Synonyms for pass on

Grammar : Verb
Spell : pas, pahs
Phonetic Transcription : pæs, pɑs

Top 10 synonyms for pass on Other synonyms for the word pass on

Définition of pass on

Origin :
  • "written permission to pass into, or through, a place," 1590s, from pass (v.). Sense of "ticket for a free ride or admission" is first found 1838. Colloquial make a pass "offer an amorous advance" first recorded 1928, perhaps from a sporting sense. Phrase come to pass (late 15c.) uses the word with a sense of "completion, accomplishment."
  • As in leak : verb seep; make known
  • As in assent : verb agree
  • As in pass : verb decide not to do
  • As in pass away : verb die
  • As in perish : verb die, decline, decay
  • As in prohibit : verb make impossible; stop
  • As in refer : verb direct, guide
  • As in reject : verb say no to
  • As in relegate : verb assign, transfer
  • As in report : verb communicate information, knowledge
  • As in transfer : verb pass possession to
  • As in transmit : verb communicate, send
  • As in turn over : verb give, transfer
  • As in veto : verb refuse permission
  • As in bequeath : verb give in a will
  • As in will : verb give, bequeath to another
  • As in bite the dust : verb pass away
  • As in buy the farm : verb pass away
  • As in kick the bucket : verb die
  • As in : verb die
  • As in pass the buck : verb pass responsibility on to another
  • As in break : verb tell news
  • As in hand down : verb pass along
  • As in carry : verb broadcast electronically
  • As in devolve : verb transfer
  • As in comment : verb make statement of opinion, explanation
  • As in communicate : verb give or exchange information, ideas
  • As in concur : verb agree, approve
  • As in conduct : verb transport
  • As in convey : verb express message
  • As in decease : verb pass away; expire
  • As in decline : verb say no
  • As in delegate : verb assign responsibility
  • As in disallow : verb reject, prohibit
  • As in disapprove : verb condemn
  • As in agree : verb be in unison, assent with another
  • As in allow : verb permit an action
  • As in expire : verb come to an end
  • As in forgo : verb give up, do without
  • As in get across : verb communicate an idea
  • As in go : verb die, collapse
  • As in impart : verb make known

Antonyms for pass on

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019