Synonyms for de feat
Grammar : Noun, verb |
Spell : dih-feet |
Phonetic Transcription : dɪˈfit |
Top 10 synonyms for de feat
- abashment
- abate
- abolish
- abolishment
- about-face
- abrogate
- acquirement
- acquisition
- act of God
- advantage
- adverse fate
- adversity
- affliction
- agitation
- ambush
- annihilation
- annul
- anticlimax
- apprehend
- arrest
- ascendancy
- asphyxiate
- atrophy
- attack
- attainment
- avenge
- ax
- backset
- bad luck
- bad news
- bad omen
- baffle
- bafflement
- bag
- balance
- bale
- balk
- bamboozle
- ban
- bane
- bang
- bankrupt
- bar
- bashing
- bath
- batter
- bear down
- beard
- beat
- beat down
- beat off
- beat the system
- beating
- beggar
- beguile
- behead
- belabor
- belie
- belittle
- belt
- bereavement
- best
- betray
- better
- bewilder
- bilk
- birch
- bitter pill
- black out
- blackball
- blame
- blank
- blast
- blight
- blind alley
- block
- blocking
- blot out
- blow
- blow away
- blow out of water
- blow sky high
- blue pencil
- blue ruin
- blunder
- bog
- bog down
- bollix
- bomb
- botch
- bother
- bottom
- bowl over
- brave
- break
- break in
- breakdown
- bring down
- bring low
- bring to naught
- bring to ruin
- bring up short
- bringdown
- brush off
- brush-off
- brushoff
- buck
- buffalo
- buffet
- bull's-eye
- bulldoze
- bummer
- bump off
- bungle
- burn
- burst
- bury
- bust
- butcher
- calamity
- cancel
- cancel out
- cane
- cap
- capsize
- capture
- cast down
- cast out
- casualty
- cataclysm
- catastrophe
- catch
- cause setback
- cease
- censure
- cessation
- chagrin
- challenge
- chasten
- chastise
- cheat
- check
- checkmate
- chill
- choke off
- circumvent
- circumvention
- clean out
- clean sweep
- clear
- clincher
- clobber
- close
- closing
- cold shoulder
- collapse
- collar
- collision
- come back at
- comedown
- comeuppance
- compensate for
- complaint
- con
- condemnation
- confound
- confront
- confuse
- confusion
- confute
- conquer
- conquering
- conquest
- contaminate
- contemn
- contradict
- contravene
- contravention
- control
- controvert
- convict
- cook
- cool
- corner
- correct
- corrupt
- cost
- count
- count out
- counter
- counteract
- counterbalance
- countercheck
- counterplot
- counterpoise
- countervail
- counterwork
- cover
- crab
- crack
- crack-up
- crackup
- cramp
- cramp one's style
- crash
- craze
- cream
- crest
- crimp
- cripple
- cropper
- cross
- crown
- crumbling
- crush
- culmination
- curb
- curbing
- curse
- curtain
- curtains
- cut
- cut off
- cut out
- damage
- dare
- dash
- dash one's hope
- dead-end
- deaden
- death
- deathblow
- debacle
- debase
- debilitate
- debit
- debt
- debunk
- decapitate
- decay
- deceive
- decelerate
- decimate
- deck
- decline
- deface
- default
- defeasance
- defeat
- defeating
- deficiency
- deficit
- defile
- deflation
- defraud
- defy
- degeneracy
- degeneration
- delay
- delete
- delinquency
- delude
- deluge
- demolish
- demolition
- demoralization
- demotion
- denial
- denouement
- deny
- deplete
- depletion
- deplore
- deprave
- depredate
- depress
- depression
- deprivation
- deprive
- dereliction
- deride
- descent
- desecrate
- desistance
- despise
- despoil
- despondency
- destitution
- destroy
- destroyer
- destruct
- destruction
- detain
- deterioration
- detriment
- devastate
- devastation
- devour
- difficulty
- dilapidate
- dilapidation
- disable
- disadvantage
- disallow
- disappearance
- disappoint
- disappointment
- disapprove
- disarm
- disaster
- discard
- discharge
- discipline
- discomfit
- discomfiture
- discomposure
- disconcert
- disconcertion
- disconcertment
- disconfirm
- discontent
- discountenance
- discourage
- discouragement
- discover
- discredit
- disenchantment
- disfigure
- disgrace
- disgruntlement
- dishearten
- disillusion
- disillusionment
- disintegration
- dismantle
- dismay
- dismiss
- disorder
- dispatch
- dispense with
- dispose of
- dispossession
- disprove
- disqualify
- disquiet
