Antonyms for re spects
Grammar : Noun, verb |
Spell : ri-spekt |
Phonetic Transcription : rɪˈspɛkt |
- abandon
- abhor
- abstain
- abuse
- accusation
- aloofness
- amorality
- animosity
- answer
- antagonism
- apathy
- bad behavior
- bad manners
- badness
- be critical
- be quiet
- blackball
- blame
- blemish
- bluntness
- break
- calmness
- carelessness
- castigate
- cause
- censure
- coldness
- complaint
- condemn
- condemnation
- consume
- contradict
- coolness
- corruption
- criticism
- criticize
- crudeness
- cruelty
- debasement
- debt
- deceit
- decline
- decrease
- defend
- degradation
- demur
- denial
- denounce
- denunciation
- deny
- depreciate
- depreciation
- deride
- derision
- despise
- detest
- detriment
- disadvantage
- disagree
- disagreeableness
- disagreement
- disallow
- disapproval
- disapprove
- disavow
- disbelief
- disbelieve
- discard
- disclaimer
- discontent
- discourtesy
- disdain
- disfavor
- disgrace
- dishonesty
- dishonor
- disinterest
- disjoin
- dislike
- disloyalty
- dismiss
- disobedience
- disobey
- disown
- disparage
- disparagement
- disperse
- dispute
- disqualify
- disregard
- disrespect
- dissatisfaction
- dissent
- dissuade
- dullness
- enmity
- entirety
- evil
- execrate
- expectation
- fail
- failure
- fairness
- faithlessness
- familiarity
- farewell
- fear
- fearlessness
- fight
- forget
- forgetfulness
- generality
- generalization
- give
- give up
- goodbye
- halt
- hand over
- happiness
- harm
- hate
- hatred
- heedlessness
- hindrance
- humiliation
- hurt
- ignorance
- ignore
- ill repute
- ill will
- immorality
- impartiality
- impoliteness
- impurity
- inattention
- incompatibility
- inconstancy
- indecency
- indifference
- injure
- injury
- insensitivity
- insult
- intimacy
- intolerance
- invalidate
- irresponsibility
- leave
- let go
- let happen
- libel
- look away
- loose
- loosen
- lose
- lose value
- loss
- lowliness
- lying
- meanness
- misbehavior
- mischief
- misery
- misinterpretation
- mismanage
- miss
- mistake
- misunderstand
- misunderstanding
- misuse
- mock
- mutiny
- need
- neglect
- negligence
- noncompliance
- nonconformity
- not care
- not conform
- obstinancy
- omission
- oppose
- opposition
- overlook
- personality
- plan
- pompousness
- prevent
- protest
- rebellion
- rebuff
- receive
- refusal
- refuse
- reject
- rejection
- release
- renounce
- reply
- reproach
- repudiate
- repudiation
- resist
- ridicule
- roughness
- rudeness
- scorn
- separate
- silence
- slander
- sorrow
- steadiness
- stigma
- stop
- thoughtlessness
- treachery
- truth
- unethicalness
- unfairness
- unfasten
- unfriendliness
- unhappiness
- unmannerliness
- veto
- violate
- whole
- withhold
Definition of re spects
Origin :- late 14c., "relationship, relation; regard, consideration," from Old French respect and directly from Latin respectus "regard, a looking at," literally "act of looking back (or often) at one," noun use of past participle of respicere "look back at, regard, consider," from re- "back" (see re-) + specere "look at" (see scope (n.1)). Meanings "feeling of esteem excited by actions or attributes of someone or something; courteous or considerate treatment due to personal worth or power" are from 1580s, as is sense of "point, particular feature."
