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Antonyms for fall behind

Grammar : Verb
Spell : fawl
Phonetic Transcription : fɔl

Definition of fall behind

Origin :
  • Old English feallan (class VII strong verb; past tense feoll, past participle feallen) "to fall; fail, decay, die," from Proto-Germanic *fallanan (cf. Old Frisian falla, Old Saxon fallan, Dutch vallen, Old Norse falla, Old High German fallan, German fallen), from PIE root *pol- "to fall" (cf. Armenian p'ul "downfall," Lithuanian puola "to fall," Old Prussian aupallai "finds," literally "falls upon").
  • Most of the figurative senses had developed in Middle English. Meaning "to be reduced" (as temperature) is from 1650s. To fall in love is attested from 1520s; to fall asleep is late 14c. Fall through "come to naught" is from 1781. To fall for something is from 1903.
  • As in trail : verb lag behind, follow
Example sentences :
  • Both of the Terrans feared to fall behind, to lose touch with that guide.
  • Extract from : « Storm Over Warlock » by Andre Norton
  • But he strode on, at a pace which made her run lest she should fall behind.
  • Extract from : « Ambrotox and Limping Dick » by Oliver Fleming
  • The other tried to do the same, but she seemed to droop and fall behind.
  • Extract from : « The World Peril of 1910 » by George Griffith
  • But even with this new source of income they began to fall behind.
  • Extract from : « The Friendly Road » by (AKA David Grayson) Ray Stannard Baker
  • But it was not easy for the cub lion, and soon he began to limp and fall behind.
  • Extract from : « Nero, the Circus Lion » by Richard Barnum
  • Some of us fall behind the fashions, but no one ever gets ahead of them.
  • Extract from : « Introduction to the Science of Sociology » by Robert E. Park
  • As if the beauty and sacredness of the demonstrable must fall behind that of the mythical!
  • Extract from : « The Oxford Book of American Essays » by Various
  • Turn your face to the light, and the shadow will fall behind you.
  • Extract from : « The World's Great Sermons, Volume 7: Hale to Farrar » by Various
  • They soon tired, and had to slow their pace and fall behind.
  • Extract from : « South from Hudson Bay » by E. C. [Ethel Claire] Brill
  • But the husband took her arm, and I was obliged to fall behind.
  • Extract from : « My Neighbor Raymond (Novels of Paul de Kock Volume XI) » by Charles Paul de Kock

Synonyms for fall behind

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019