Antonyms for decrease
Grammar : Noun, verb |
Spell : verb dih-krees; noun dee-krees, dih-krees |
Phonetic Transcription : verb dɪˈkris; noun ˈdi kris, dɪˈkris |
Definition of decrease
Origin :- late 14c., from Anglo-French decreiss-, present participle stem of decreistre, Old French descroistre (12c., Modern French décroître), from Latin decrescere "to grow less, diminish," from de- "away from" (see de-) + crescere "to grow" (see crescent). Related: Decreased; decreasing.
- noun diminishing, lessening
- verb grow less or make less
- The slow time passed, and there was no decrease of the fire.
- Extract from : « The Rock of Chickamauga » by Joseph A. Altsheler
- Business will increase largely, and the ratio of expenses will decrease.
- Extract from : « The Railroad Question » by William Larrabee
- This will not decrease his opinion of your sagacity and firmness.
- Extract from : « Vivian Grey » by Earl of Beaconsfield, Benjamin Disraeli
- In my heart I did not believe that Cullingworth had taken alarm at so trifling a decrease.
- Extract from : « The Stark Munro Letters » by J. Stark Munro
- This construction is used to decrease the weight of the battery.
- Extract from : « The Automobile Storage Battery » by O. A. Witte
- A decrease in temperature will, of course, cause an increase in resistance.
- Extract from : « The Automobile Storage Battery » by O. A. Witte
- The rest of the row is increased ten; and you must then decrease, as you did with the first color.
- Extract from : « The Ladies' Work-Table Book » by Anonymous
- There is no evidence of any change in their abundance, either increase or decrease.
- Extract from : « Tales of Fishes » by Zane Grey
- The decrease of the population during this period must have been very rapid.
- Extract from : « The Hawaiian Islands » by The Department of Foreign Affairs
- The longer you delay the more you decrease your chances of surviving.
- Extract from : « The Clock that Had no Hands » by Herbert Kaufman
Synonyms for decrease
- abate
- abatement
- calm down
- check
- compression
- condensation
- constriction
- contract
- contraction
- crumble
- curb
- curtail
- cut down
- cutback
- decay
- decline
- declining
- decrescence
- degenerate
- depreciate
- depression
- deteriorate
- devaluate
- die down
- diminish
- diminution
- discount
- downturn
- droop
- drop
- drop off
- dry up
- dwindle
- dwindling
- ease
- ebb
- evaporate
- fade
- fall off
- falling off
- lessen
- let up
- lighten
- lose edge
- loss
- lower
- modify
- narrow down
- peter out
- quell
- quiet
- reduce
- reduction
- restrain
- run low
- settle
- shrink
- shrinkage
- shrivel
- sink
- slack off
- slacken
- slash
- slow down
- slump
- soften
- striction
- subside
- subsidence
- tail off
- wane
- waning
- waste
- weaken
- wear away
- wear down
- wither
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019