Synonyms for crush
Grammar : Noun, verb |
Spell : kruhsh |
Phonetic Transcription : krʌʃ |
Top 10 synonyms for crush Other synonyms for the word crush
- abash
- bear down
- beguin
- blot out
- blow away
- bray
- browbeat
- buck
- chagrin
- comminute
- conquer
- contriturate
- contuse
- crease
- crowd
- crunch
- desire
- drove
- dump
- embrace
- enfold
- express
- extinguish
- flame
- force down
- gathering
- huddle
- hug
- ice
- jam
- kablooey
- kill
- love affair
- mash
- mortify
- multitude
- obliterate
- overcome
- overpower
- overwhelm
- party
- passion
- pound
- powder
- press
- pulverize
- puppy love
- push
- put away
- put down
- quash
- quelch
- quell
- reduce
- romp
- ruin
- rumple
- shame
- squash
- squeeze
- squelch
- squish
- stamp out
- strangle
- subdue
- subjugate
- suppress
- throng
- torch
- total
- trample
- tread
- triturate
- tumult
- vanquish
- wreck
- wrinkle
Définition of crush
Origin :- mid-14c., from Old French cruissir (Modern French écraser), variant of croissir "to gnash (teeth), crash, break," perhaps from Frankish *krostjan "to gnash" (cf. Gothic kriustan, Old Swedish krysta "to gnash"). Figurative sense of "to humiliate, demoralize" is c.1600. Related: Crushed; crushing. Italian crosciare, Catalan cruxir, Spanish crujirare "to crack" are Germanic loan-words.
- noun crowd of animate beings
- noun infatuation
- verb compress, smash
- verb defeating soundly
- verb humiliate
- Beneath the car of this Juggernaut we must flout our judgments and crush our affections.
- Extract from : « The Conquest of Fear » by Basil King
- And she seemed about to crush it on the top of the stone balustrade at the edge of the platform.
- Extract from : « The Trail Book » by Mary Austin
- That's a kind of human feeling you don't want to crush out in a man.
- Extract from : « The Underdog » by F. Hopkinson Smith
- He was daily worse fed, and as the weeks went by was daily less able to crush a foe.
- Extract from : « The Biography of a Grizzly » by Ernest Seton-Thompson
- Before, he had looked like a giant; now Wahb felt he could crush him with one paw.
- Extract from : « The Biography of a Grizzly » by Ernest Seton-Thompson
- However, he still felt able to crush his unfortunate room-mate.
- Extract from : « One Day's Courtship » by Robert Barr
- I will see her, and that when he is not near to crush every loving impulse as it rises.
- Extract from : « Graham's Magazine Vol XXXIII No. 2 August 1848 » by Various
- We have lost (p. 268) the occasion to crush three-fourths of the rebellion.
- Extract from : « Diary from November 12, 1862, to October 18, 1863 » by Adam Gurowski
- All tyrants want to crush reason, from the weak king to the weak father.
- Extract from : « Shelley, Godwin and Their Circle » by H. N. Brailsford
- I thought it was just a crush—that I could take it or leave it, you know—but you are different.
- Extract from : « The Innocent Adventuress » by Mary Hastings Bradley
Antonyms for crush
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019