Synonyms for re solution
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : rez-uh-loo-shuhn |
Phonetic Transcription : ˌrɛz əˈlu ʃən |
Top 10 synonyms for re solution Other synonyms for the word re solution
- abidingness
- about-face
- absorption
- acclamation
- accommodation
- accomplishment
- accord
- acknowledgment
- address
- adjournment
- adjudication
- adjudicature
- adjustment
- advancement
- adventuresomeness
- adventurousness
- affidavit
- aim
- air
- allegation
- allowance
- alteration
- amends
- amusement
- analysis
- angle
- animation
- annotation
- announcement
- answer
- antiphon
- aplomb
- appeasement
- appetite
- application
- appraisal
- appreciation
- approach
- arbitration
- ardor
- argument
- arrangement
- article
- aspiration
- assay
- assaying
- assertion
- assertiveness
- assessment
- assumption
- assurance
- atonement
- attachment
- attainment
- attempt
- attentiveness
- attestation
- attitude
- audacity
- award
- back talk
- backbone
- backcap
- Band-Aid
- battle
- bearing
- belief
- bid
- big idea
- bill
- bit
- bliss
- boldness
- bond
- born again
- bottom line
- bounce
- brainchild
- brashness
- brass
- braveness
- bravery
- bravura
- brazenness
- breakdown
- breaking up
- breakup
- breath
- brief
- brio
- bulletin
- business
- caliber
- call
- canon
- capacity
- case
- catastrophe
- categorization
- cause
- cease
- certainty
- certitude
- cessation
- change of heart
- changeover
- chapter
- character
- charge
- cheek
- cheerfulness
- chivalry
- choice
- choosing
- chutzpah
- class
- classification
- clause
- clearance
- climax
- clock
- close
- close study
- closing
- closure
- clout
- code
- cogency
- comeback
- comfort
- commendation
- comment
- commentary
- commitment
- compact
- compensation
- complacency
- completeness
- completion
- complexion
- compromise
- conation
- concentration
- conciliation
- conclusion
- conclusiveness
- confession
- confidence
- confirmation
- conscientiousness
- consequence
- constancy
- constitution
- consummation
- contemplation
- contentedness
- contentment
- context
- continuance
- continuing
- contract
- conviction
- cool
- cooler
- coolness
- core
- corollary
- counterclaim
- coup de grace
- courage
- courageousness
- course
- courteousness
- courtesy
- covenant
- crack
- craving
- creation
- credo
- creed
- criticism
- critique
- crust
- culmination
- curtain
- curtains
- daring
- dash
- dauntlessness
- deal
- decay
- decease
- decidedness
- decision
- decisiveness
- declaration
- decomposition
- decree
- dedication
- deduction
- deed
- defense
- deference
- defiance
- definition
- defrayal
- defunction
- deliberation
- delight
- demise
- demonstration
- denouement
- denunciation
- dependability
- deposition
- depth
- derring-do
- description
- design
- desire
- desistance
- desuetude
- detachment
- detailed list
- details
- determination
- devotedness
- devotion
- diagnosis
- directive
- disappearance
- disbandment
- discharge
- discipline
- disclosure
- discontinuance
- discontinuation
- discretion
- discussion
- disintegration
- dismissal
- dispersal
- display
- disposition
- dissection
- dissolution
- disunion
- division
- divorce
- divorcement
- document
- doggedness
- dogmatism
- doughtiness
- drill
- drive
- duty
- eagerness
- earnestness
- ease
- echo
- edict
- effectiveness
- efficacy
- effrontery
- élan
- elbow grease
- election
- elegance
- elucidation
- emphaticalness
- enactment
- end
- end of the line
- end of the road
- endeavor
- ending
- endurance
- enduring
- energy
- engrossment
- enjoyment
- enterprise
- enthusiasm
- entirety
- epilogue
- esprit
- essay
- essence
- establishment
- estimate
- estimation
- evaluation
- evaporation
- evidence
- examination
- example
- exchange
- excuse
- execution
- exercise
- exhortation
- expiration
- expiry
- explanation
- explication
- exploration
- exposition
- expression
- extinction
- extremity
- face
- faith
- faith in oneself
- fancy
- fealty
- fearlessness
- feat
- feedback
- feeling
- fervor
- fidelity
- field
- field of reference
- fight
- final curtain
- finale
- finding
- finis
- finish
- fire
- firm-ness
- firmness
- fixed purpose
- fixity
- fling
- flip-flop
- flux
- focus
- force
- forcefulness
- forebearance
- fortitude
- frame of mind
- fulfillment
- gall
- gallantry
- game plan
- gameness
- gimmick
- gist
- gladness
- gloss
- go
- good fortune
- gospel
