Synonyms for pass on
Grammar : Verb |
Spell : pas, pahs |
Phonetic Transcription : pæs, pɑs |
Top 10 synonyms for pass on Other synonyms for the word pass on
- abjure
- abstain
- accept
- accompany
- accord
- accredit
- acquaint
- acquiesce
- adopt
- advise
- affirm
- air
- allow
- animadvert
- annotate
- approve
- assent
- assign
- attend
- authorize
- avoid
- balk
- ban
- band
- be big
- be consonant with
- be destroyed
- be game for
- be in harmony
- be in touch
- be killed
- be lost
- be of the same mind
- bear
- beg to be excused
- bend
- bequeath
- bequest
- bestow
- betray
- bite the dust
- blackball
- blame
- block
- bottle up
- box in
- break
- break down
- bring
- bring home
- bring out
- bring to screeching halt
- bring word
- broadcast
- brook
- burn
- bury the hatchet
- buy
- buy a one-way ticket
- buy into
- buy it
- buy the farm
- buy the ranch
- bypass
- cable
- call off all bets
- cancel
- carry
- cart
- cash in chips
- cash in one's chips
- cashier
- cast aside
- cast off
- cast out
- cave
- cave in
- cease
- cease living
- cede
- censor
- censure
- certify
- change
- channel
- chaperon
- charge
- chastise
- check
- check out
- chuck
- circulate
- clarify
- clinch the deal
- close
- coadjute
- coincide
- collaborate
- collapse
- combine
- come across with
- come out
- come to terms
- come together
- commend
- commentate
- commission
- commit
- communicate
- companion
- comply
- concede
- conclude
- concur
- conduct
- confer
- confide
- conform
- connect
- consent
- consign
- constrain
- construe
- consume
- contact
- convert
- convey
- convoy
- cool
- cool off
- cooperate
- cop out
- cork
- correspond
- corrupt
- cover
- credit
- criticize
- croak
- crumble
- cut
- cut a deal
- cut off
- damn
- debar
- decease
- declare
- decline
- decompose
- decry
- deed
- deep six
- defeat
- defer
- delegate
- deliver
- demise
- demur
- denounce
- deny
- depart
- deplete
- deplore
- deprecate
- describe
- desist
- despise
- detail
- detract
- devise
- devolve
- devour
- die
- diffuse
- disacknowledge
- disallow
- disappear
- disapprove
- disavow
- disbelieve
- discard
- discharge
- disclaim
- disclose
- discommend
- discount
- discountenance
- discover
- discredit
- disdain
- disesteem
- disfavor
- disherit
- disinherit
- disintegrate
- dislike
- dislocate
- dismiss
- disown
- dispatch
- dispense
- displace
- display
- dispraise
- disregard
- disseminate
- dissipate
- disturb
- ditto
- divulge
- document
- dodge
- don't buy
- drip
- drool
- drop
- drop a line
- drop a note
- duck
- elapse
- eliminate
- elucidate
- embargo
- embrace
- empower
- end
- endorse
- endow
- endure
- engage
- enjoin
- enlighten
- entrust
- enunciate
- equal
- escape
- eschew
- escort
- espouse
- exclude
- exhaust
- expend
- expire
- explain
- explicate
- expose
- expostulate
- expound
- express
- exude
- fail
- fall
- farm
- favor
- feed
- ferry
- find
- find fault with
- find unacceptable
- finish
- fold up
- forbear
- forbid
- forfend
- forget
- forgo
- forsake
- forward
- free up
- freeze
- fritter
- frown on
- funnel
- furnish
- gainsay
- get across
- get out
- get out of
- get through
- get through to
- give
- give a blank check
- give a call
- give a ring
- give an account of
- give away
- give blessing
- give carte blanche
- give five
- give green light
- give in
- give leave
- give over
- give permission
- give the facts
- give the go-ahead
- give the green light
- give thumbs down
- give thumbs down to
- give to
- give up
- give up the ghost
- gloss
- go
- go along with
- go belly up
- go on the wagon
- go to glory
- go to one's reward
- go to the wall
- go under
- go west
- grant
- grant permission
- gridlock
- guide
- halt
- hamper
- hand
- hand down
- hand in
- hand on
- hand over
- hang up
- harmonize
