Sundry Accounts » by Irvin S. Cobb
  • Don't know, honey; de signs don't p'int to no one person: but hit's in yer life, an' de shadow rests ag'in' you.
  • Extract from : « Sandy » by Alice Hegan Rice
  • De old folks in dem days knows more about de signs dat de Lawd uses to reveal His laws den de folks of today.
  • Extract from : « Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves » by Work Projects Administration

Synonyms for de signs

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019