Synonyms for business
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : biz-nis |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈbɪz nɪs |
Top 10 synonyms for business Other synonyms for the word business
- affair
- affairs
- assignment
- bag
- bargaining
- barter
- beeswax
- biz
- buying and selling
- calling
- capital and labor
- career
- carrying on
- cartel
- commercialism
- concern
- contracts
- craft
- dealings
- dodge
- duty
- establishment
- exchange
- fly-by-night operation
- free enterprise
- function
- game
- goings-on
- hanky-panky
- happening
- industrialism
- issue
- line
- livelihood
- lookout
- manufacturing
- market
- matter
- megacorp
- merchandising
- métier
- mill
- Mom and Pop
- monopoly
- occupation
- organization
- outfit
- palaver
- partnership
- point
- problem
- production and distribution
- pursuit
- question
- racket
- responsibility
- sales
- selling
- setup
- shoestring operation
- shop
- specialty
- store
- subject
- syndicate
- task
- topic
- trade
- trading
- traffic
- transaction
- trust
- undertaking
- venture
- vocation
- what one is into
- work
Définition of business
Origin :- Old English bisignes (Northumbrian) "care, anxiety, occupation," from bisig "careful, anxious, busy, occupied, diligent" (see busy (adj.)) + -ness. Middle English sense of "state of being much occupied or engaged" (mid-14c.) is obsolete, replaced by busyness.
- Sense of "a person's work, occupation" is first recorded late 14c. (in late Old English bisig (adj.) appears as a noun with the sense "occupation, state of employment"). Meaning "what one is about at the moment" is from 1590s. Sense of "trade, commercial engagements" is first attested 1727. In 17c. it also could mean "sexual intercourse." Modern two-syllable pronunciation is 17c.
- Business card first attested 1840; business letter from 1766. Business end "the practical or effective part" (of something) is American English, by 1874. Phrase business as usual attested from 1865. To mean business "be intent on serious action" is from 1856. To mind (one's) own business is from 1620s. Johnson's dictionary also has busiless "At leisure; without business; unemployed."
- noun job, profession
- noun company, enterprise
- noun commerce, trade
- noun personal concern
- This business attended to, Robert bent his steps to Mr. Paine's office.
- Extract from : « Brave and Bold » by Horatio Alger
- Well, if you have any business, you may state it at once, as I am quite busy.
- Extract from : « Brave and Bold » by Horatio Alger
- He tried to recall some forgotten detail of the business that might serve to occupy him.
- Extract from : « The Spenders » by Harry Leon Wilson
- "You certainly do know your business, son," said Uncle Peter, fervently.
- Extract from : « The Spenders » by Harry Leon Wilson
- You don't have to be Mr. William Wisenham to do business with him.
- Extract from : « The Spenders » by Harry Leon Wilson
- Now don't get suspicious, and tell me to mind my own business when I ask you questions.
- Extract from : « The Spenders » by Harry Leon Wilson
- The spoken language of the Aramaeans followed their business correspondence.
- Extract from : « Ancient Man » by Hendrik Willem van Loon
- He would say that his was a trip of business, and not pleasure, and hard work he had.
- Extract from : « Explorations in Australia » by John Forrest
- The business world reflects the disturbance of war's reaction.
- Extract from : « United States Presidents' Inaugural Speeches » by Various
- The depression in business also had its effect upon the country.
- Extract from : « The Grand Old Man » by Richard B. Cook
Antonyms for business
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019