- disregard
- disrepair
- dissatisfaction
- dissolution
- distance
- distress
- disturbance
- ditch
- dive
- do away with
- do in
- do in exterminate
- dodge
- dominate
- dominion
- doom
- double-cross
- down
- downer
- downfall
- downgrade
- downthrow
- drag
- drain
- drawing board
- drive
- drive back
- drive out
- drop
- drown
- drub
- drubbing
- duck
- dud
- dumbfound
- dupe
- dust off
- dynamite
- eat
- eclipse
- edge
- edge out
- efface
- eject
- electrocute
- eliminate
- elimination
- elude
- embarrassment
- embog
- emergency
- end
- end of the line
- end of the road
- end run
- end-run
- ending
- engulf
- entrap
- eradicate
- erase
- error
- evert
- evict
- exceed
- excel
- exclude
- execute
- exhaust
- exigency
- expel
- expose
- expunge
- exterminate
- extermination
- extinction
- extinguish
- extirpate
- face
- failing
- failure
- fake out
- fall
- false alarm
- false step
- fashion
- fatality
- fatigue
- fault
- faux pas
- faze
- feather in cap
- fell
- fell stroke
- fend off
- fiasco
- fight off
- figure out
- finagle
- final blow
- final stroke
- finale
- finesse
- finis
- finish
- finish off
- fix
- fizzle
- flagellate
- flail
- flak
- flash in the pan
- flatten
- flaw
- flax
- fleece
- flip-flop
- flog
- flogging
- flood
- floor
- flop
- flout
- fly in face of
- foil
- foiling
- fool
- forbid
- force
- force down
- forestall
- forfeiture
- forge
- form
- foul up
- fox
- frazzle
- free-for-all
- front
- frustrate
- frustration
- fumble
- gain
- garotte
- gentle
- get around
- get back at
- get rid of
- get the better of
- get the upper hand
- get under control
- gibe
- give the run around
- give the run-around
- give the slip
- give thumbs down
- go against
- go one better
- go-by
- gobble up
- goose
- goulash
- grab
- grand slam
- grief
- grievance
- ground
- guillotine
- gull
- gyp
- halt
- hang
- hang fire
- hang tough
- hang up
- hard luck
- hard time
- hardship
- harm
- hassle
- have
- havoc
- hazard
- heave-ho
- hiding
- highlight
- hinder
- hindrance
- hit
- hitch
- hoax
- hold off
- hold up
- hold-up
- hole in one
- holocaust
- hoodwink
- hot water
- humble
- humiliation
- hurdle
- hurl defiance at
- hurt
- ice
- ignore
- ill luck
- illness
- immobilize
- impair
- impairment
- impasse
- impede
- impediment
- implosion
- impoverish
- inadequacy
- incapacitate
- inefficacy
- inhibit
- injure
- injury
- insolvency
- insuccess
- insult
- interdict
- interruption
- inundate
- invalidate
- invert
- irritation
- jerk
- jip
- juggle
- juke
- keep off
- kick in the teeth
- kill
- killing
- knife
- knock
- knock down
- knock off
- knock out
- knock over
- knockout
- knocks props out from under
- KO
- lacing
- lack of success
- lambaste
- lash
- lashing
- last
- last stage
- last straw
- laurels
- lay bare
- lay hold of
- lay low
- lay one out
- lay one's hands on
- lay waste
- lead astray
- lead balloon
- leap
- leave behind
- leave out
- lemon
- let down
- letdown
- level
- lick
- licking
- liquidate
- loser
- losing
- loss
- louse up
- lynch
- maim
- make
- make a fool of
- make a mess of
- make a monkey of
- make my day
- make waves
- malady
- malfunction
- mangle
- mar
- mark out
- massacre
- mastery
- match
- maul
- mellow
- mercy stroke
- mess
- mire
- misadventure
- miscalculation
- miscarriage
- mischance
- misfire
- misfortune
- mishap
- mislaying
- mislead
- misplacing
- miss
- mission accomplished
- misstep
- mistake
- misuse
- mock
- mortal blow
- mortification
- mortify
- mow
- mow down
- murder
- mutilate
- mystify
- nab
- nail
- need
- negate
- negative
- neglect
- negotiate
- nemesis
- neutralize
- nix
- nonfulfillment
- nonperformance
- nonplus
- nonsuccess
- nose out
- not go for
- nothing doing
- nullify
- obliterate
- obliteration
- obscure
- obstacle
- obstruct
- obstruction
- obviate
- occupy
- off
- offset
- old one-two
- omission
- omit
- oppose
- opposition
- oppugn
- oust
- outclass
- outdare
- outdistance
- outdo
