Synonyms for creation
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : kree-ey-shuhn |
Phonetic Transcription : kriˈeɪ ʃən |
Top 10 synonyms for creation
- constitution
- cosmos
- foundation
- generation
- genesis
- handiwork
- imagination
- inception
- institution
- laying down
- life
- living world
- macrocosm
- macrocosmos
- magnum opus
- making
- megacosm
- nascency
- nativity
- nature
- opus
- origination
- piece
- pièce de résistance
- procreation
- setting up
- siring
- totality
- universe
- work of genius
- world
Définition of creation
Origin :- late 14c., "action of creating, a created thing," from Old French creacion (14c., Modern French création) "creation, coming into being," from Latin creationem (nominative creatio) "a creating, a producing," in classical use "an electing, appointment, choice," noun of action from past participle stem of creare (see create). Meaning "that which God has created, the world and all in it" is from 1610s. The native word in the Biblical sense was Old English frum-sceaft. Of fashion costumes, desserts, etc., from 1870s, from French. Creation science is attested by 1970.
- noun development of entity
- noun all living things
- noun invention, concoction
- The Law of God was originally written in man's heart at creation.
- Extract from : « An Explanation of Luther's Small Catechism » by Joseph Stump
- The whole story of this struggle is the subject of the Seven Tablets of Creation.
- Extract from : « The Babylonian Legends of the Creation » by British Museum
- In the zany we see an example of creation; in the humorist, of transmission.
- Extract from : « The Devil's Dictionary » by Ambrose Bierce
- He is from everlasting to everlasting—such as creation's dawn beheld he fooleth now.
- Extract from : « The Devil's Dictionary » by Ambrose Bierce
- The smiles which surrounded him were of his own creation, and he participated in the happiness he had bestowed.
- Extract from : « Maid Marian » by Thomas Love Peacock
- They were surrounded by happiness of their own creation, and lived but to increase it.
- Extract from : « The Life And Adventures Of Nicholas Nickleby » by Charles Dickens
- That black stick with white buttons is not the creation of the soul of a multitude.
- Extract from : « Alarms and Discursions » by G. K. Chesterton
- But can we not say that they are the creation of the unconscious portion of his nature?
- Extract from : « A Dish Of Orts » by George MacDonald
- Do the men of Freeland think that they are able to defend their creation from these dangers?
- Extract from : « Freeland » by Theodor Hertzka
- Certainly not, because time only began at the creation of the world.
- Extract from : « Initiation into Philosophy » by Emile Faguet
Antonyms for creation
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019