Synonyms for re cognitions
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : rek-uhg-nish-uhn |
Phonetic Transcription : ˌrɛk əgˈnɪʃ ən |
Top 10 synonyms for re cognitions Other synonyms for the word re cognitions
- accedence
- accepting
- access
- accession
- acclaim
- acclamation
- accolade
- accomplishments
- accord
- ace in the hole
- acknowledging
- acquaintance
- acquaintanceship
- acquiescence
- acquiring
- acquisition
- acumen
- adjudication
- admittance
- admitting
- adoration
- adscription
- adulation
- aesthetic sense
- affidavit
- affirmation
- affirming
- afterthought
- aggrandizement
- agreement
- aid
- alertness
- aliveness
- allowance
- allowing
- allusion
- anamnesis
- anniversary
- annotation
- announcement
- apotheosis
- apperception
- applause
- appointment
- appraisal
- appreciation
- appreciativeness
- apprehending
- apprehension
- approach
- approbation
- approval
- arrangement
- ascendancy
- assent
- assertion
- asservation
- assessment
- asset
- assignment
- assimilation
- assistance
- atmosphere
- attainments
- attention
- attentiveness
- attestation
- attitude
- attraction
- aura
- authenticating
- authentication
- authority
- authorization
- authorizing
- avail
- avowal
- award
- awareness
- awe
- back talk
- badge
- bargain
- bash
- bays
- bearing
- being on same wavelength
- being there for someone
- belief
- bells
- benediction
- big hand
- big idea
- big rush
- birthday
- blast
- blessing
- blowout
- blue ribbon
- bodhi
- bon mot
- bond
- boon
- boost
- brace
- bracelet
- brain wave
- brainchild
- brains
- bravo
- break
- broadcast
- bulletin
- cable
- camera-eye
- canonization
- capacity
- care
- carefulness
- carousal
- carte blanche
- cartel
- cataloging
- celebration
- celebrity
- ceremony
- certification
- character
- charter
- cheer
- cheering
- choice
- citation
- clapping
- classification
- classifying
- clear-headedness
- cleverness
- codicil
- cognition
- cognizance
- comeback
- comfort
- commendation
- comment
- commentary
- commission
- common sense
- communication
- communion
- communiqué
- community of interests
- compact
- compassion
- compliance
- compliment
- comprehension
- compromise
- conceding
- conceit
- concept
- conception
- concern
- concession
- conclusion
- concord
- concurrence
- condonance
- condonation
- confession
- confidence
- confirmation
- consciousness
- consent
- consideration
- convenience
- conviction
- conviviality
- cooperation
- copy
- corroborating
- corroboration
- cottoning to
- courtesy
- covenant
- crack
- credentials
- credit
- crown
- cry
- custom
- data
- dead-eye
- deal
- decipherment
- declaration
- decoration
- deference
- degree
- deification
- delight
- demonstration
- description
- designation
- detection
- devotion
- dignity
- dirt
- discernment
- disclosure
- discovery
- discrimination
- dispatch
- dispensation
- disposition
- distinction
- doctrine
- dog tag
- dogma
- dominance
- door
- dope
- double take
- drop
- eagle eye
- éclat
- edge
- education
- elevation
- elucidation
- eminence
- empowerment
- encomium
- encounter
- endorsement
- enjoyment
- enlargement
- enlightenment
- entrance
- entrée
- erudition
- establishment
- esteem
- estimation
- eulogizing
- eulogy
- evidence
- exaggeration
- exaltation
- exegesis
- expediency
- experience
- expertise
- explanation
- explication
- exposé
- exposition
- expression
- extolment
- eye-opener
- facts
- faith
- fame
- familiarity
- famousness
- favor
- fealty
- fear
- feather in cap
- feel
- feeling
- festival
- festivity
- fete
- flash
- flashback
- flattery
- fondness
- footnote
- freedom
- frolic
- front-page news
- gaiety
- gain
- gaining
- gala
- gathering
- getting
- gift
- glorification
- glory
- gloss
- go ahead
- go-ahead
- gold
- gold star
- good
- good vibrations
- good word
- goods
- grace
- gramercy
- grasp
- gratefulness
- gratification
- gratitude
- greatness
- green light
- greeting
- grip
- gumption
- handicap
- head start
- headlines
- hearsay
- heed
- heedfulness
- help
- heyday
- high regard
- high sign
- high standing
- hilarity
- hindsight
- hitting it off
- hold
- holding
- homage
- honor
- honoring
- hoopla
- horizon
- hullabaloo
- hurrah
- hymn
- ID
- idea
- identification
- identifying
- identity bracelet
- idolatry
- idolization
- illustration
- illustriousness
- image
- imagination
- immortality
- immortalization
- impression
- imprimatur
- improvement
- indebtedness
- indenture
- indication
- induction
- indulgence
- influence
- information
- ingress
- ingression
- initiation
- inside story
- insight
- instruction
- intellect
- intellection
- intelligence
- interest
- interpretation
- introduction