- haul
- hear of
- hinder
- hint
- hold responsible for
- hold up
- hold with
- ignore
- illustrate
- impart
- impede
- imply
- indulge
- inform
- inhibit
- inscribe
- instill
- interact
- interdict
- interface
- interject
- interpose
- interpret
- introduce
- issue
- itemize
- jam up
- jettison
- jibe
- jilt
- join
- keep back
- keep in touch
- keep lid on
- kick off
- kick the bucket
- kill
- knuckle under
- lapse
- lead
- league
- leave
- leave alone
- leave out
- leave to
- legate
- let
- let on
- let out
- let slip
- license
- list
- live with
- lock up
- look askance at
- look down on
- lose life
- lug
- make a deal
- make clear
- make known
- make over
- make public
- make understood
- meet
- meet one's maker
- mention
- metamorphose
- miss
- move
- narrate
- negate
- negative
- neglect
- network
- nix
- not accept
- not buy
- not go for
- not hear of
- not heed
- not think of
- note
- notice
- notify
- object to
- oblige
- observe
- obstruct
- OD
- offer
- okay
- omit
- ooze
- opine
- oppose
- out
- outlaw
- overlook
- pack in
- pan
- parcel out
- pass
- pass away
- pass by
- pass on
- pass over
- pass the buck
- pass to
- pass up
- percolate
- perish
- permit
- phone
- pilot
- pipe
- play ball
- point
- point out
- post
- preclude
- present
- prevent
- probate
- proclaim
- prohibit
- project
- promulgate
- pronounce
- proscribe
- provide
- provide details
- publicize
- publish
- push up daisies
- put a lock on
- put a stopper in
- put across
- put chill on
- put down
- put half nelson on
- put in touch
- put on the air
- put over
- put up with
- quit
- radio
- raise
- reach out
- rebuff
- recite
- recognize
- recommend
- record
- recount
- refer
- reflect
- refrain
- refuse
- rehearse
- reject
- relate
- relay
- release
- relegate
- relinquish
- relocate
- remark
- remit
- remonstrate
- remove
- render
- renounce
- repel
- report
- reprehend
- reprobate
- reprove
- repudiate
- repulse
- resign
- resist
- restrain
- restrict
- retail
- reveal
- ring up
- rot
- route
- rule out
- run out
- run through
- sacrifice
- sanction
- say
- say uncle
- scoff
- scorn
- scout
- scrap
- second
- see eye to eye
- sell
- send
- send on errand
- send on mission
- send out
- send regrets
- set
- set aside
- set forth
- settle
- shake on
- shed
- shepherd
- shift
- ship
- shoot down
- shoulder
- shove off
- show
- shun
- shunt
- shut out
- shy
- side with
- sign
- sign over
- signify
- siphon
- sit out
- sit still for
- skip
- slam
- slide out of
- slight
- slip
- slough
- spend
- spike
- spill
- spill the beans
- spread
- spurn
- squander
- stand
- state
- steer
- stop
- strike out
- stymie
- submit
- subscribe
- succumb
- suffer
- suggest
- summarize
- supply
- support
- surrender
- swear off
- taboo
- take
- take dim view of
- take exception to
- take kindly to
- take one up on
- take the cure
- take the oath
- taxi
- telephone
- tell
- terminate
- throw away
- throw cold water on
- throw out
- thumbs down
- tie up
- tolerate
- tote
- touch base
- touch upon
- traject
- transfer
- transfigure
- transfuse
- translate
- transmit
- transmogrify
- transmute
- transpire
- transplant
- transport
- transpose
- trickle
- trumpet
- turn down
- turn over
- turn thumbs down
- unfold
- unite
- up and die
- use up
- vanish
- veto
- waive
- warrant
- waste
- weaken
- will
- wire
- wither
- withhold
- worsen
- write
- write up
- yes
- yield
- zing
Définition of pass on
Origin :- "written permission to pass into, or through, a place," 1590s, from pass (v.). Sense of "ticket for a free ride or admission" is first found 1838. Colloquial make a pass "offer an amorous advance" first recorded 1928, perhaps from a sporting sense. Phrase come to pass (late 15c.) uses the word with a sense of "completion, accomplishment."
