Synonyms for blow by blow
Grammar : Adj, noun |
Spell : bloh-bahy-bloh |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈbloʊˌbaɪˈbloʊ |
Top 10 synonyms for blow by blow Other synonyms for the word blow by blow
- ABCs
- absolute
- abundant
- accurate
- acknowledgment
- adumbration
- advertisement
- affirmation
- all the way
- all-embracing
- all-inclusive
- all-out
- ample
- amplified
- annal
- apocalypse
- articulation
- aside
- asseveration
- assiduous
- assurance
- at length
- averment
- avowal
- betrayal
- blow by blow
- blow-by-blow
- break
- brief
- broad
- broadcast
- broadcasting
- bulletin
- buzz
- cable
- canard
- careful
- characterization
- charge
- chat
- chatter
- chitchat
- choate
- chronicle
- circumstantial
- circumstantiated
- clocklike
- close
- clue
- comment
- communication
- communique
- complete
- complicated
- comprehensive
- confession
- conscientious
- conversation
- copious
- coverage
- critical
- cry
- cue
- declaration
- definite
- definition
- delineation
- depiction
- described
- description
- detail
- detailed
- developed
- dictum
- digest
- dirt
- disclosed
- discovery
- dispatch
- display
- distinct
- divination
- divulgation
- divulgement
- divulgence
- earful
- efficient
- ejaculation
- elaborate
- elaborated
- enlightenment
- entire
- enumerated
- epiphany
- especial
- exact
- exhausting
- exhaustive
- exhibition
- explanation
- explication
- exposal
- exposé
- exposition
- exposure
- express
- extensive
- eye-opener
- fingerprint
- finicky
- flash
- foreshadowing
- from A to Z
- full
- full-dress
- fussy
- generous
- grapevine
- handout
- hash
- hearsay
- history
- hot wire
- impartance
- impartation
- in-depth
- individual
- individualized
- information
- inspiration
- integral
- intelligence
- intensive
- intricate
- intrinsic
- itemized
- justification
- leak
- lightning bolt
- limited
- local
- lowdown
- make
- manifestation
- manifesto
- maximum
- mention
- message
- meticulous
- minute
- monograph
- murmur
- narration
- narrative
- narrow
- news
- nice
- note
- observation
- opinion
- oracle
- outline
- painstaking
- paper
- particular
- particularized
- peculiar
- perfect
- picture
- piece
- play by play
- plenary
- plenteous
- plentiful
- plenty
- point-by-point
- portraiture
- portrayal
- prating
- précis
- precise
- presentation
- presentment
- proclamation
- profession
- pronouncement
- prophecy
- protestation
- publication
- punctilious
- rationale
- reason
- recital
- recitation
- record
- recountal
- rehearsal
- relation
- release
- remark
- report
- representation
- résumé
- revealing
- revealment
- royal
- rumble
- rumor
- run-down
- rundown
- scandal
- scoop
- score
- scrupulous
- scuttlebutt
- selective
- seriatim
- showing
- sign
- singular
- sketch
- slam-bang
- small talk
- snitch
- soup to nuts
- special
- specialized
- specific
- specification
- specified
- speech
- squeal
- statement
- step by step
- story
- summarization
- summary
- sweeping
- tab
- take
- tale
- tattle
- telegram
- testimony
- the latest
- the picture
- the whole picture
- thorough
- thoroughgoing
- tidings
- tip
- tip-off
- topical
- tough
- unabridged
- uncovering
- unearthing
- unfolded
- unlimited
- unveiling
- unveilment
- utterance
- ventilation
- verbalization
- version
- vignette
- vision
- vocalization
- voice
- whispering
- whole
- whole-hog
- wire
- word
- write-up
- writeup
- yarn
Définition of blow by blow
- As in minute : adj exact, precise
- As in particular : adj exact, specific
- As in thorough/thoroughgoing : adj exhaustive
- As in blow-by-blow : adj detailed
- As in thoroughpaced : adj thorough
- As in detailed : adj itemized, particularized
- As in full : adj thorough
- As in report : noun account, story
- As in report : noun gossip, talk
- As in revelation : noun disclosure, telling
- As in statement : noun declaration, assertion
- As in account : noun written description of past events
- As in rationalization : noun account
- As in reportage : noun reporting news
- As in description : noun account in speech, writing
- As in disclosure : noun announcement, revelation
Antonyms for blow by blow
- ambiguous
- big
- brief
- broken
- careless
- common
- concealment
- consequential
- considerable
- cover
- cursory
- deficient
- denial
- empty
- false
- flawed
- general
- giant
- gigantic
- hiding
- huge
- hungry
- ignorance
- imperfect
- important
- imprecise
- inaccurate
- inadequate
- incomplete
- indefinite
- indifferent
- inexact
- inexhaustive
- inferior
- insufficient
- large
- limited
- mighty
- misrepresentation
- narrow
- needy
- nonchalant
- nonspecific
- normal
- ordinary
- part
- partial
- question
- questionable
- quiet
- regular
- request
- restricted
- rough
- secret
- short
- silence
- simple
- sparing
- starved
- substantial
- superficial
- suppression
- uncertain
- uncomplicated
- undemanding
- undetailed
- undiscriminating
- unfinished
- unimportant
- unsatisfied
- usual
- vague
- void
- wanting
- whole
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