- outflank
- outfox
- outgeneral
- outguess
- outgun
- outhit
- outjockey
- outjump
- outmaneuver
- outperform
- outplay
- outrival
- outrun
- outshine
- outsmart
- outstrip
- outthink
- outwit
- over
- overcome
- overflow
- overpower
- overreach
- override
- overriding
- overrule
- overrun
- overtake
- overthrow
- overtire
- overtop
- overturn
- overwhelm
- paddling
- pan
- paralyze
- parry
- pass
- pass by
- pass on
- paste
- pauperize
- pelt
- perdition
- perturbation
- perversion
- pervert
- phase out
- pigeonhole
- pillage
- pinpoint
- pit
- pitch
- play off
- plow under
- poison
- pommel
- pound
- powder
- pratfall
- preclude
- prevail over
- prevent
- privation
- prize
- prohibit
- prostrate
- prove false
- prove wrong
- provoke
- pull a fast one
- pull a fast one on
- pull down
- pulverize
- pummel
- punish
- push back
- put away
- put down
- put end to
- put in toilet
- put on back burner
- put on hold
- put one over on
- put out
- put spotlight on
- put to shame
- puzzle
- quash
- queasiness
- queer
- quelch
- quell
- quench
- quiet
- quieten
- quietus
- rap
- rape
- rattle
- ravage
- ravish
- raze
- rebuff
- rebuke
- rebut
- recant
- rectify
- redress
- reduce
- refusal
- refuse
- refute
- regress
- regression
- regret
- reject
- rejection
- render null and void
- repel
- repress
- reprimand
- repulse
- resentment
- resist
- restrain
- retard
- retardation
- reveal
- reversal
- reversal of fortune
- reverse
- reversion
- revoke
- revolution
- ridicule
- right
- rise above
- rock
- roll back
- roll over
- root out
- rough
- rout
- route
- rub off
- rub out
- ruin
- ruination
- rule out
- run circles around
- run rings around
- run roughshod over
- rupture
- rush
- sabotage
- sack
- sacrifice
- sap
- scalping
- scatter
- scorn
- scotch
- scourge
- scratch
- screw up
- screw-up
- scrub
- scuttle
- secure
- seesaw
- sell out
- set aside
- set back
- setback
- shake
- shake off
- shake-up
- shame
- shape
- shatter
- shave
- shellac
- shellack
- shellacking
- shelve
- shipwreck
- shock
- shoot
- shoot ahead
- shoot down
- show in bad light
- shrinkage
- shuffle off
- shut down
- shut off
- shut the door on
- shut up
- sickness
- silence
- sink
- sinking ship
- skids
- skin
- skip
- skunk
- slap
- slap in the face
- slaughter
- slay
- slight
- slip
- slow
- slow down
- slow up
- slowdown
- smack
- smash
- smashup
- smother
- snafu
- snooker
- snow
- snub
- snuff
- sock
- soften
- spank
- spoil
- spoilate
- spurn
- spurning
- squandering
- squash
- squelch
- stalemate
- stall
- stamp out
- stave off
- steamroll
- stew
- stick
- stick fast
- stifle
- still
- stir
- stonewall
- stop
- stoppage
- strangle
- stricture
- strike
- stroke
- stumble
- stumbling block
- stump
- stymie
- subdue
- subjugate
- subjugation
- submerge
- subversion
- subvert
- superiority
- supersede
- supplant
- suppress
- suppressing
- supremacy
- surge
- surmount
- surpass
- surprise
- swamp
- swat
- sweep
- swindle
- swipe
- take
- take a life
- take apart
- take care of
- take down
- take for a ride
- take in
- take it all
- take on
- take one on
- take out
- take to cleaners
- take wind out of
- take wind out of sails
- tame
- tan
- tan one's hide
- tap
- tear down
- temper
- terminate
- termination
- terminus
- the end
- the gold
- the knocks
- the worst
- thrash
- thrashing
- thresh
- throw
- throw a curve
- throw a monkey wrench into
- throw away
- throw back
- throw for loop
- throw monkey wrench in
- throw out
- thumbs down
- thwart
- thwarting
- tire
- tizzy
- tone down
- top
- topple
- torment
- torpedo
- torture
- toss
- toss and turn
- total
- total loss
- total trounce
- tragedy
- trammel
- trample
- trample upon
- transcend
- trap
- trash
- trashing
- trial
- trick
- trim
- trimming
- trip
- triumph
- triumph over
- trouble
- trounce
- trouncing
- tucker out
- tumble
- turkey
- turmoil
- turn down
- turn out
- turnabout
- turndown
- unbuild
- uncloak
- undermine
- undo
- undoing
