Synonyms for in formation
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : in-fer-mey-shuhn |
Phonetic Transcription : ˌɪn fərˈmeɪ ʃən |
Top 10 synonyms for in formation Other synonyms for the word in formation
- ABCs
- abstract
- account
- acknowledgment
- acquaintance
- acquaintanceship
- acquirements
- act
- actuality
- admission
- adumbration
- advertisement
- advisement
- advisory
- advocacy
- affair
- affidavit
- affirmation
- alert
- alertness
- aliveness
- allegation
- allegory
- allusion
- ammo
- anecdote
- angle
- annotation
- announcement
- annual
- answer
- antecedent
- anything
- apologue
- apparatus
- appreciation
- apprehension
- apprenticeship
- approach
- archives
- argument
- art
- article
- ascertainment
- aspect
- astuteness
- attainments
- attention
- attentiveness
- attestation
- attitude
- augury
- autobiography
- averment
- avowal
- awareness
- background
- background meeting
- balance
- bang
- base
- beat
- bedrock
- being
- belief
- belles-lettres
- betterment
- biography
- bit
- blow by blow
- blurb
- bodhi
- body
- body of knowledge
- bomb
- book
- book learning
- booklet
- books
- brains
- brainwashing
- branch
- break
- breakdown
- breeding
- brief
- briefing
- broad-mindedness
- broadcast
- brochure
- bug
- bulletin
- bum steer
- business
- buzz
- byword
- cabinet
- cable
- call
- cannonball
- case
- catechism
- cause
- caution
- caveat
- census
- certification
- chalk talk
- chapter and verse
- characterization
- charge
- charts
- check
- chronicle
- cincher
- circular
- circular file
- circumspection
- circumstance
- civilization
- clarification
- classics
- clear thinking
- cliffhanger
- clincher
- clue
- coaching
- cognition
- cognizance
- column
- comedy
- comment
- commentary
- commodity
- communication
- communiqué
- component
- composition
- comprehension
- concept
- conception
- concern
- conclusion
- condition
- conference
- confession
- confidence
- configuration
- confirmation
- connotation
- consciousness
- consideration
- construction
- consultation
- conte
- contrivance
- conversation
- conversation piece
- converse
- copy
- corporeality
- corroboration
- counsel
- coverage
- creation
- creature
- credentials
- criterion
- critique
- cue
- cultivation
- culture
- custom
- data
- datum
- declaration
- deed
- definition
- deliberation
- delineation
- demonstration
- denotation
- depiction
- deposition
- depth
- description
- detail
- details
- detection
- determinant
- developments
- device
- digest
- direction
- directions
- directive
- directory
- dirt
- discernment
- discipline
- disclosure
- discourse
- discrimination
- discussion
- dispatch
- display
- disquisition
- dissertation
- dissuasion
- distress signal
- docket
- doctrine
- docudrama
- document
- documentation
- documents
- dope
- dossier
- drama
- drilling
- earful
- edification
- education
- element
- elevation
- elucidation
- encouragement
- enhancement
- enlightenment
- entity
- entry
- enunciation
- epic
- episode
- epistle
- erudition
- essay
- establishment
- estimation
- everything
- evidence
- examination
- example
- excerpt
- excuse
- exemplar
- exhibit
- exhortation
- existence
- existent
- experience
- explanation
- explication
- exposition
- expression
- fable
- fact
- factor
- facts
- fairy tale
- fait accompli
- familiarity
- fantasy
- feature
- fiction
- figure
- film
- findings
- fingerprint
- finish
- flea in ear
- folder
- folklore
- folktale
- footing
- fore
- forecast
- foresight
- forethought
- foretoken
- forewarning
- form
- foundation
- gadget
- gag
- glimmering
- gloss
- good judgment
- goods
- gospel
- gossip
- grabber
- grounding
- grounds
- groundwork
- guidance
- gumption
- handbill
- handout
- handwriting on wall
- happening
- heads up
- hearsay
- heedfulness
- help
- hint
- history
- horse sense
- hot air
- hot story
- hot wire
- humanities
- idea
- ideas
- illumination
- illustration
- implement
- implication
- impression
- improvement
- in
- incident
- incidental
- inculcation
- index
- indication
- indicia
- individual
- indoctrination
- inducement
- inference
- info
- information
- infrastructure
- initiation
- injunction
- inkling
- innuendo
- input
- inside story
- inside wire
- insight
- insinuation
- inspection
- inspiration
- instruction
- instrument
- intelligence
- interpretation
- intimation
- introduction
- investigation
- iota
- irradiation
- issue
- item
- judgment