- graciousness
- gratification
- gravity
- grit
- growth
- guff
- gumption
- guts
- gutsiness
- guttiness
- hankering
- happiness
- happy medium
- hardihood
- hardiness
- head
- heart
- heart's desire
- heroism
- history
- holding up
- homage
- honesty
- honor
- hot lead
- humor
- idea
- illation
- illumination
- illustration
- immovability
- impertinence
- impudence
- inclination
- incorruptibility
- indefatigability
- indemnification
- independence
- indictment
- indomitability
- indomitableness
- indulgence
- industry
- inevitableness
- inference
- inflexibility
- information
- injunction
- innovation
- inquest
- inquiry
- inquisition
- insolence
- inspection
- instruction
- intactness
- integrity
- intensity
- intent
- intention
- intentness
- interest
- interpretation
- intestinal fortitude
- intransigence
- intrepidity
- intrepidness
- investigation
- invincibility
- inviolability
- invitation
- iron will
- irrevocability
- issue
- item
- itemization
- jazz
- job
- joy
- judgment
- juice
- justice
- justification
- keenness
- key
- kick
- kidney
- labor
- lapse
- last act
- last word
- law
- lead
- life
- life force
- liking
- lion-heartedness
- lip
- liquefaction
- liquidation
- liveliness
- longing
- love
- loyalty
- machismo
- makeup
- manfulness
- manifesto
- manliness
- masculinity
- material
- matter
- matter at hand
- matter in hand
- meaning
- measure
- measurement
- meat
- melting
- metamorphosis
- metanoia
- metasis
- mettle
- might
- mind
- mitigation
- modification
- mood
- moot point
- moral fiber
- morale
- motif
- motion
- motivation
- motive
- moxie
- narration
- nature
- nerve
- nobility
- nod
- note
- notice
- notification
- novelty
- obduracy
- obedience
- object
- objective
- observation
- obstinacy
- obstinance
- old college try
- omega
- oomph
- opinion
- option
- order
- ordinance
- outcome
- outline
- outlook
- overthrow
- pains
- parting
- parting shot
- partition
- passage
- passing
- passion
- patience
- patriotism
- pay
- pay dirt
- payment
- payoff
- peace of mind
- perception
- perfection
- period
- permanence
- permutation
- perseverance
- persistence
- pertinacity
- pertness
- pining
- pitch
- pith
- placation
- plea
- pleasure
- pluck
- pluckiness
- point
- point in question
- poise
- politeness
- potency
- power
- prearrangement
- precept
- preference
- prerogative
- presentation
- presumption
- pride
- principal object
- principle
- probing
- probity
- problem
- proclamation
- product
- production
- profession
- proffer
- progress
- project
- prolonging
- promulgation
- pronouncement
- pronunciamento
- propitiation
- proposal
- proposition
- proselytization
- prowess
- psyche
- pugnacity
- pull
- purport
- purpose
- purposefulness
- purposiveness
- pursuance
- pursuit
- push
- qualification
- quality
- quest
- question
- quick fix
- quietus
- rapprochement
- rashness
- ratiocination
- realization
- reasoning
- rebirth
- rebuttal
- recital
- recitation
- recklessness
- reclamation
- recommendation
- recompense
- reconcilement
- reconciliation
- reconnaissance
- reconstruction
- redress
- reformation
- refreshment
- refutation
- regard
- regeneration
- regularity
- reimbursement
- rejoinder
- release
- relentlessness
- reliability
- reliance
- relief
- remark
- reminder
- remodelling
- remuneration
- rendition
- reorganization
- reparation
- repartee
- repletion
- report
- research
- resignation
- resistance
- resoluteness
- resolution
- resolve
- resolving
- response
- restraint
- result
- retirement
- retort
- return
- reunion
- reverence
- reversal
- review
- reward
- rhetorical question
- riposte
- ruin
- rule
- ruling
- sand
- satiety
- satisfaction
- sauce
- savoir-faire
- scheme
- scrupulousness
- scrutiny
- search
- sedulity
- see the light
- selection
- self-confidence
- self-control
- self-discipline
- self-government
- self-possession
- self-reliance
- self-restraint
- sense
- sentence
- separation
- sequitur
- serenity
- serious-mindedness
- seriousness
- settlement
- setup
- shot
- showdown
- showing
- sifting
- sign
- sign-off
- significance
- silence
- simplification
- sincerity
- single-mindedness
- singleness
- sleep
- sneaking suspicion
- sobriety
- solemnity
- solution
- solving
- sorting out
- soul
- sparkle
- specification
- spine
- spirit
- split-up
- spunk
- spurt
- stab
- stability
- stamina
- stamp
- standing
- starch
- statement
- statute
