Synonyms for service
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : sur-vis |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈsɜr vɪs |
Top 10 synonyms for service Other synonyms for the word service
- action
- active duty
- advantage
- applicability
- appropriateness
- avail
- ceremonial
- ceremony
- check
- combat
- courtesy
- dispensation
- employ
- favor
- fighting
- fitness
- formality
- indulgence
- kindness
- labor
- liturgy
- ministration
- observance
- overhaul
- relevance
- ritual
- sermon
- serviceability
- servicing
- sting
- use
- usefulness
- utility
- value
- work
- worship
Définition of service
Origin :- c.1100, "celebration of public worship," from Old French servise "act of homage; servitude; service at table; Mass, church ceremony," from Latin servitium "slavery, condition of a slave, servitude," also "slaves collectively," from servus "slave" (see serve (v.)).
- Meaning "act of serving, occupation of an attendant servant" is attested from c.1200, as is that of "assistance, help; a helpful act." From c.1300 as "provision of food; sequence of dishes served in a meal;" from late 14c. as "service at table, attendance during a meal." Meaning "the furniture of the table" (tea service, etc.) is from mid-15c.
- Meanings "state of being bound to undertake tasks for someone or at someone's direction; labor performed or undertaken for another" are mid-13c. Sense of "service or employment in a court or administration" is from c.1300, as is that of "military service (especially by a knight); employment as a soldier;" hence "the military as an occupation" (1706).
- Also in Middle English "sexual intercourse, conjugal relations" (mid-15c.; service of Venus, or flesh's service). Service industry (as distinct from production) attested from 1938. A service station originally was a gas stop that also repaired cars.
- noun aid, help
- noun rite of a church
- noun time in military operation
- In your service I have spent many toilsome days and sleepless nights.
- Extract from : « Philothea » by Lydia Maria Child
- It is only right that I should employ a portion in His service.
- Extract from : « Brave and Bold » by Horatio Alger
- In his pocket there were nearly two hundred dollars, not likely to be of any service to him.
- Extract from : « Brave and Bold » by Horatio Alger
- Then they wait for a third service, and after that start out home again.
- Extract from : « Harriet, The Moses of Her People » by Sarah H. Bradford
- That's fortunate, sir; if you are a stranger here, your service to me will be greater.
- Extract from : « Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, No. 327 » by Various
- I thanked her, when she came up, for her past service to me.
- Extract from : « Clarissa, Volume 1 (of 9) » by Samuel Richardson
- He was thirty years in my governor's service, and doesn't understand my ways.
- Extract from : « Viviette » by William J. Locke
- But the morning service has concluded, and the streets are again crowded with people.
- Extract from : « Sunday under Three Heads » by Charles Dickens
- As Americans, we go forward, in the service of our country, by the will of God.
- Extract from : « United States Presidents' Inaugural Speeches » by Various
- He was received with joy for the service he had rendered to the Italian people.
- Extract from : « The Grand Old Man » by Richard B. Cook
Antonyms for service
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019