- judiciousness
- justification
- keenness
- kibitz
- knowledge
- language
- lead
- leaflet
- leak
- learnedness
- learning
- legend
- lesson
- letter
- letters
- list
- lit
- literacy
- literary works
- literature
- long and short of it
- look out
- lore
- lowdown
- machine
- magazine
- make
- mandate
- manifestation
- mark
- material
- materiality
- matter
- Mayday
- meaning
- means
- measurement
- mechanism
- meeting
- memo
- memoir
- memorandum
- mention
- message
- mind
- mindfulness
- minor point
- minutia
- missive
- mitigation
- model
- money
- monitoring
- monograph
- motive
- myth
- mythology
- mythos
- narration
- narrative
- network
- news
- news item
- newsletter
- newspaper
- nitty-gritty
- nonfiction
- note
- notebook
- notes
- notice
- noticing
- notification
- notion
- novel
- novelty
- numbers
- nurture
- oath
- object
- observation
- occasion
- occurrence
- old saw
- omen
- once-over
- open-mindedness
- opinion
- order
- organism
- orientation
- outline
- overlook
- pamphlet
- pansophy
- paper
- paper trail
- parable
- paragon
- paragraph
- part
- particular
- patter
- pedagogics
- pedagogy
- penetration
- perception
- performance
- periodical
- person
- personal account
- perspicacity
- persuasion
- phenomenon
- picture
- piece
- pigeonhole
- pipeline
- pitch
- plan
- poetry
- point
- pointer
- poise
- poop
- portent
- portfolio
- portion
- portraiture
- portrayal
- potboiler
- practicality
- preamble
- précis
- prediction
- premonition
- preparation
- prepared speech
- presage
- prescription
- presentation
- presentment
- pretext
- priming
- printed matter
- probe
- proceeding
- proclamation
- profession
- profile
- profundity
- prompt
- promulgation
- pronouncement
- proof
- propaganda
- propagandism
- prophecy
- proposal
- proposition
- prose
- proselytism
- protestation
- proverb
- prudence
- publication
- publicity
- questionnaire
- rationale
- reading
- realization
- rearing
- reason
- reasons
- recital
- recitation
- recognition
- recognizing
- recommendation
- record
- recorded information
- recountal
- reference
- refinement
- regard
- register
- rehearsal
- relation
- release
- remark
- reminder
- rendition
- report
- repository
- representation
- research
- resolution
- résumé
- revelation
- review
- romance
- root
- ruling
- rumble
- rumor
- rundown
- saga
- sagaciousness
- sagacity
- sageness
- sanity
- sapience
- savoir faire
- savvy
- saw
- say so
- saying
- scent
- scholarship
- schooling
- science
- scoop
- score
- scrap
- scuttlebutt
- search
- seat
- secret information
- sense
- sensibility
- sentience
- sequel
- serial
- shape
- showing
- shrewdness
- sign
- signal
- significance
- significant
- signification
- situation
- sketch
- skill
- skinny
- slant
- smattering
- smoking gun
- solidity
- song and dance
- sophistication
- specific
- specification
- speech
- spiel
- stability
- standing
- statement
- statistic
- steer
- story
- straight stuff
- study
- stuff
- subject
- submission
- substance
- substantiation
- substratum
- suggestion
- summarization
- summary
- superstition
- supervision
- support
- surveillance
- suspicion
- symptom
- system
- tale
- talk
- talking
- taste
- teaching
- technique
- telegram
- telling
- telltale
- test
- testament
- testimonial
- testimony
- text
- theme
- thesis
- thing
- threat
- tidings
- tinge
- tip
- tip-off
- token
- tool
- trace
- tract
- tradition
- tragedy
- training
- transaction
- translation
- treatise
- treatment
- trial
- truism
- tuition
- tutelage
- tutoring
- two cents' worth
- underpinning
- understanding
- update
- uplifting
- utterance
- validation
- vantage point
- verification
- version
- view
- viewpoint
- vignette
- vindication
- warning
- warrant
- watch-it
- watching
- what's what
- wherefore
- whiff
- whisper
- whole story
- why
- whyfor
- wink
- wire
- wisdom
- witness
- word
- word of advice
- word to the wise
- word to wise
- work
- wrinkle
- write-up
- writeup
- writing
- writings
- written work
- yarn
Définition of in formation
Origin :- late 14c., "act of informing," from Old French informacion, enformacion "information, advice, instruction," from Latin informationem (nominative informatio) "outline, concept, idea," noun of action from past participle stem of informare (see inform). Meaning "knowledge communicated" is from mid-15c. Information technology attested from 1958. Information revolution from 1969.