- undress
- unease
- uneasiness
- unfulfillment
- unmask
- unsettle
- unshroud
- unsuccess
- unsuccessfulness
- upper hand
- upset
- upset one's apple cart
- upset the apple cart
- upset the applecart
- use up
- vanquish
- vanquishment
- vaporize
- varnish
- vault
- venture
- veto
- vexation
- vicissitude
- victimize
- violate
- visit
- visitation
- vitiate
- waive
- wallop
- want
- ward off
- wash out
- washout
- waste
- waterloo
- wax
- waxing
- weaken
- weakness
- weary
- whack
- whaling
- whelm
- whip
- whipping
- whitewashing
- whole new ballgame
- whomp
- win
- wind-up
- winding-up
- winning
- wipe off face of earth
- wipe off map
- wipe out
- withstand
- woe
- work over
- worry
- worst
- wrack
- wrap
- wrap-up
- wreak havoc on
- wreck
- wreckage
- wrecker
- writhe
- X-out
- zap
Définition of de feat
Origin :- 1701, from un- (1) "not" + past participle of defeat (v.).
- As in knock : noun strong criticism
- As in landslide : noun great victory
- As in loss : noun misfortune, deficit; something misplaced or lost
- As in miscarriage : noun failure
- As in rebuff : noun turning away; ignoring
- As in repulse : noun snub; rejection
- As in reverse : noun bad luck; failure
- As in ruin : noun situation of devastation
- As in setback : noun disappointment
- As in undoing : noun destruction, misfortune
- As in upset : noun problem
- As in victory : noun win, success
- As in beating : noun thrashing
- As in subversion : noun ruin
- As in suppression : noun abolition
- As in insolvency : noun failure
- As in licking : noun beating
- As in misplacement : noun loss
- As in nonfeasance : noun failure
- As in ruination : noun ruin
- As in thrashing : noun beating
- As in unsuccess : noun failure
- As in unsuccessfulness : noun failure
- As in comedown : noun letdown, blow
- As in coup de grâce : noun finishing blow
- As in debacle : noun catastrophe
- As in defeat : noun overthrow, beating
- As in defeat : noun frustration
- As in disappointment : noun saddening situation; letdown
- As in disappointment : noun mental upset; displeasure
- As in disaster : noun accident, trouble
- As in discomfiture : noun embarrassment, frustration
- As in failure : noun lack of success
- As in finish : noun conclusion; completion
- As in frustration : noun disappointment, thwarting
- As in kill : verb turn off; cancel
- As in mock : verb deceive
- As in murder : verb kill
- As in neutralize : verb counteract
- As in obliterate : verb destroy
- As in outdo : verb better, overcome
- As in outflank : verb outmaneuver
- As in outfox : verb outsmart
- As in outwit/outsmart : verb get the better of; figure out before another
- As in overpower : verb beat; get the upper hand
- As in overwhelm : verb flood, beat physically
- As in prostrate : verb overwhelm; wear out
- As in pulverize : verb destroy
- As in put down : verb subdue
- As in rebut : verb argue against; prove wrong
- As in repulse : verb push away
- As in baffle : verb hinder
- As in ruin : verb devastate, destroy
- As in balk : verb thwart
- As in set back : verb delay, hinder
- As in show up : verb expose, embarrass
- As in slaughter : verb kill
- As in stymie : verb frustrate, hinder
- As in subdue : verb keep under control; moderate
- As in subvert : verb rebel, destroy
- As in surmount : verb overcome, triumph over
- As in thrash : verb flail about; beat
- As in thwart : verb stop, hinder
- As in undo : verb nullify, invalidate
- As in veto : verb refuse permission
- As in outwit : verb deceive
- As in outmaneuver : verb outwit
- As in outperform : verb beat
- As in outshine : verb outdo
- As in steamroller : verb steamroll
- As in wear down : verb make weary
- As in checkmate : verb countermove
- As in outrun : verb run faster than
- As in outstrip : verb surpass
- As in override : verb supersede
- As in shellac : verb batter
- As in smite : verb destroy
- As in wrack : verb destroy
- As in cheat : verb frustrate, thwart