- intromission
- intuition
- itemization
- jollification
- joviality
- jubilation
- jubilee
- judgment
- jurisdiction
- keenness
- keeping
- ken
- know-how
- knowing
- knowledge
- kudos
- laud
- laudation
- laurel
- laurels
- lead
- leak
- learning
- lease
- leave
- leeway
- leg-up
- letter of introduction
- letter of recommendation
- letting
- leverage
- liberty
- license
- light
- liking
- lionization
- looking after
- lore
- love
- lowdown
- luck
- luster
- magnification
- majesty
- mark
- marveling
- mastery
- meeting
- memorial
- memorial service
- memorialization
- memorization
- memory
- mental image
- mentality
- mention
- merriment
- merrymaking
- message
- mind
- mind's eye
- mindfulness
- ministration
- monumentalization
- name
- naming
- narration
- need
- negotiation
- news flash
- nobility
- nod
- note
- notice
- noticing
- notification
- notion
- notoriety
- oath
- obeisance
- obiter dictum
- obligation
- observance
- observation
- obtaining
- odds
- offering
- okay
- opinion
- ovation
- overstatement
- pact
- panegyric
- papers
- particularization
- party
- passage
- passing
- passport
- past-life experience
- pat on back
- pat on head
- pat on the back
- pat on the head
- penetration
- perceiving
- perception
- perceptiveness
- perceptivity
- percipience
- performance
- permission
- permit
- perspicacity
- persuasion
- philosophy
- picking up on
- picture
- piece of paper
- pigeonhole
- pity
- place
- plan
- plaudit
- plaudits
- pleasure
- plum
- point
- point of view
- popularity
- position
- power
- PR
- praise
- pre-eminence
- precedence
- preeminence
- preference
- prehension
- premonition
- presentiment
- prestige
- prevalence
- principles
- privilege
- prizing
- profession
- proficiency
- profit
- prominence
- promise
- proof
- protection
- protocol
- proving
- prudence
- public esteem
- puff
- puffing up
- pumping up
- quickness
- range
- rank
- rapport
- ratification
- rave
- reach
- reaction
- realization
- realizing
- reason
- reasoning
- recall
- recalling
- recapture
- receipt
- receiving
- reception
- recipience
- recital
- recognition
- recognizance
- recollection
- recommendation
- reconstruction
- recurrence
- reference
- reflection
- regard
- release
- relish
- remark
- remembering
- remembrance
- reminiscence
- renown
- rep
- report
- reputation
- repute
- requital
- resources
- respect
- response
- responsiveness
- responsivenesss
- retention
- retentiveness
- retrospect
- retrospection
- return
- revelry
- reverence
- reward
- rubber stamp
- rumor
- sagacity
- salutation
- salute
- salvo
- sanctification
- sanction
- sanctioning
- sanity
- saturnalia
- savvy
- saying
- scandal
- scholarship
- schooling
- science
- scoop
- scope
- scrutiny
- seal of approval
- securing
- sensation
- sense
- sense of obligation
- sensibility
- sensitiveness
- sensitivity
- sentience
- sentiment
- settlement
- sharpness
- sheepskin
- shingle
- sight
- smarts
- solemnization
- soul
- source of pride
- specification
- specifying
- spirit
- splendor
- spotlight
- spree
- stamp of approval
- standing
- stardom
- start
- starting
- statement
- station
- stipulation
- story
- strokes
- stroking
- study
- subconsciousness
- substance
- substantiation
- sufferance
- superiority
- support
- supporting
- supremacy
- surveillance
- sycophancy
- sympathy
- tab
- tact
- tag
- taking on
- talk
- taste
- telecast
- telegram
- telling
- tender loving care
- testament
- testimonial
- testimony
- thank you note
- thankfulness
- thanks
- thanksgiving
- the goods
- the nod
- theory
- thought
- tidings
- tolerance
- toleration
- transaction
- treatment
- treaty
- tribute
- triumph
- trump card
- trust
- tuition
- tumble
- two cents' worth
- understanding
- undertaking
- upper hand
- utility
- utterance
- validating
- valuation
- valuing
- veneration
- verification
- verifying
- view
- viewpoint
- visa
- vision
- voucher
- warmth
- warrant
- watch
- way
- wealth
- welcome
- wingding
- wisdom
- wisecrack
- wit
- witness
- witticism
- wonder
- wonderment
- word
- worship
- wreath
- writ
- yes
- yielding
Définition of re cognitions
Origin :- mid-15c., "knowledge of an event or incident; understanding," from Middle French recognition (15c.) and directly from Latin recognitionem (nominative recognitio) "a reviewing, investigation, examination," noun of action from past participle stem of recognoscere "to acknowledge, know again; examine" (see recognize).
- Sense of "formal avowal of knowledge and approval" is from 1590s; especially acknowledgement of the independence of a country by a state formerly exercising sovereignty (1824). Meaning "a knowing again" is from 1798.