- As in information : noun facts, news
- As in instruction : noun education
- As in instruction : noun demand, command
- As in item : noun part, article
- As in learning : noun education, knowledge
- As in light : noun context, point of view; understanding
- As in line : noun hint; influential communication
- As in literature : noun written matter, both fictional and nonfictional
- As in lore : noun myths, traditional wisdom
- As in material : noun written matter
- As in message : noun communication, often written
- As in notification : noun announcement
- As in observation : noun attention, scrutiny
- As in pointer : noun hint, suggestion
- As in proof : noun evidence, authentication
- As in awareness : noun knowledge
- As in publication : noun something printed for reading
- As in report : noun account, story
- As in science : noun methodical study of part of material world
- As in story : noun account, news
- As in testimony : noun declaration about truth; proof
- As in thing : noun something felt, seen, perceived
- As in tidings : noun greetings, news
- As in tip/tipoff : noun inside information
- As in warning : noun notice of possible occurrence
- As in wisdom : noun insight, common sense
- As in word : noun statement
- As in briefing : noun preparation by informing of facts
- As in mythos : noun lore
- As in pedagogics : noun education
- As in pedagogy : noun education
- As in profundity : noun wisdom
- As in reportage : noun reporting news
- As in sagaciousness : noun wisdom
- As in sageness : noun wisdom
- As in schooling : noun education
- As in tip-off : noun tip
- As in communication : noun information transmitted
- As in counsel : noun guidance
- As in advice : noun recommendation
- As in declaration : noun assertion of belief or knowledge
- As in description : noun account in speech, writing
- As in documentary : noun investigative report
- As in dope : noun inside news
- As in dossier : noun file
- As in edification : noun improvement, education
- As in education : noun instruction, development of knowledge
- As in enclosure : noun something included with a letter
- As in enlightenment : noun awareness, understanding
- As in evidence : noun proof
- As in explanation : noun clarification; reason
- As in fact : noun event; detail of action
- As in file : noun system of order, placement for ease of use
- As in grounds : noun basis, premise
- As in hint : noun indication; suggestion
- As in illumination : noun clear understanding
Antonyms for in formation
- abstract
- annex
- answer
- betrayal
- bewilderment
- blockage
- brain
- breach
- break
- complication
- concealment
- concept
- confusion
- contradiction
- cover
- dark
- darkness
- death
- deceit
- deception
- denial
- destruction
- dimness
- disavowal
- disbelief
- discouragement
- dislike
- disorder
- disorganization
- disproof
- disregard
- entertainment
- fabrication
- failure
- falsehood
- fun
- genius
- harm
- hate
- hatred
- heedlessness
- heresay
- hiding
- hindrance
- hurt
- hypothesis
- ignorance
- imprudence
- inability
- inactivity
- inanimate
- inattention
- indifference
- ineptness
- inertia
- injury
- insensitivity
- instability
- lie
- listening
- lot
- misconception
- misinformation
- misinterpretation
- misrepresentation
- mistake
- misunderstanding
- neglect
- negligence
- night
- no comment
- non-fiction
- nothing
- obscurity
- obstruction
- open
- opposition
- puzzlement
- question
- quiet
- reality
- refutation
- retraction
- ruin
- secret
- silence
- speech
- stupidity
- suppression
- theory
- thoughtlessness
- truth
- unconsciousness
- unfamiliarity
- unobservance
- vagueness
- veto
- whole
- withholding
- worsening
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019