Synonyms for fight
Grammar : Noun, verb |
Spell : fahyt |
Phonetic Transcription : faɪt |
Top 10 synonyms for fight Other synonyms for the word fight
- affray
- aggression
- aggressiveness
- altercate
- assault
- backbone
- bandy with
- battle royal
- bear arms
- belligerence
- bicker
- boldness
- box
- broil
- brush
- brush with
- buck
- buckle down
- carry on
- carry on war
- combat
- combativeness
- conduct
- conflict
- confrontation
- contend
- contention
- contest
- continue
- controversy
- cross swords
- defy
- difficulty
- disagreement
- dispute
- dissension
- do battle
- dogfight
- duel
- effect
- endure
- engage in
- engagement
- exchange
- exchange blows
- exert oneself
- fall out
- feud
- fisticuffs
- flare up
- force
- fracas
- fray
- free-for-all
- further
- fuss
- gameness
- go to war
- grapple
- hammer away
- hardihood
- hassle
- hostility
- joust
- lay into
- light into
- maintain
- make a stand against
- match
- meet
- melee
- mettle
- militancy
- mix it up
- oppose
- oppugn
- persevere
- persist
- pluck
- ply weapons
- prosecute
- protect
- pugnacity
- push forward
- put up an argument
- quarrel
- repel
- resist
- resistance
- riot
- rivalry
- round
- row
- rowdy
- ruckus
- rumble
- scrap
- scrimmage
- scuffle
- set-to
- skirmish
- spar
- spare no effort
- sparring match
- spirit
- squabble
- stand up to
- strife
- strive
- struggle
- support
- take all comers
- take on
- take pains
- take the field
- take up the gauntlet
- tangle with
- tiff
- tilt
- to-do
- toil on
- travail
- traverse
- tug
- tussle
- uphold
- wage
- wage war
- war
- withstand
- wrangle
- wrangling
- wrestle
Définition of fight
Origin :- Old English feohtan "to fight" (class III strong verb; past tense feaht, past participle fohten), from Proto-Germanic *fekhtanan (cf. Old High German fehtan, German fechten, Middle Dutch and Dutch vechten, Old Frisian fiuhta "to fight"), from PIE *pek- "to pluck out" (wool or hair), apparently with a notion of "pulling roughly" (cf. Greek pekein "to comb, shear," pekos "fleece, wool;" Persian pashm "wool, down," Latin pectere "to comb," Sanskrit paksman- "eyebrows, hair").
- Spelling substitution of -gh- for a "hard H" sound was a Middle English scribal habit, especially before -t-. In some late Old English examples, the middle consonant was represented by a yogh. To fight back "resist" is recorded from 1890.
- noun physical encounter
- noun courage, will to resist
- verb engage in physical encounter
- verb oppose action, belief
- Now he was about to go out into the great world, and fight his own way.
- Extract from : « Brave and Bold » by Horatio Alger
- It caused them to fight for the sole possession of this Paradise upon Earth.
- Extract from : « Ancient Man » by Hendrik Willem van Loon
- Are you—do you mean you're going to fight the other man, too?
- Extract from : « Way of the Lawless » by Max Brand
- These were not the men to endure privations and fight their country's battles.
- Extract from : « A Sketch of the Life of Brig. Gen. Francis Marion » by William Dobein James
- George was anxious to do the right, but did not know how to fight against the wrong.
- Extract from : « Life in London » by Edwin Hodder
- But the fight had taken a new and a strange turn upon the other side.
- Extract from : « The White Company » by Arthur Conan Doyle
- I have seen them fight too often not to know that they are very hardy and valiant gentlemen.
- Extract from : « The White Company » by Arthur Conan Doyle
- He knew we could whip Great Britain, and he wanted to fight her.
- Extract from : « Punchinello, Vol. 1, No. 7, May 14, 1870 » by Various
- In his fight with Cloten he is depicted as a rare swordsman of wonderful magnanimity.
- Extract from : « The Man Shakespeare » by Frank Harris
- I've got to fight this out alone, and the less I see of you the better.
- Extract from : « K » by Mary Roberts Rinehart
Antonyms for fight
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019