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Synonyms for paranoid
Grammar : Adj |
Spell : par-uh-noid |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈpær əˌnɔɪd |
Définition of paranoid
Origin :- 1901, irregularly formed from paranoia + -oid. As a noun, "a paranoid person," attested from 1922.
- adj affected by paranoia
- He was the one to blame; he'd known Dorflay's paranoid condition for years.
- Extract from : « Ministry of Disturbance » by Henry Beam Piper
- He has all the tendencies to suspicion that a paranoid personality has.
- Extract from : « Talents, Incorporated » by William Fitzgerald Jenkins
- But a paranoid Talent could think of them, and know that they were true.
- Extract from : « Talents, Incorporated » by William Fitzgerald Jenkins
- Knowing this, they are also paranoid but, as distinct from the classic pathology, they do have enemies.
- Extract from : « After the Rain » by Sam Vaknin
- Even if it's a paranoid constitutional inferior like Jimmy's father.
- Extract from : « The Syndic » by C.M. Kornbluth
- Another interview with the paranoid giant who had brought the disc, perhaps.
- Extract from : « Quest of the Golden Ape » by Ivar Jorgensen
- And the best part -- as far as I was concerned -- was that ParanoidXbox was paranoid.
- Extract from : « Little Brother » by Cory Doctorow
- That was enough to stimulate Candar's driving, paranoid megalomania to the full.
- Extract from : « Evil Out of Onzar » by Mark Ganes
- You see, out of touch with the real world, a paranoid can attach great value to utterly worthless objects.
- Extract from : « Quest of the Golden Ape » by Ivar Jorgensen
- It had still scared me witless and left me paranoid and checking my shoulder for weeks.
- Extract from : « Little Brother » by Cory Doctorow
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- parabolic reflector
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- parachuted
- parachuting
- paraclete
- parade
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- parade one wares
- parade wares
- paraded
- paraded one's wares
- parades one's wares
- parades one wares
- paradigm
- paradigmatic
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- paradings
- paradisaic
- paradisaical
- paradisal
- paradise
- paradisiac
- paradisiacal
- paradisiacally
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- paradoxical
- paraesthesia
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- paragoned
- paragoning
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- paragraphed
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- paralogism
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- paralyzed
- paralyzing
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- paramountcy
- paramour
- paranoia
- paranoid
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