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Synonyms for hold out
Grammar : Verb |
Spell : hohld |
Phonetic Transcription : hoʊld |
Définition of hold out
Origin :- Old English haldan (Anglian), healdan (West Saxon), "to contain, grasp; retain; foster, cherish," class VII strong verb (past tense heold, past participle healden), from Proto-Germanic *haldanan (cf. Old Saxon haldan, Old Frisian halda, Old Norse halda, Dutch houden, German halten "to hold," Gothic haldan "to tend"), originally "to keep, tend, watch over" (as cattle), later "to have." Ancestral sense is preserved in behold. The original past participle holden was replaced by held beginning 16c., but survives in some legal jargon and in beholden.
- Hold back is 1530s, transitive; 1570s, intransitive; hold off is early 15c., transitive; c.1600, intransitive; hold out is 1520s as "to stretch forth," 1580s as "to resist pressure." Hold on is early 13c. as "to maintain one’s course," 1830 as "to keep one’s grip on something," 1846 as an order to wait or stop. To hold (one's) tongue "be silent" is from c.1300. To hold (one's) own is from early 14c. To hold (someone's) hand "give moral support" is from 1935. Phrase hold your horses "be patient" is from 1844. To have and to hold have been paired alliteratively since at least c.1200, originally of marriage but also of real estate.
- verb offer
- verb endure
- There's a report to-day that —— cannot hold out much longer.
- Extract from : « Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, No. 327 » by Various
- You have to begin with 'em early, and begin as you mean to hold out.
- Extract from : « The Village Watch-Tower » by (AKA Kate Douglas Riggs) Kate Douglas Wiggin
- If your father'd just had the gumption to hold out, they'd have had to pay him anything he asked.
- Extract from : « Alice Adams » by Booth Tarkington
- And you feel positive that there is enough of this mineral to hold out for some time?'
- Extract from : « A Woman Intervenes » by Robert Barr
- She saw the girl at the gate spring forward and hold out her hands.
- Extract from : « Four Girls and a Compact » by Annie Hamilton Donnell
- The few Russians still left on 419 could not hold out after the loss of 412.
- Extract from : « The Story of the Great War, Volume III (of VIII) » by Various
- Possibly the Germans had begun to doubt how long Liege could hold out.
- Extract from : « The Story of the Great War, Volume II (of VIII) » by Various
- On hearing this, Christine could hold out no longer, but burst into laughter.
- Extract from : « His Masterpiece » by Emile Zola
- Her gay smile had come back; she was the first to hold out her hand.
- Extract from : « His Masterpiece » by Emile Zola
- Remains to be seen which can hold out longest—they without us, or we without them.
- Extract from : « Strife (First Series Plays) » by John Galsworthy
Words or expressions associated with your search
- able to hold water
- be beholden
- be hold
- be holden
- be holder
- be holders
- be holdings
- be holds
- behold
- beholden
- beholder
- candleholder
- catch hold of
- catching hold of
- caught hold of
- efficient household
- fasthold
- foothold
- gat ahold of
- gat hold of
- get a hold of
- get hold of
- get hold of oneself
- gets ahold of
- gets hold of
- getting ahold of
- getting hold of
- had a hold up on
- had a hold upon
- had hold upon
- haddest hold up on
- hadst hold up on
- handhold
- has a hold upon
- have a hold upon
- head of household
- hold
- hold a candle to
- hold a job
- hold accountable
- hold aloof from
- hold an opinion
- hold at bay
- hold attention
- hold back
- hold dear
- hold discussion
- hold down
- hold everything
- hold fast
- hold forth
- hold high
- hold hostage
- hold in
- hold in custody
- hold in respect
- hold no brief for
- hold off
- hold office
- hold on
- hold onto
- hold out
- hold out for
- hold out on
- hold over
- hold prisoner
- hold sway over
- hold the phone
- hold to
- hold under a spell
- hold up
- hold-up
- hold with
- hold your horses
- hold your water
- holdall
- holder
- holding
- holding back
- holding cell
- holding forth
- holding pattern
- holding pen
- holding the bag
- holding to
- holds
- holdup
- holdup person
- household
- household effects
- household help
- household possessions
- householder
- in holding pattern
- jobholder
- jobholding
- landholdings
- lay hold of
- laying hold of
- laying hold ofs
- leaseholder
- leave holding the bag
- leaved holding bag
- leaving holding bag
- leaving holding the bag
- left holding the bag
- mistress of the household
- no holds barred
- no holds barreds
- office holder
- office-holder
- office-holders
- officeholder
- on hold
- on holds
- put on hold
- safehold
- shareholder
- stronghold
- take hold of
- taper holder
- titleholder
- uphold
- upholding
- withhold
- withhold patronage
- withholding
- withholds
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