- staunchness
- staying power
- steadfastness
- steadiness
- steer
- stick-to-itiveness
- stiff upper lip
- stomach
- stop
- stopping point
- story
- stoutheartedness
- strain
- strength
- strength of purpose
- stress
- stretch
- strife
- striving
- struggle
- stubbornness
- study
- sturdiness
- subdivision
- subject
- subject matter
- subjection
- submission
- subpoena
- substance
- sufferance
- suffering
- summary
- summation
- summons
- support
- sureness
- surety
- suspension
- swan song
- sweat
- switch
- tact
- tale
- talking
- target
- telling
- telltale
- temerity
- temper
- temperament
- tenacity
- tender
- tenor
- tension
- terminality
- termination
- terminus
- test
- testament
- testimonial
- testimony
- text
- thank-you note
- the call
- the nod
- the ticket
- theme
- theorem
- thesis
- thought
- ticket
- tie
- tip
- tip-off
- toil
- tolerance
- toleration
- topic
- topper
- totality
- toughness
- trade-off
- training
- transfiguration
- transformation
- translation
- transmogrification
- transmutation
- travail
- trial
- troth
- trouble
- true grit
- trueheartedness
- trueness
- trustiness
- trustworthiness
- truth
- truthfulness
- try
- tug
- turning
- turning around
- ukase
- ultimatum
- unavoidability
- unchangeableness
- undauntedness
- undergoing
- understanding
- undertaking
- unfailingness
- uniformity
- unravelling
- unravelment
- uprightness
- upshot
- urbanity
- urge
- urgency
- valiance
- valiancy
- valiantness
- valor
- valorousness
- vehemence
- velleity
- venture
- venturesomeness
- verdict
- verve
- view
- vigor
- vim
- vindication
- virility
- virtue
- visualization
- vital spark
- vitality
- vivaciousness
- vivacity
- vivification
- volition
- wane
- warmth
- warrant
- weigh-in
- well-being
- whack
- what it takes
- wholeness
- will
- will power
- willfulness
- willingness
- willpower
- wind-up
- windup
- wisecrack
- wish
- wishes
- withstanding
- working out
- wrap-up
- writ
- writing
- yearning
- zeal
- zest
- zip
Définition of re solution
Origin :- late 14c., "a breaking into parts," from Old French resolution (14c.) or directly from Latin resolutionem (nominative resolutio) "process of reducing things into simpler forms," from past participle stem of resolvere "loosen" (see resolve). Sense of "a solving" (as of mathematical problems) first recorded 1540s, as is that of "power of holding firmly" (cf. resolute). Sense of "decision or expression of a meeting" is from c.1600. Meaning "effect of an optical instrument" is from 1860.
- As in judgment : noun decision about blame
- As in loyalty : noun faithfulness, dependability
- As in matter : noun subject, thesis
- As in measure : noun bill, law
- As in mettle : noun boldness, strength of character
- As in nerve : noun daring, boldness
- As in perseverance : noun diligence, hard work
- As in pluck : noun person's resolution, courage
- As in purpose : noun persistence, resolve
- As in backbone : noun strength of character
- As in resolution : noun determination, strong will
- As in resolution : noun answer, judgment
- As in resolve : noun decision, determination
- As in ruling : noun judgment, decree
- As in satisfaction : noun giving or enjoying a state of comfort, content
- As in settlement : noun decision, conclusion
- As in spirit : noun soul, attitude
- As in spunk : noun courage, nerve
- As in strength : noun intensity
- As in subject : noun issue, matter
- As in suggestion : noun advice, plan
- As in tenacity : noun diligence, stubbornness
- As in topic : noun subject matter
- As in valor : noun bravery
- As in volition : noun free will
- As in will : noun personal choice
- As in willpower : noun personal determination
- As in manhood : noun maturity
- As in breakdown : noun account of finances or other business
- As in persistence : noun steadfastness
- As in act : noun legislative document
- As in conciliation : noun reconciliation
- As in decidedness : noun decision
- As in decisiveness : noun decision
- As in end of the line : noun end
- As in intrepidity : noun courage
- As in intrepidness : noun courage
- As in metanoia : noun conversion
- As in clarification : noun explanation
- As in peppiness : noun spirit
- As in pertness : noun spirit
- As in pluckiness : noun courage
- As in purposefulness : noun decision
- As in regeneration : noun conversion
- As in resoluteness : noun decision
- As in spunkiness : noun courage
