Synonyms for trial
Grammar : Adj, noun |
Spell : trahy-uhl, trahyl |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈtraɪ əl, traɪl |
Top 10 synonyms for trial Other synonyms for the word trial
- adversity
- affliction
- albatross
- analysis
- anguish
- annoyance
- assay
- attempt
- audition
- balloon
- bane
- blow
- bother
- burden
- calvary
- care
- check
- citation
- claim
- complication
- counterclaim
- court action
- court martial
- crack
- cross to bear
- cross-examination
- crucible
- difficulty
- distress
- drag
- dry run
- endeavor
- essay
- experience
- experimentation
- fling
- go
- grief
- habeas corpus
- hard time
- hardship
- hassle
- heartbreak
- inconvenience
- indictment
- investigation
- irritation
- lawsuit
- lick
- litigation
- load
- misery
- misfortune
- nightmare
- nuisance
- ordeal
- pain
- pain in the neck
- pest
- pilot
- plague
- preliminary
- probation
- probationary
- proof
- prosecution
- provisional
- R and D
- rap
- research and development
- rigor
- seizure
- severe test
- shakedown
- shot
- showcase
- sorrow
- stab
- striving
- struggle
- suffering
- suit
- tentative
- test
- test run
- testing
- thorn
- trial and error
- trial run
- tribulation
- tribunal
- try
- try on
- trying time
- tryout
- undertaking
- unhappiness
- venture
- vexation
- vicissitude
- visitation
- whack
- woe
- workout
- wretchedness
Définition of trial
Origin :- mid-15c., "act or process of testing," from Anglo-French trial, noun formed from triet "to try" (see try). Sense of "examining and deciding a case in a court of law" is first recorded 1570s; extended to any ordeal by 1590s. As an adjectival phrase, trial-and-error is recorded from 1806. Trial balloon (1939) is congnate of French ballon d'essai.
- adj experimental
- noun test
- noun legal proceeding
- noun trouble, big problem
- This is the hope that beckons us onward in this century of trial.
- Extract from : « United States Presidents' Inaugural Speeches » by Various
- And then, when the cover was removed, came the time of trial to your correspondent.
- Extract from : « Punchinello, Vol. 1, No. 6, May 7, 1870 » by Various
- We would advise all who are about to begin the study of languages to give it a trial.
- Extract from : « Punchinello, Vol. 1, No. 6, May 7, 1870 » by Various
- It is true that he hath not come to trial, but the trial hath come to him.
- Extract from : « The White Company » by Arthur Conan Doyle
- You see, Burke, you couldn't in a trial even repeat what he told you.
- Extract from : « Within the Law » by Marvin Dana
- The country doctor had come, too, finding Tillie's trial not imminent.
- Extract from : « K » by Mary Roberts Rinehart
- As they drove along Crane brought up the subject of the trial.
- Extract from : « Thoroughbreds » by W. A. Fraser
- So Allis was really glad at the near approach of the time of her trial.
- Extract from : « Thoroughbreds » by W. A. Fraser
- His work since his trial with The Dutchman had been quite satisfactory.
- Extract from : « Thoroughbreds » by W. A. Fraser
- "When the trial come off," answered the old man, raising his head again.
- Extract from : « The Underdog » by F. Hopkinson Smith
Antonyms for trial
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019