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Synonyms for shake

Grammar : Verb
Spell : sheyk
Phonetic Transcription : ʃeɪk

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Définition of shake

Origin :
  • Old English sceacan "move (something) quickly to and fro, brandish; move the body or a part of it rapidly back and forth;" also "go, glide, hasten, flee, depart" (cf. sceacdom "flight"); of persons or parts of the body, "to tremble" especially from fever, cold, fear" (class VI strong verb; past tense scoc, past participle scacen), from Proto-Germanic *skakanan (cf. Old Norse, Swedish skaka, Danish skage "to shift, turn, veer"). No certain cognates outside Germanic, but some suggest a possible connection to Sanskrit khaj "to agitate, churn, stir about," Old Church Slavonic skoku "a leap, bound," Welsh ysgogi "move."
  • Of the earth in earthquakes, c.1300. Meaning "seize and shake (someone or something else)" is from early 14c. In reference to mixing ingredients, etc., by shaking a container from late 14c. Meaning "to rid oneself of by abrupt twists" is from c.1200, also in Middle English in reference to evading responsibility, etc. Meaning "weaken, impair" is from late 14c., on notion of "make unstable."
  • To shake hands dates from 1530s. Shake a (loose) leg "hurry up" first recorded 1904; shake a heel (sometimes foot) was an old way to say "to dance" (1660s); to shake (one's) elbow (1620s) meant "to gamble at dice." Phrase more _____ than you can shake a stick at is attested from 1818, American English. To shake (one's) head as a sign of disapproval is recorded from c.1300.
  • verb quiver, tremble
  • verb upset deeply
Example sentences :
  • Grace caught Emma by the shoulders and proceeded to shake her.
  • Extract from : « Grace Harlowe's Return to Overton Campus » by Jessie Graham Flower
  • Hey, Scottie, shake up the fire and put on some coffee, will you?
  • Extract from : « Way of the Lawless » by Max Brand
  • She clung to appearances with a tenacity that nothing could shake.
  • Extract from : « The Raid From Beausejour; And How The Carter Boys Lifted The Mortgage » by Charles G. D. Roberts
  • "Remember, sir, you are an honest man; you cannot shake hands with me," said George.
  • Extract from : « Life in London » by Edwin Hodder
  • He made an effort to shake off the feeling, and spoke with a sneer.
  • Extract from : « Within the Law » by Marvin Dana
  • "It is well," said he, and with a shake of the bridle rode on down the woodland path.
  • Extract from : « The White Company » by Arthur Conan Doyle
  • Come, my daughter, shake hands with this gentleman, and pledge him your troth.
  • Extract from : « The Imaginary Invalid » by Molire
  • He stopped a moment, tapping the frame with his fingers to shake off the dust.
  • Extract from : « The Dream » by Emile Zola
  • The circumstances of war contain every element that can shake the nerves.
  • Extract from : « The Story of the Malakand Field Force » by Sir Winston S. Churchill
  • They pressed forward to shake the hands of this strange couple.
  • Extract from : « The Leopard Woman » by Stewart Edward White

Antonyms for shake

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