- As in outsmart : verb outwit
- As in outthink : verb outwit
- As in pauperize : verb ruin
- As in thresh : verb thrash
- As in trump : verb outmaneuver
- As in confute : verb disprove, refute
- As in counteract : verb do opposing action
- As in crush : verb defeating soundly
- As in defeat : verb conquer in military manner
- As in defeat : verb conquer in athletic contest
- As in defeat : verb frustrate
- As in defy : verb challenge, frustrate
- As in demolish : verb destroy; consume
- As in do for : verb destroy
- As in drub : verb thrash
- As in eliminate : verb remove, throw out
- As in floor : verb perplex, confound
- As in foil : verb circumvent, nip in the bud
- As in frustrate : verb thwart, disappoint
- As in get : verb seize
- As in hammer : verb beat, hit
Antonyms for de feat
- abet
- accept
- accomplishment
- accuracy
- achievement
- achiever
- activate
- add
- adequacy
- admire
- admit
- adorn
- advance
- advantage
- affirm
- aggravate
- agitate
- agree
- aid
- allow
- approval
- approve
- arouse
- ascent
- assist
- assistance
- assuage
- attainment
- attest
- attract
- attraction
- authorize
- back down
- balance
- be absent
- be honest
- be immune
- be inferior
- be loyal
- be still
- bear
- beautify
- begin
- beginning
- benefit
- betterment
- birth
- blessing
- boon
- boost
- break
- build
- build up
- building
- calm
- carriage
- certainty
- cheer
- choose
- clarify
- clear
- clear up
- close
- comfort
- commencement
- commend
- compliment
- comply
- conceal
- concede
- confirm
- conquest
- construct
- construction
- contentedness
- contentment
- continuation
- continue
- cooperate
- cooperation
- correction
- create
- creation
- credit
- cure
- decorate
- delight
- deny
- depart
- destroy
- develop
- development
- disadvantage
- discourage
- dissuade
- disturb
- do
- doing
- earnings
- ease
- elevation
- employ
- enable
- enchant
- enchantment
- encourage
- encouragement
- endorse
- energize
- enforce
- engage
- enlighten
- enough
- erase
- erect
- establish
- euphoria
- exalt
- exoneration
- expand
- expectation
- expedition
- explain
- explicate
- extract
- face
- facilitate
- facilitation
- fail
- failure
- fall behind
- fasten
- favor
- fill
- fix
- flatter
- float
- forfeit
- fortune
- forward
- free
- furtherance
- gain
- give
- give birth
- give in
- give up
- good
- good fortune
- good health
- good luck
- grant
- grow
- growth
- guard
- halt
- happiness
- harmony
- heal
- health
- hearten
- heat
- help
- hide
- hire
- hold
- honor
- identical
- improve
- improvement
- incite
- include
- inclusion
- increase
- inferiority
- initiate
- initiation
- inspirit
- institute
- introduction
- invigorate
- irritate
- joy
- keep
- leave
- leave alone
- let go
- liberate
- light
- like
- lose
- loss
- love
- make easier
- make happy
- mastery
- meet
- mend
- merit
- miracle
- misconstrue
- mismanage
- miss
- misunderstand
- mobilize
- neglect
- not impress
- note
- obey
- OK
- open
- opening
- order
- ornament
- overtake
- overthrow
- pass
- pay attention
- peace
- perfection
- permit
- placate
- please
- pleasure
- plenty
- praise
- preserve
- produce
- profit
- progress
- promote
- promotion
- prosperity
- protect
- prove
- purify
- push
- raise
- ratification
- ratify
- rebuild
- receive
- refresh
- refuse
- regard
- release
- relief
- relieve
- repair
- respect
- restore
- retain
- retreat
- revive
- rise
- rouse
- ruin
- same
- sanctify
- sanction
- satisfaction
- save
- schedule
- secrete
- separate
- set up
- solution
- soothe
- stand
- start
- stay
- stop
- straighten
- strength
- strengthen
- subservience
- success
- sufficiency
- support
- surrender
- take in
- tap
- tell truth
- triumph
- truth
- turn on
- uncompress
- uncover
- understand
- underwhelm
- unfasten
- unwrinkle
- uphold
- validate
- verify
- victory
- warm
- weakness
- welcome
- win
- wonder
- worsen
- yield
- yielding
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019