Synonyms for consent

Grammar : Noun, verb
Spell : kuh n-sent
Phonetic Transcription : kənˈsɛnt

Top 10 synonyms for consent Other synonyms for the word consent

Définition of consent

Origin :
  • early 13c., from Old French consentir (12c.) "agree, comply," from Latin consentire "feel together," from com- "with" (see com-) + sentire "to feel" (see sense (n.)). "Feeling together," hence, "agreeing, giving permission," apparently a sense evolution that took place in French before the word reached English. Related: Consented; consenting.
  • noun agreement; concession
  • verb agree
Example sentences :
  • Do be on your guard—'if sinners entice thee, consent thou not.'
  • Extract from : « Life in London » by Edwin Hodder
  • I would never have married him, if I had known—without your consent, I mean.
  • Extract from : « Weighed and Wanting » by George MacDonald
  • She would not consent to this marriage; but I carried the day, and my word is given.
  • Extract from : « The Imaginary Invalid » by Molire
  • Well, let him become a doctor, and I will consent to the marriage.
  • Extract from : « The Imaginary Invalid » by Molire
  • She looked about to the others as if asking their consent to tell the story.
  • Extract from : « The Trail Book » by Mary Austin
  • That he should marry her notwithstanding our opposition, and without the consent of his father?
  • Extract from : « The Dream » by Emile Zola
  • So, with one consent, the two children again lifted the lid.
  • Extract from : « The Paradise of Children » by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • It is well understood that a man's property cannot be used without his consent.
  • Extract from : « Flying Machines » by W.J. Jackman and Thos. H. Russell
  • And would you ever give your consent to her marrying Sir John Hunter?
  • Extract from : « Tales And Novels, Volume 5 (of 10) » by Maria Edgeworth
  • I dare say my mother will consent to it, if I have my father's permission to go.
  • Extract from : « Clarissa, Volume 2 (of 9) » by Samuel Richardson

Antonyms for consent

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