Synonyms for accolade

Grammar : Noun
Spell : ak-uh-leyd, -lahd; ak-uh-leyd, -lahd
Phonetic Transcription : ˈæk əˌleɪd, -ˌlɑd; ˌæk əˈleɪd, -ˈlɑd

Définition of accolade

Origin :
  • 1620s, from French accolade (16c.), from Provençal acolada or Italian accollata, ultimately from noun use of a fem. past participle from Vulgar Latin *accollare "to embrace around the neck," from Latin ad- "to" (see ad-) + collum "neck" (see collar (n.)).
  • The original sense is of an embrace about the neck or the tapping of a sword on the shoulders to confer knighthood. Extended meaning "praise, award" is from 1852. Also see -ade. Earlier was accoll (mid-14c.), from Old French acolee "an embrace, kiss, especially that given to a new-made knight," from verb acoler. The French noun in the 16c. was transformed to accolade, with the foreign suffix.
  • noun strong praise, recognition of achievement
Example sentences :
  • Her hand has touched them—it is an accolade—they are noble, now.
  • Extract from : « What Is Man? And Other Stories » by Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens)
  • Thus he won the accolade of his peers as a worthy horse-man of the hills.
  • Extract from : « A Texas Ranger » by William MacLeod Raine
  • Marjory, do you remember when you sat on the throne in the cave, and gave me the accolade?
  • Extract from : « The Mystery of the Sea » by Bram Stoker
  • He gives the accolade to our commander, and through him, to us all.
  • Extract from : « War Days in Brittany » by Elsie Deming Jarves
  • I attended a special Council at Windsor to receive the "accolade."
  • Extract from : « Recollections of a Busy Life » by William B. Forwood
  • But after all, who could resist the accolade he had received?
  • Extract from : « The Mind Digger » by Winston Marks
  • His shoulder was tingling from the accolade bestowed by royalty.
  • Extract from : « The Trimmed Lamp » by O. Henry
  • The Sword of '76 would have refused the accolade; but that of '63 is of a milder temper.
  • Extract from : « The Orpheus C. Kerr Papers. Series 3 » by Robert H. Newell
  • And all this meant that Curly had won his spurs, that he was receiving the puncher's accolade.
  • Extract from : « Heart of the West » by O. Henry
  • Philip himself had not received the accolade until he was twenty-five.
  • Extract from : « Charles the Bold » by Ruth Putnam

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