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Synonyms for thumbs down

Grammar : Noun
Spell : thuhmz-doun
Phonetic Transcription : ˈθʌmzˈdaʊn

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Définition of thumbs down

Origin :
  • Old English þuma, from West Germanic *thumon- (cf. Old Frisian thuma, Old Saxon, Old High German thumo, German Daumen, Dutch duim "thumb," Old Norse þumall "thumb of a glove"), literally "the stout or thick (finger)," from PIE *tum- "swell" (cf. Latin tumere "to swell," tumidus "swollen;" Avestan tuma "fat;" see thigh). For spelling with -b (attested from late 13c.), see limb.
  • To be under (someone's) thumb "be totally controlled by that person" is recorded from 1580s. Thumbs up (1887) and thumbs down (1906) were said to be from expressions of approval or the opposite in ancient amphitheaters, especially gladiator shows, where the gesture decided whether a defeated combatant was spared or slain. But the Roman gesture was merely one of hiding the thumb in the hand or extending it. Perhaps the modern gesture is from the usual coachmen's way of greeting while the hands are occupied with the reins.
  • noun rejection
Example sentences :
  • We see the man to the middle of his body, his arms folded and his thumbs down.
  • Extract from : « The Spell of the Heart of France » by Andr Hallays
  • But as each pilot passed the flight bridge he looked up at Colonel Welsh, shook his head, and made a thumbs down gesture.
  • Extract from : « Dave Dawson on Guadalcanal » by Robert Sydney Bowen
  • Albee made a sweeping gesture, as expressive as a Roman emperor's thumbs down.
  • Extract from : « Manslaughter » by Alice Duer Miller
  • The spectator has no need to turn his thumbs down, as no quarter is given.
  • Extract from : « Christianity and Problems of To-day: Lectures Delivered Before Lake Forest College on the Foundation of the Late William Bross » by John Huston Finley
  • Her audience, leaning forward with thumbs down, still took eagerly all that she could give them.
  • Extract from : « "Persons Unknown" » by Virginia Tracy
  • Mayor says thumbs up (to the breast) meant death and thumbs down meant Lower that sword.
  • Extract from : « The Outline of History: Being a Plain History of Life and Mankind » by Herbert George Wells
  • Mrs. Harnden, however, was gazing into the arena and was blandly indicating by her demeanor, "Thumbs down!"
  • Extract from : « When Egypt Went Broke » by Holman Day
  • So a cruel Roman lady might have regarded a gladiator in the arena, answering his appeal with Thumbs down.
  • Extract from : « Nothing But the Truth » by Frederic S. Isham
  • If he calls out simply "Thumbs up" or "Thumbs down" no attention must be paid to this order as a forfeit is taken.
  • Extract from : « What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games and Pastimes » by Dorothy Canfield Fisher
  • Looking to Tom for a lead, Chow suddenly noticed the young inventor make a quick "thumbs down" gesture.
  • Extract from : « Tom Swift and The Visitor from Planet X » by Victor Appleton

Antonyms for thumbs down

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019