- As in appreciation : noun recognition of worth
- As in approval : noun good opinion
- As in love : noun adoration; very strong liking
- As in notice : noun observation
- As in obedience : noun good behavior; submissiveness
- As in obeisance : noun salutation
- As in attention(s) : noun courtesy
- As in point : noun aspect, characteristic
- As in awe : noun amazement
- As in recognition : noun identification, acknowledgment
- As in regard : noun affection, good opinion
- As in regard : noun feature, detail
- As in regards : noun best wishes
- As in respect : noun admiration given by others
- As in respect : noun way, sense
- As in respects : noun good wishes
- As in reverence : noun high opinion of something
- As in sake : noun benefit, gain
- As in tribute : noun testimonial, praise
- As in viewpoint : noun way of thinking
- As in way : noun characteristic, habit
- As in worship : noun honoring, glorification
- As in veneration : noun reverence
- As in good manners : noun social graces
- As in civility : noun niceness
- As in veneration : noun honoring
- As in attentiveness : noun consideration
- As in good name : noun honor
- As in good report : noun honor
- As in circumstance : noun situation, condition
- As in mannerliness : noun courtesy
- As in politesse : noun courtesy
- As in repute : noun honor
- As in submissiveness : noun obedience
- As in thankfulness : noun appreciation
- As in tractability : noun obedience
- As in tractableness : noun obedience
- As in complaisance : noun agreeableness
- As in compliment : noun praise, flattery
- As in consideration : noun high regard
- As in court : noun wooing
- As in courtesy : noun good manners
- As in deference : noun attention, homage
- As in detail : noun feature, specific aspect
- As in duty : noun moral obligation
- As in estimation : noun belief, guess
- As in favor : noun approval, good opinion; help
- As in greeting : noun welcome; message of kindness
- As in heed : noun care, thought
- As in homage : noun devotion, admiration
- As in honor : noun praise, award
- As in appreciate : verb value highly
- As in approve : verb agree something is good
- As in keep : verb commemorate; pay attention to
- As in mind : verb comply, obey
- As in observe : verb celebrate, commemorate
- As in observe : verb abide by, obey
- As in rate : verb judge, classify
- As in recognize : verb acknowledge, understand;
- As in regard : verb look at; listen to
- As in regard : verb believe, judge
- As in respect : verb admire; obey
- As in revere/reverence : verb have a high opinion of
- As in accept : verb put up with
- As in treat : verb act, behave towards
- As in venerate : verb revere
- As in worship : verb honor, glorify
- As in answer to : verb be responsible to
- As in revere : verb prize
- As in care : verb regard highly
- As in adhere : verb conform to or follow rules exactly
- As in comply : verb abide by, follow agreement or instructions
- As in admire : verb hold in high regard
- As in consider : verb regard a certain way
- As in consult : verb ask, confer
- As in esteem : verb think highly of
Synonyms for re spects
- ABCs
- abide by
- accede
- accept
- acceptance
- accessory
- accident
- acclaim
- acclamation
- accolade
- accommodation
- accommodativeness
- accord
- accordance
- accosting
- account
- accountability
- accountableness
- acknowledge
- acknowledging
- acknowledgment
- acquiesce
- acquiescence
- act with regard to
- action
- address
- adhere
- adhere to
- adjudge
- adjunct
- admiration
- admire
- admission
- admit
- adopt
- adoration
- adore
- adulate
- adulation
- advantage
- advertise
- aesthetic sense
- affability
- affair
- affection
- agree
- agree to
- agreement
- aid
- allegiance
- allow
- allowance
- aloha
- amenability
- amenableness
- amenities
- amenity
- amiability
- amity
- amorousness
- amour
- analyze
- angle
- answerability
- apotheosis
- apotheosize
- apperception
- applaud
- applause
- application
- appraisal
- appraise
- appreciate
- appreciation
- apprehending
- apprehension
- apprise
- approbate
- approbation
- approval
- approve
- approve accept
- ardency
- ardor
- argue
- arithmetic
- article
- ask advice of
- aspect
- assay
- assent
- assess
- assessment
- assiduities
- assimilation
- assistance
- astonishment
- attachment
- attend
- attention
- attentiveness
- attitude
- attraction
- attribute
- avow
- avowal
- awareness
- awe
- backing
- badge
- bays
- be attached
- be aware of
- be awed by
- be big on
- be closeted with
- be constant
- be crazy about
- be crazy for
- be crazy over
- be devoted
- be devoted to
- be faithful
- be fond of
- be in awe of
- be kind to
- be loyal
- be mad about
- be nuts about
- be ruled by