- As in appreciation : noun thankfulness
- As in appreciation : noun recognition of worth
- As in approbation : noun praise
- As in ken : noun perception
- As in knowledge : noun person's understanding; information
- As in laurels : noun credit, praise
- As in memory : noun ability to hold in the mind
- As in mention : noun referral, observation
- As in news : noun information, revelation
- As in attention : noun consideration, care
- As in perception : noun understanding, idea
- As in permission : noun authorization, consent
- As in praise : noun congratulations; adoration
- As in awareness : noun knowledge
- As in reception : noun acceptance; acknowledgment
- As in recognition : noun identification, acknowledgment
- As in recognition : noun appreciation given
- As in remark : noun comment, observation
- As in remembrance : noun memory, recollection
- As in respect : noun admiration given by others
- As in sense : noun awareness, perception
- As in stardom : noun fame
- As in acceptance : noun agreement, taking
- As in acceptance : noun belief in goodness of something
- As in thanks : noun spoken or written appreciation
- As in tribute : noun testimonial, praise
- As in understanding : noun comprehension, appreciation
- As in acclaim : noun expression of approval
- As in cognition : noun understanding
- As in realization : noun comprehension
- As in retention : noun memory
- As in acknowledgment : noun act of recognizing authority or truth of something
- As in cognizance : noun awareness
- As in retention : noun keeping
- As in celebration : noun commemoration of occasion, achievement
- As in ascription : noun attribution
- As in gratefulness : noun appreciation
- As in ingression : noun admission
- As in intromission : noun admission
- As in laudation : noun praise
- As in magnification : noun praise
- As in OK : noun permission
- As in OK : noun acceptance
- As in purview : noun ken
- As in repute : noun fame
- As in thankfulness : noun appreciation
- As in tiding : noun news
- As in trump : noun advantage
- As in validation : noun confirmation
- As in vantage : noun advantage
- As in cognizance/cognition : noun understanding
- As in commemoration : noun honoring, observance
- As in confirmation : noun ratification, validation, proof
- As in admiration : noun great respect
- As in admission : noun entering or allowing entry
- As in consciousness : noun knowledge
- As in advantage : noun benefit, favored position or circumstance
- As in déja vu : noun already seen or experienced
- As in designation : noun delegation, selection
- As in diploma : noun certificate for achievement
- As in agreement : noun document of concurrence, contract
- As in empathy : noun understanding
- As in eye : noun judgment, opinion
- As in fame : noun celebrity
- As in gratitude : noun appreciation
- As in honor : noun respect
- As in honor : noun praise, award
- As in identification : noun labeling; means of labeling
Antonyms for re cognitions
- abuse
- accusation
- amnesia
- annulment
- apathy
- aversion
- bad fortune
- bad luck
- bad manners
- being
- beratement
- blame
- blemish
- blindness
- block
- blockage
- break
- cancellation
- carelessness
- castigation
- censure
- clumsiness
- concealment
- conclusion
- concrete
- condemnation
- contempt
- contradiction
- criticism
- debasement
- debt
- decrease
- degradation
- denial
- denunciation
- depreciation
- depression
- derision
- destruction
- difference
- disacknowledgment
- disadvantage
- disagreement
- disallowance
- disapprobation
- disapproval
- disbelief
- disclaimer
- discord
- discouragement
- disdain
- disfavor
- disgrace
- disgust
- dishonor
- disinclination
- dislike
- disobedience
- disparagement
- disregard
- disrespect
- dissension
- dissent
- distrust
- disunity
- doubt
- drawback
- dullness
- end
- ending
- exclusion
- expulsion
- failure
- finish
- forethought
- forgetfulness
- forgetting
- forgotten
- goodbye
- handicap
- harm
- hate
- hatred
- heedlessness
- hindrance
- history
- humiliation
- hurt
- ignorance
- ill repute
- impairment
- impotence
- imprisonment
- inability
- inanity
- inattention
- incapacity
- incarceration
- incompetence
- indifference
- inefficiency
- ineptness
- inferiority
- ingratitude
- injury
- insensitivity
- insignificance
- insult
- jeering
- lack
- last
- limitation
- loathing
- loss
- lowliness
- melancholy
- mercilessness
- misconception
- misfortune
- misinterpretation
- miss
- mistake
- misunderstanding
- neglect
- negligence
- obscurity
- obstacle
- obstruction
- opposition
- pain
- physicality
- prohibition
- protest
- question
- quiet
- reality
- reduction
- refusal
- rejection
- reproach
- repudiation
- restraint
- restriction
- sadness
- scorn
- senselessness
- silence
- sorrow
- stigma
- stop
- stupidity
- subordination
- subservience
- suppression
- thanklessness
- thing
- thoughtlessness
- trouble
- truth
- unawareness
- unbelief
- unconsciousness
- unemployment
- unfamiliarity
- unfeelingness
- unhappiness
- unimportance
- unknown
- unobservance
- veto
- vituperation
- void
- waste
- weakness
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019