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Antonyms for de cline

Grammar : Noun, verb
Spell : dih-klahyn
Phonetic Transcription : dɪˈklaɪn

Definition of de cline

Origin :
  • late 14c., "to turn aside, deviate," from Old French decliner "to sink, decline, degenerate, turn aside," from Latin declinare "to lower, avoid, deviate, to bend from, inflect," from de- "from" (see de-) + clinare "to bend," from PIE *klei-n-, suffixed form of *klei- "to lean" (see lean (v.)). Sense has been altered since c.1400 by interpretation of de- as "downward." Meaning "not to consent, politely refuse," is from 1630s. Related: Declined; declining.
  • As in lapse : noun backsliding
  • As in atrophy : noun wasting away, disintegration
  • As in recession : noun reversal of action; reduction of business activity
  • As in slowdown : noun slacking off; gradual decrease
  • As in twilight : noun onset of darkness at end of day
  • As in abatement : noun lessening
  • As in lessening : noun decrease
  • As in retrogression : noun deterioration
  • As in senility : noun old age
  • As in free fall : noun rapid decline or descent
  • As in toboggan : noun long sled
  • As in declension : noun deterioration
  • As in declination : noun refusal
  • As in declination : noun deterioration
  • As in decrement : noun decrease
  • As in degeneration : noun deterioration
  • As in devaluation : noun depreciation
  • As in gloaming : noun evening
  • As in insolvency : noun failure
  • As in nonfeasance : noun failure
  • As in nosedive : noun fall
  • As in putrefaction : noun decay
  • As in putrescence : noun decay
  • As in putridness : noun decay
  • As in recidivation : noun lapse
  • As in recidivism : noun lapse
  • As in slackening : noun let-up
  • As in spoilage : noun decay
  • As in subsidence : noun let-up
  • As in unsuccess : noun failure
  • As in unsuccessfulness : noun failure
  • As in vesper : noun evening
  • As in comedown : noun letdown, blow
  • As in cutback : noun decrease
  • As in decadence : noun perversion; deterioration of morality
  • As in decay : noun breaking down, collapse
  • As in decline : noun lessening
  • As in decline : noun downward change in value, position
  • As in decrease : noun diminishing, lessening
  • As in degeneracy : noun decay, deterioration
  • As in degradation : noun depravity, shame
  • As in descent : noun moving down; lowering
  • As in descent : noun deterioration
  • As in deterioration : noun decay, degeneration
  • As in diminution : noun lessening, reduction
  • As in downgrade : noun slope
  • As in downturn : noun drop
  • As in drop : noun decrease
  • As in eclipse : noun shadowing of the sun
  • As in entropy : noun deterioration
  • As in evening : noun latter part of a day
  • As in failure : noun lack of success
  • As in fall : noun descent; lowering
  • As in angle : noun shape formed by two lines meeting at a point
  • As in anticlimax : noun ineffective conclusion
  • As in languish : verb droop; become dull, listless
  • As in lapse : verb become void; fall back into previous pattern
  • As in abate : verb lessen, grow or cause to grow less
  • As in lean : verb bend, angle toward
  • As in lessen : verb lower, reduce
  • As in loathe : verb dislike strongly
  • As in lose : verb be defeated
  • As in moderate : verb restrain, control
  • As in abstain : verb hold back from doing
  • As in pass : verb decide not to do
  • As in plummet : verb fall hard and fast
  • As in rebuff : verb turn away; give the cold shoulder
  • As in recede : verb withdraw; diminish
  • As in refuse : verb deny; say no
  • As in reject : verb say no to
  • As in renounce : verb abandon, reject
  • As in repel : verb push away; repulse
  • As in repudiate : verb reject; turn one's back on
  • As in revert : verb return to an earlier, less-developed condition
  • As in rot : verb corrode, deteriorate
  • As in rust : verb corrode
  • As in sag : verb droop
  • As in settle : verb come to rest; fall
  • As in shun : verb avoid, ignore
  • As in sink : verb fall in, go under
  • As in sink : verb deteriorate
  • As in slant : verb angle off, slope
  • As in spurn : verb turn away; ignore
  • As in stagnate : verb deteriorate by lack of action
  • As in subside : verb die down; decrease
  • As in turn down : verb reject
  • As in veto : verb refuse permission
  • As in wane : verb diminish, lessen
  • As in waste : verb spend or use without thought; dwindle
  • As in weaken : verb reduce the strength of
  • As in wear : verb corrode, use
  • As in worsen : verb diminish, decay
  • As in cheapen : verb diminish worth
  • As in devolve : verb deteriorate
  • As in glissade : verb glide
  • As in miscarry : verb fail to attain goal
  • As in peter : verb decrease
  • As in retrocede : verb recede
  • As in submerse : verb sink
  • As in come down : verb worsen
  • As in contract : verb condense
  • As in contract : verb catch disease
  • As in crack up : verb break down mentally
  • As in decay : verb deteriorate, crumble
  • As in abnegate : verb renounce
  • As in decline : verb say no
  • As in decline : verb lessen, become less
  • As in decline : verb descend
  • As in decrease : verb grow less or make less
  • As in degenerate : verb decay, deteriorate
  • As in descend : verb move down, lower a
  • As in age : verb become older
  • As in deteriorate : verb decay, degenerate
  • As in die : verb wither, dwindle
  • As in diminish : verb become or cause to be less
  • As in dip : verb lower, descend
  • As in disclaim : verb deny
  • As in disintegrate : verb fall apart; reduce to pieces
  • As in dismiss : verb send away, remove; free
  • As in disobey : verb disregard rules; refuse to conform
  • As in dissent : verb disagree
  • As in dissolve : verb disappear, disintegrate
  • As in distort : verb deform; falsify
  • As in drain : verb seep, discharge liquid
  • As in droop : verb hang down; languish
  • As in drop : verb let go of; fall
  • As in drop off : verb decrease
  • As in dwindle : verb waste away; taper off
  • As in evade : verb get away from
  • As in fade : verb dwindle, die out
  • As in fail : verb be unsuccessful
  • As in fall : verb descend; become lower
  • As in forbear : verb resist the temptation to
  • As in glide : verb move smoothly and quickly on a surface
  • As in go : verb die, collapse
  • As in go down : verb lose, fall

Synonyms for de cline

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019