Synonyms for printed matter
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of printed matter
- noun printed document
- We must have printed matter to give to those who make application for information.
- Extract from : « A Woman Intervenes » by Robert Barr
- (a) Study of passages taken from all kinds of printed matter.
- Extract from : « Capitals » by Frederick W. Hamilton
- Printed matter from type as distinguished from plate printing.
- Extract from : « Up To Date Business » by Various
- But nothing was said in the printed matter about Willets Starkweather.
- Extract from : « The Girl from Sunset Ranch » by Amy Bell Marlowe
- In printed matter usually the asterisks are used to indicate an omission.
- Extract from : « Plain English » by Marian Wharton
- The measurement of height should, however, comprise all printed matter below the folio line, and above the signature line.
- Extract from : « Smithsonian Report on the Construction of Catalogues of Libraries and their Publication by Means of Separate, Stereotyped Titles » by Charles C. Jewett
- All printed matter (periodicals and other) should be delivered to the addressees.
- Extract from : « The Russian Turmoil » by Anton Ivanovich Denikin
- No one knows better than I do the influence of printed matter.
- Extract from : « The Soul of Golf » by Percy Adolphus Vaile
- He plucked several for insufficient mistrust in printed matter.
- Extract from : « The Note-Books of Samuel Butler » by Samuel Butler
- Consider the printed matter which is brought daily to your breakfast table.
- Extract from : « The English Novel » by Sidney Lanier
Words or expressions associated with your search
- abstract principle
- acceleration principle
- accelerator principle
- aesthetic principles
- air mattress
- animating principle
- as a matter of course
- as a matter of fact
- automatic sprinkler
- back matter
- ball printer
- basic principle
- basic principles
- be a matter of
- be matter of
- be sprinkling
- besprinkle
- blueprint
- character printer
- daisy-wheel printer
- DNA fingerprinting
- dot-matrix printer
- electrostatic printer
- end matter
- energy-matter relationship
- fecal matter
- female offspring
- fine print
- fine print at the bottom
- fingerprint
- floral print shirt
- footprint
- foul matter
- front matter
- graphics printer
- gray matter
- handprinting
- harmattan
- having spring fever
- Heisenberg principle
- high-principled
- important matter
- imprint
- imprinted
- imprintings
- in matter
- in that matter
- in the matter of
- indeterminancy principle
- ink-jet printer
- intergalactic matter
- it doesn't matter
- it doesnt matter
- its doesn't matter
- its doesnt matter
- itted doesn't matter
- itting doesn't matter
- itting doesnt matter
- laser printer
- lawn sprinkler
- LCD printer
- lcd printers
- leaf springs
- LED printer
- led printers
- letterpress printing plate
- line printer
- Lustprinzip
- lustprinzips
- mainspring
- make matters up
- matte
- matter
- matter of chance
- matter-of-course
- matter of course
- matter-of-fact
- newsprint
- no fine print
- no laughing matter
- no matter
- no matter what
- no matter when
- no spring chicken
- not in print
- not printed
- offprint
- offspring
- organic matter
- osseous matter
- pain-pleasure principle
- pain pleasure principles
- party principle
- pleasure principle
- pleasure-unpleasure principle
- preprint
- prince
- Prince Charming
- Prince of Darkness
- Prince of Peace
- princely
- princess
- principal
- principal character
- principal dancer
- principal element
- principal meal
- principality
- principally
- principle
- principle of equivalence
- principle of relativity
- principle/principles
- principled
- principles
- print journalism
- printed circuit board
- printed matter
- printer
- printing
- public print
- re printings
- reprint
- reprinting
- small print
- smatterer
- smattery
- spring
- spring back
- spring fever
- spring for
- springing
- springtide
- springy
- sprinkle
- sprinkling
- sprint
- sprinter
- subject matter
- thumbprint
- trial print
- truth of the matter
- uncertainty principle
- unprincipled
- upspring
- vital principle
- warm spring
- was a matter of
- was matter of
- wellspring
- world principle
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