- be stuck on
- be sweet on
- be true
- be wild about
- beam
- bear
- bear in mind
- bear with
- bearing
- beatification
- behalf
- behave
- behavior
- behold
- believe
- bending of the knee
- benediction
- benefit
- benevolence
- benignity
- best wishes
- bias
- bless
- blessing
- blow
- boon
- bouquet
- bow
- bow down to
- brainstorm
- brass tacks
- burden
- buttering up
- button down
- cajolery
- calculate
- calculating
- call in
- call of duty
- canonize
- capitulate
- card
- care
- care for
- carefulness
- case
- cause
- caution
- cave in
- celebrate
- ceremony
- championship
- chant
- chapel
- chapter and verse
- character
- charge
- chastity
- cherish
- cherishing
- chivalry
- church service
- ciao
- ciphering
- circumstance
- circumstantial
- circumstantiality
- citation
- civility
- class
- cleave to
- cogitate
- cognizance
- coincidence
- collogue
- come around
- comity
- commend
- commendation
- commendations
- commune
- comp
- compare notes
- compellation
- complaisance
- compliance
- compliancy
- compliment
- compliments
- comply
- comply with
- component
- comprehend
- comprehension
- computation
- concede
- concentration
- concern
- concession
- condition
- conduct
- conduct oneself toward
- confab
- confabulate
- confess
- confession
- confirmation
- conform
- conform to
- conformability
- conformity
- congratulations
- connection
- conscience
- consciousness
- consecrate
- consent to
- consider
- considerateness
- consideration
- considered opinion
- consternation
- constituent
- consuetude
- contemplate
- contingency
- cooperation
- cordiality
- count
- countenance
- courage
- courteousness
- courtesies
- courtesy
- courtliness
- credit
- crisis
- crush
- cry uncle
- cue
- cultivation
- culture
- curiosity
- curtsy
- custom
- deal with
- debate
- decency
- decoration
- decorum
- dedicate
- deem
- defer
- defer to
- deference
- deification
- deify
- deliberate
- deliberation
- delight
- delight in
- design
- desire
- destiny
- detail
- detection
- determine
- devoir
- devoirs
- devotedness
- devotion
- devoutness
- dignity
- direction
- discharge
- discovery
- discuss
- dispensation
- distinction
- ditto
- do as told
- docility
- don't make waves
- don't rock the boat
- doom
- dope
- dote on
- double take
- dread
- duteousness
- dutifulness
- duty
- ear
- elegance
- element
- emotion
- employ
- enchantment
- encomium
- encouragement
- endorsement
- endure
- enjoy
- enjoyment
- episode
- esteem
- estimate
- estimating
- estimation
- etiquette
- eulogize
- eulogy
- evaluate
- evaluation
- event
- exalt
- exaltation
- examine
- exigency
- extol
- eye
- eyeball
- face it
- facet
- fact
- factor
- fairness
- faithfulness
- fall for
- familiarity
- fashion
- fate
- favor
- fealty
- fear
- feature
- feel
- felicitation
- fervor
- fettle
- fidelity
- figuring
- find congenial
- fine point
- fit in
- fix
- flame
- flap
- flash
- fold
- follow
- follow orders
- fondness
- forbearance
- form
- formality
- fortuity
- fraction
- frame of reference
- friendliness
- friendship
- fright
- fulfill
- gait
- gallantness
- gallantry
- gaze
- generosity
- geniality
- genteelness
- gentility
- gentleness
- genuflection
- get a load of
- get high on
- gift
- give attention
- give in
- give out
- give up
- glorify
- glory
- go
- go along with
- go for
- go with the flow
- good
- good behavior
- good breeding
- good faith
- good name
- good report
- good turn
- good will
- good wishes
- good word
- goodness
- grace
- graciousness
- grade
- grant
- grasp
- gratefulness
- gratitude
- greet
- greeting
- greetings
- grin and bear it
- groove
- groove on
- ground
- groupthink
- guess at
- guise
- hail
- hallow
- handle
- hankering
- happening
- happenstance
- have business with
- have good opinion of
- have high opinion
- have recourse to
- have to do with
- heed
- heedfulness
- hello
- heralding
- hi
- high esteem
- high five
- high regard
- high sign
- highball
- hold
- hold an opinion
- hold dear
- hold in awe
- hold in respect
- homage
- honestness
- honesty
- honor
- hook
- horror
- how-do-you-do
- howdy
- huddle
- identifying
- idiosyncrasy
- idolatry
- idolization
- idolize
- impression
- incident
- inclination
- incorruption
- incorruptness
- indulgence
- infatuation
- innocence
- instance
- integrity
- interest
- interestedness
- interrogate
- intervention
- interview
- invocation
- involvement
- item
- judge
- judgment
- juncture
- keep
- keep in view
- kick
- kick ideas around
- kind wishes
- kindliness
- kindness
- kismet
- kneeling
- knowledge
- knuckle to
- knuckle under
- kowtow
- kudo
- kudos
- largess
- laud
- laudation
- laurels
- letter
- liability
- light
- like
- liking
- listen
- listen up
- live with
