Synonyms for chaperon
Grammar : Noun, verb |
Spell : shap-uh-rohn |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈʃæp əˌroʊn |
Top 10 synonyms for chaperon Other synonyms for the word chaperon
Définition of chaperon
Origin :- 1720, "woman accompanying a younger, unmarried lady in public," from French chaperon "protector," especially "female companion to a young woman," earlier "head covering, hood" (c.1400), from Old French chaperon "hood, cowl" (12c.), diminutive of chape "cape" (see cap (n.)). "... English writers often erroneously spell it chaperone, app. under the supposition that it requires a fem. termination" [OED]. The notion is of "covering" the socially vulnerable one.
- "May I ask what is a chaperon?""A married lady; without whom no unmarried one can be seen in public. If the damsel be five and forty, she cannot appear without the matron; and if the matron be fifteen, it will do."[Catharine Hutton, "The Welsh Mountaineer," London, 1817]
- The word had been used in Middle English in the literal sense "hooded cloak."
- noun person who accompanies for supervision
- verb accompany for supervision
- To her the thought of his engagement was as good or as bad as a chaperon.
- Extract from : « The Incomplete Amorist » by E. Nesbit
- Besides, there was something of the chaperon about that collar.
- Extract from : « Jan and Her Job » by L. Allen Harker
- It's quite fairly respectable to dine without a chaperon—since the war.
- Extract from : « The Education of Eric Lane » by Stephen McKenna
- “I could arrange a little dinner and ask some one to chaperon,” he suggested.
- Extract from : « The Wall Street Girl » by Frederick Orin Bartlett
- You can take my place as Bettina's chaperon, and Delia will take care of the house.
- Extract from : « Glory of Youth » by Temple Bailey
- Of course, Miss Gale, Inza's aunt, would go along as chaperon.
- Extract from : « Frank Merriwell's Cruise » by Burt L. Standish
- A "chaperon" did duty at the Astor when Juno was in the city, which was not often.
- Extract from : « Peggy Stewart at School » by Gabrielle E. Jackson
- Mrs. Medford was a relative of Inza's who often accompanied her as companion and chaperon.
- Extract from : « Frank Merriwell's Pursuit » by Burt L. Standish
- Moya's chaperon, facing the inevitable, capitulated as graceful as she could.
- Extract from : « The Highgrader » by William MacLeod Raine
- Some old tabby of a chaperon saw me there and came and told my grandmother.
- Extract from : « Quin » by Alice Hegan Rice
Antonyms for chaperon
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019