Synonyms for negate

Grammar : Verb
Spell : ni-geyt, neg-eyt
Phonetic Transcription : nɪˈgeɪt, ˈnɛg eɪt

Top 10 synonyms for negate Other synonyms for the word negate

Définition of negate

Origin :
  • 1795 (with an isolated use from 1620s), back-formation from negation, or else from Latin negatus, past participle of negare. Related: Negated; negates; negating.
  • verb contradict, countermand
Example sentences :
  • Sensitiveness, Culture, seemed to negate spontaneity of action.
  • Extract from : « Colorado Jim » by George Goodchild
  • The idea of wholeness does not negate an appreciation of the complexity of being.
  • Extract from : « Nursing as Caring » by Anne Boykin
  • We could negate the efforts of any echelon below the Eddorians themselves, it is true.
  • Extract from : « Triplanetary » by Edward Elmer Smith
  • The Anarchistic teachings have in common only this, that they negate the State for our future.
  • Extract from : « Anarchism » by Paul Eltzbacher
  • A part of them negate law for our future; these teachings may be called anomistic.
  • Extract from : « Anarchism » by Paul Eltzbacher
  • They have this in common, that they negate the State for our future.
  • Extract from : « Anarchism » by Paul Eltzbacher
  • I must not only negate but I must also restore the negation again.
  • Extract from : « Landmarks of Scientific Socialism » by Friedrich Engels
  • We have electron deflecting suits that negate the effects of the anionizers.
  • Extract from : « The Revolutions of Time » by Jonathan Dunn
  • For even to allow a shadow of finiteness in the Absolute is to negate it; to define it is to annihilate it!
  • Extract from : « Nature Mysticism » by J. Edward Mercer
  • As knowledge grows, interpretations become more adequate to the objective facts, but it does not negate them.
  • Extract from : « Nature Mysticism » by J. Edward Mercer

Antonyms for negate

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019