Synonyms for piety
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : pahy-i-tee |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈpaɪ ɪ ti |
Top 10 synonyms for piety Other synonyms for the word piety
Définition of piety
Origin :- early 14c. (late 12c. as a surname), "mercy, tenderness, pity," from Old French piete "piety, faith; pity, compassion" (12c.), from Latin pietatem (nominative pietas) "dutiful conduct, sense of duty; religiousness, piety; loyalty, patriotism; faithfulness to natural ties," in Late Latin "gentleness, kindness, pity;" from pius "kind" (see pious). Meaning "piousness" attested in English from c.1600. Also see pity (n.).
- noun devotion, religiousness
- The Phoenicians who were not interested in piety succeeded where the others had failed.
- Extract from : « Ancient Man » by Hendrik Willem van Loon
- After all their piety was aimless and of no utility to humanity.
- Extract from : « Camps, Quarters and Casual Places » by Archibald Forbes
- Devote, then, ye mothers of Israel, devote your babes to piety and God!
- Extract from : « Female Scripture Biographies, Vol. I » by Francis Augustus Cox
- All their abilities should scent of piety and the fear of God.
- Extract from : « Female Scripture Biographies, Vol. II » by Francis Augustus Cox
- If we imitate Lydia in diligence, let us not forget to imitate her in piety.
- Extract from : « Female Scripture Biographies, Vol. II » by Francis Augustus Cox
- The rest of his life was occupied in study, in self-improvement, in piety, and in good deeds.
- Extract from : « Self-Help » by Samuel Smiles
- I have heard of him,' said I. 'A man, I believe, both of parts and of piety.'
- Extract from : « Micah Clarke » by Arthur Conan Doyle
- She was ready to charge the immortals with conspiring against her, had not her piety forbad it.
- Extract from : « Imogen » by William Godwin
- On the 14th she died, with much courage, consciousness, and piety.
- Extract from : « The Memoirs of Louis XIV., His Court and The Regency, Complete » by Duc de Saint-Simon
- Ye will not dare to thank Him when I have done, Mr. Wilder, for all your piety.
- Extract from : « Strife (First Series Plays) » by John Galsworthy
Antonyms for piety
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019