- long view
- look on
- look up to
- look upon
- lot
- love
- love and kisses
- loyalty
- lust
- mad for
- magnify
- maintain
- make
- make allowance for
- manage
- manageability
- manner
- mannerliness
- mark
- marvel at
- material
- matter
- measure
- meat and potatoes
- meekness
- memorial
- memory
- mercy
- mind
- mindfulness
- minor point
- minutia
- modesty
- Moira
- moon over
- morality
- morals
- nature
- negotiate
- nicety
- nitty-gritty
- nod
- note
- notice
- noticing
- nuts and bolts
- obedience
- obeisance
- obey
- obligement
- obligingness
- obsequiousness
- observance
- observation
- observe
- observe of
- occasion
- occurrence
- offer prayers to
- offering
- okay
- opinion
- orchid
- orderliness
- outlook
- ovation
- overlook
- own
- panegyric
- parlay
- part
- partiality
- particular
- passion
- pat on the back
- pat on the head
- patronage
- pay attention
- pay heed
- pay homage
- pay homage to
- peculiarity
- peg
- perceive
- perceiving
- perception
- perform
- personality
- perspective
- phase
- pick one's brains
- piety
- pigeonhole
- pipe
- place
- plan
- play
- play ball
- play the game
- pleasure
- pledge
- point
- point of observation
- point of view
- polish
- politeness
- politesse
- pore over
- portion
- position
- posture
- posy
- powwow
- PR
- practice
- praise
- praxis
- pray to
- prayer
- predicting
- present
- prestige
- price
- principles
- privilege
- prize
- prizing
- probity
- profit
- property
- propriety
- prostration
- proviso
- puff
- pumping up
- purity
- put away
- put down as
- put down for
- put heads together
- put on a pedestal
- put on pedestal
- put out
- put up with
- quality
- question
- quietness
- quit
- rank
- rapture
- rate
- rate highly
- react toward
- read
- realization
- realize
- recall
- recalling
- reception
- reckon
- reckon with
- reckoning
- recognition
- recognizance
- recognize
- recollection
- recommendation
- rectitude
- recurrence
- redline
- refer to
- reference
- refinement
- reflect
- regard
- regard highly
- regards
- relate to standard
- relation
- relevance
- religiousness
- relish
- remark
- remember
- remembering
- remembrance
- remembrances
- repayment
- reputation
- repute
- respect
- respectfulness
- respects
- responsivenesss
- revere
- reverence
- review
- righteo
- righteous
- righteousness
- rite
- ritual
- ritualize
- roll over and play dead
- roll with punches
- rumble
- salaam
- salutation
- salutations
- salute
- salvo
- sanctify
- sanction
- satisfaction
- satisfy
- savor
- scan
- scene
- schedule
- score
- scrutinize
- see
- seek advice
- seek opinion of
- sense
- sensibility
- sensitiveness
- sensitivity
- sentiment
- serve
- service
- servility
- set at
- set down
- set store by
- shape
- shape up
- shock
- shot
- show consideration
- show courtesy
- side
- sing
- sing praises to
- singularity
- sit still for
- situation
- size up
- slant
- soft spot
- solemnize
- solicitousness
- solicitude
- source of pride
- spare
- speaking to
- specialty
- specification
- spotlight
- spy
- stance
- stand
- stand by
- stand for
- stand in with
- standpoint
- stare at
- state
- status
- stay in line
- stipulation
- stock
- stomach
- store
- straighten up
- string along with
- strokes
- stroking
- structure
- study
- stupefaction
- style
- suavity
- submission
- submissiveness
- submit
- submit to
- subservience
- suffer
- suit
- supervention
- supplication
- support
- suppose
- surmise
- survey
- swallow
- sympathy
- tab
- tact
- tag
- take
- take a meeting
- take account of
- take counsel
- take for
- take heed
- take into account
- take into consideration
- take notice of
- take one's measure
- take pleasure in
- take to
- take up on
- talk over
- tameness
- taste
- technicality
- tender loving care
- tenderness
- terror
- testimonial
- thanks
- thing
- think
- think highly of
- think of
- think the world of
- thought
- thoughtfulness
- throw in towel
- time
- token
- tolerance
- tolerate
- tone
- toss ideas around
- toss it in
- tractability
- tractableness
- trait
- treasure
- treat
- tribute
- trick
- trivia
- triviality
- trustworthiness
- truthfulness
- tumble
- turn to
- twist
- two cents' worth
- typecast
- understanding
- uphold
- uprightness
- urbanity
- usage
- use
- ushering in
- valuate
- valuation
- value
- valuing
- vantage point
- venerate
- veneration
- vengeance
- verifying
- vespers
- view
- virtue
- want
- warm fuzzy
- watch
- watchfulness
- weakness
- weigh
- welfare
- well-being
- what's happening
- where it's at
- wield
- willingness
- witness
- wonder
- wonder at
- wonderment
- wont
- worship
- wow
- wrath
- yearning
- yes one
- yield
- yield to
- zeal
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019