Synonyms for brush-off
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : bruhsh-awf, -of |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈbrʌʃˌɔf, -ˌɒf |
Top 10 synonyms for brush-off Other synonyms for the word brush-off
- abnegation
- abstaining
- adjournment
- adjuration
- affray
- aloofness
- banishment
- battle royal
- beef
- blowup
- bone to pick
- bounce
- brannigan
- brawl
- brush
- brush-off
- call-down
- catamaran
- check
- cold shoulder
- coldness
- congé
- contempt
- contention
- contradiction
- contrariety
- contretemps
- controversion
- cut
- declination
- defeat
- deportation
- deposal
- deposition
- disaccord
- disaffirmance
- disaffirmation
- disallowance
- disappointment
- disapproval
- disavowal
- discharge
- disclaimer
- discord
- discordance
- discourtesy
- disdain
- disesteem
- disfavor
- disinterest
- dislodgment
- dismissal
- dismissing
- displacement
- dispossession
- disproof
- dispute
- disregard
- disrespect
- dissension
- dissent
- dissidence
- dissolution
- disunity
- door
- dustup
- elimination
- encounter
- end
- engagement
- estrangement
- eviction
- exclusion
- exile
- exorcism
- expatriation
- expulsion
- failure
- fight
- flap
- forgetting
- forswearing
- fray
- freedom
- freeing
- gainsaying
- hard time
- hassle
- heedlessness
- housecleaning
- iciness
- inadvertence
- inattention
- indifference
- insouciance
- jackpot
- kick
- kick in teeth
- kiss-off
- lassitude
- layoff
- lethargy
- liberation
- listlessness
- marching orders
- mix-up
- nay
- negation
- negative
- neglect
- neglecting
- negligence
- nix
- no dice
- no go
- no way
- nonacceptance
- noncommittal
- nothing doing
- notice
- oblivion
- old heave-ho
- omission
- omitting
- ostracism
- ouster
- overlooking
- oversight
- pass
- permission
- pink slip
- prohibition
- protestation
- put-down
- quarrel
- rebuff
- rebuttal
- refraining
- refusal
- refusing
- refutal
- refutation
- rejecting
- rejection
- relegation
- removal
- renegement
- renouncement
- renunciation
- repudiating
- repudiation
- repulse
- retraction
- reverse
- row
- run-in
- scorn
- scrap
- service
- set-to
- shoot-out
- skirmish
- slap in the face
- slight
- slighting
- snub
- spat
- spurning
- statement
- statement abnegation
- strife
- struggle
- suspension
- the cold shoulder
- thumbs down
- tiff
- turndown
- unconcern
- unmindfulness
- variance
- veto
- war
- warfare
- words
- wrangle
Définition of brush-off
- As in rejection : noun denial, refusal
- As in repulse : noun snub; rejection
- As in slight : noun insult, disrespect
- As in traversal : noun denial
- As in cold shoulder : noun snub
- As in combat : noun battle
- As in denial : noun dismissal, refusal of belief in
- As in difference : noun opposing views
- As in dismissal : noun release
- As in disregard : noun ignoring
- For any officer to brush-off a forthright request for aid or advice under such circumstances is an unofficerly act.
- Extract from : « The Armed Forces Officer » by U. S. Department of Defense
Antonyms for brush-off
- acceptance
- accord
- admiration
- affirmation
- agreement
- alikeness
- allowance
- appointment
- approval
- assent
- attainment
- attention
- attraction
- authorization
- avowal
- beginning
- calm
- care
- choice
- claim
- commencement
- compliment
- compromise
- concern
- concurrence
- confirmation
- conformity
- consent
- construction
- corroboration
- employment
- enchantment
- endorsement
- esteem
- feeling
- harmony
- help
- hiring
- honor
- imprisonment
- incarceration
- interest
- likeness
- love
- maintainance
- note
- OK
- peace
- permission
- praise
- ratification
- regard
- remembrance
- respect
- retention
- retreat
- sameness
- sanction
- similarity
- start
- success
- surrender
- sympathy
- truce
- uniformity
- vouching
- welcome
- welcoming
- win
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019