- As in stopping point : noun end
- As in stoutheartedness : noun courage
- As in terminus : noun end
- As in toughness : noun determination
- As in undauntedness : noun courage
- As in valiance : noun courage
- As in valiantness : noun courage
- As in vivaciousness : noun spirit
- As in conclusion : noun judgment, decision
- As in confidence : noun belief in oneself
- As in constancy : noun fixedness
- As in conversion : noun change, adaptation
- As in courage : noun boldness, braveness
- As in decision : noun conclusion; resolution reached
- As in decision : noun strength of mind or will
- As in declaration : noun official proclamation
- As in denouement : noun the end result
- As in determination : noun perseverance
- As in determination : noun conclusion
- As in dissection : noun thorough analysis
- As in dissolution : noun separation, rupture
- As in dissolution : noun death; destruction
- As in earnestness : noun determination; seriousness
- As in effort : noun work, exertion
- As in end : noun completion, stop
- As in ending : noun conclusion
- As in endurance : noun bearing hardship; staying power
- As in explanation : noun clarification; reason
- As in finality : noun definiteness, conclusiveness
- As in analysis : noun examination and determination
- As in fortitude : noun strength of mind; guts
- As in gallantry : noun bravery, civility
- As in answer : noun reply; reaction
- As in grit : noun courage, determination
- As in guts : noun nerve, boldness
- As in heart : noun courage
Antonyms for re solution
- abstention
- accusation
- answer
- antagonism
- apathy
- apprehension
- aversion
- beginning
- being
- birth
- body
- care
- carefulness
- cause
- caution
- cessation
- change
- changeableness
- coldness
- combination
- commencement
- compliance
- complication
- concealment
- concept
- condemnation
- confusion
- connection
- construction
- continuation
- continuity
- coolness
- cowardice
- cowardliness
- creation
- declaration
- decrease
- defeat
- deferment
- deferral
- delay
- demand
- denial
- depression
- destruction
- development
- diffidence
- disadvantage
- disagreement
- disappointment
- disavowal
- discontent
- discouragement
- disgrace
- dishonesty
- dishonor
- disinterest
- dislike
- disloyalty
- dispiritedness
- displeasure
- disregard
- disrespect
- dissatisfaction
- dissension
- distaste
- distrust
- doubt
- dullness
- end
- enervation
- enmity
- entertainment
- exoneration
- exterior
- exteriority
- fact
- failure
- faint-heartedness
- faithlessness
- fear
- fleetingness
- flexibility
- flippancy
- fluctuation
- forfeit
- foundation
- fraction
- frustration
- fun
- gloom
- growth
- happiness
- hate
- hatred
- head
- helplessness
- hesitation
- hiding
- humility
- hurt
- idleness
- ignorance
- imperfection
- impoliteness
- impotence
- improvement
- inability
- inaction
- inactivity
- inanity
- inception
- incompetence
- incompleteness
- inconclusiveness
- inconstancy
- indecision
- indefiniteness
- indetermination
- indifference
- indolence
- ineffectiveness
- ineptness
- inertia
- infirmity
- initiation
- injury
- insignificance
- insincerity
- instability
- intolerance
- introduction
- irregularity
- irresolution
- joining
- juncture
- lack
- lawlessness
- laziness
- lethargy
- lying
- manners
- master
- meaninglessness
- means
- meekness
- melancholy
- mending
- mental health
- misery
- misjudgment
- misunderstanding
- modesty
- muddle
- need
- neglect
- nothing
- nothingness
- opening
- order
- origin
- outside
- pain
- part
- passivity
- peace
- penalty
- periphery
- plea
- politeness
- postponement
- powerlessness
- preface
- prelude
- problem
- procrastination
- proof
- question
- quiet
- reality
- refusal
- rejection
- relaxation
- repose
- request
- rest
- retraction
- rudeness
- ruin
- sadness
- sameness
- sewing
- shyness
- silence
- slackness
- solution
- sorrow
- source
- spinelessness
- stagnation
- start
- stoppage
- stupidity
- success
- surface
- suspension
- telling
- theory
- thoughtlessness
- timidity
- treachery
- trouble
- uncertainty
- unconfidence
- undependability
- unemployment
- unfaithfulness
- unfulfillment
- unhappiness
- unification
- unimportance
- unity
- unsteadiness
- vacillation
- vagueness
- veto
- want
- wavering
- weakness
- whole
- woe
- worthlessness
- yielding
- zero
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019