- As in leak : verb seep; make known
- As in assent : verb agree
- As in pass : verb decide not to do
- As in pass away : verb die
- As in perish : verb die, decline, decay
- As in prohibit : verb make impossible; stop
- As in refer : verb direct, guide
- As in reject : verb say no to
- As in relegate : verb assign, transfer
- As in report : verb communicate information, knowledge
- As in transfer : verb pass possession to
- As in transmit : verb communicate, send
- As in turn over : verb give, transfer
- As in veto : verb refuse permission
- As in bequeath : verb give in a will
- As in will : verb give, bequeath to another
- As in bite the dust : verb pass away
- As in buy the farm : verb pass away
- As in kick the bucket : verb die
- As in : verb die
- As in pass the buck : verb pass responsibility on to another
- As in break : verb tell news
- As in hand down : verb pass along
- As in carry : verb broadcast electronically
- As in devolve : verb transfer
- As in comment : verb make statement of opinion, explanation
- As in communicate : verb give or exchange information, ideas
- As in concur : verb agree, approve
- As in conduct : verb transport
- As in convey : verb express message
- As in decease : verb pass away; expire
- As in decline : verb say no
- As in delegate : verb assign responsibility
- As in disallow : verb reject, prohibit
- As in disapprove : verb condemn
- As in agree : verb be in unison, assent with another
- As in allow : verb permit an action
- As in expire : verb come to an end
- As in forgo : verb give up, do without
- As in get across : verb communicate an idea
- As in go : verb die, collapse
- As in impart : verb make known
Antonyms for pass on
- abandon
- accept
- accumulate
- acknowledge
- admire
- admit
- advance
- agree
- aid
- allow
- appear
- approve
- argue
- arrive
- ascend
- assert
- assist
- assume
- attach
- attend
- attract
- avoid
- be born
- be quiet
- be willing
- bear
- begin
- believe
- bottle up
- breathe in
- build
- cause
- choose
- claim
- clash
- collect
- come
- commence
- commend
- compliment
- conceal
- confuse
- contend
- continue
- contradict
- cover
- create
- deceive
- decline
- defend
- delude
- deny
- desert
- differ
- disagree
- disallow
- disapprove
- disconnect
- disjoin
- dispute
- dissent
- dissuade
- divide
- do
- dodge
- drop
- earn
- encourage
- end
- endorse
- exalt
- facilitate
- fail
- fall behind
- fasten
- favor
- fight
- fix
- forbid
- forward
- free
- gather
- get
- give birth
- go along
- go up
- grant
- grow
- halt
- heed
- help
- hide
- hoard
- hold
- hold back
- ignore
- improve
- include
- increase
- indulge
- inhale
- initiate
- introduce
- join
- keep
- keep quiet
- keep secret
- laud
- leave
- let go
- like
- live
- look at
- lose
- love
- maintain
- mend
- miscommunicate
- mislead
- mismatch
- misrepresent
- miss
- mystify
- neglect
- note
- notice
- obey
- object
- obscure
- OK
- open
- oppose
- order
- overlook
- part
- pass
- pay attention
- permit
- persist
- praise
- prevent
- prohibit
- promote
- protest
- push
- put together
- ratify
- receive
- recognize
- refrain
- refuse
- regard
- reject
- release
- remain
- remember
- repel
- repress
- repudiate
- resist
- respect
- retain
- revive
- rise
- sanction
- save
- say yes
- secret
- secrete
- secure
- separate
- stabilize
- stagnate
- start
- stay
- stop
- store
- strengthen
- succeed
- support
- suppress
- surrender
- take
- take on
- trust
- unauthorize
- upgrade
- use
- veto
- wait
- want
- welcome
- win
- withhold
- withstand
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019