Synonyms for premonition

Grammar : Noun
Spell : pree-muh-nish-uhn, prem-uh-
Phonetic Transcription : ˌpri məˈnɪʃ ən, ˌprɛm ə-

Top 10 synonyms for premonition Other synonyms for the word premonition

Définition of premonition

Origin :
  • mid-15c., from Anglo-French premunition, Middle French premonicion, from Late Latin praemonitionem (nominative praemonitio) "a forewarning," noun of action from past participle stem of Latin praemonere "forewarn," from prae "before" (see pre-) + monere "to warn" (see monitor (n.)).
  • noun feeling that an event is about to occur
Example sentences :
  • There was a premonition of his return at the Snow breakfast table.
  • Extract from : « The Portygee » by Joseph Crosby Lincoln
  • His premonition that they might be "Rubes" seemed likely to have been well founded.
  • Extract from : « The Portygee » by Joseph Crosby Lincoln
  • That you had a premonition that he might come to you for assistance.
  • Extract from : « The Snare » by Rafael Sabatini
  • I cried, leaping to my feet, a premonition of what he was about turning me cold with horror.
  • Extract from : « The Strolling Saint » by Raphael Sabatini
  • She flung away from Andre-Louis, as if moved by some premonition of what was coming.
  • Extract from : « Scaramouche » by Rafael Sabatini
  • And Pilot O'Malley watched him go with a premonition that he dared not speak.
  • Extract from : « The Finding of Haldgren » by Charles Willard Diffin
  • No one had any theory, any explanation; there had been no warning, no premonition.
  • Extract from : « The Destroyer » by Burton Egbert Stevenson
  • I tell you this because I have a premonition that we are to meet again.
  • Extract from : « Once to Every Man » by Larry Evans
  • He seemed to have had a premonition some days before that death might soon claim him.
  • Extract from : « War Letters of a Public-School Boy » by Paul Jones.
  • But he could not shake off that premonition of evil unrelated to the mere danger of the situation.
  • Extract from : « Within the Tides » by Joseph Conrad

Antonyms for premonition

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