Synonyms for route
Grammar : Noun, verb |
Spell : root, rout |
Phonetic Transcription : rut, raÊŠt |
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Définition of route
Origin :- early 13c., from Old French rute "road, way, path" (12c.), from Latin rupta (via) "(a road) opened by force," from rupta, fem. past participle of rumpere "to break" (see rupture (n.)). Sense of "fixed or regular course for carrying things" (cf. mail route) is 1792, an extension of the meaning "customary path of animals" (early 15c.).
- noun path over which someone or something travels
- verb send along a path
- Along the route as, well as at the station, the party was cheered by a large crowd.
- Extract from : « The Grand Old Man » by Richard B. Cook
- Vast crowds lined the route, afoot and in every kind of vehicle.
- Extract from : « The Grand Old Man » by Richard B. Cook
- The view from the summit, made up for the deviation from my route.
- Extract from : « Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia » by Thomas Mitchell
- Our route brought us along by the waterside, and we travelled hard all that night.
- Extract from : « Ned Myers » by James Fenimore Cooper
- The route she was to follow was marked by a line of buoys and flags.
- Extract from : « Heroes of the Telegraph » by J. Munro
- Their route now lay along the bottom which has already been mentioned.
- Extract from : « The Last of the Mohicans » by James Fenimore Cooper
- Their route lay, for the distance of a mile, along the bed of the water-course.
- Extract from : « The Last of the Mohicans » by James Fenimore Cooper
- Even the route they were to take was planned, so that I could not miss them if I started.
- Extract from : « It Happened in Egypt » by C. N. Williamson
- I thought you knew that; I thought that was why you called me in with my route half-covered.
- Extract from : « The Fortune Hunter » by Louis Joseph Vance
- For more than a week the trains from the east and the north could not run over this route.
- Extract from : « My Double Life » by Sarah Bernhardt
Antonyms for route
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019