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Synonyms for parable
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : par-uh-buhl |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈpær ə bəl |
Définition of parable
Origin :- mid-13c., parabol, modern form from early 14c., "saying or story in which something is expressed in terms of something else," from Old French parable "parable, parabolic style in writing" (13c.), from Latin parabola "comparison," from Greek parabole "a comparison, parable," literally "a throwing beside," hence "a juxtaposition," from para- "alongside" (see para- (1)) + bole "a throwing, casting, beam, ray," related to ballein "to throw" (see ballistics).
- Replaced Old English bispell. In Vulgar Latin, parabola took on the meaning "word," hence Italian parlare, French parler "to speak" (see parley (n.)).
- noun moral story
- When this room had last been lighted, the parable of the Virgins of the Lamps was yet unspoken.
- Extract from : « It Happened in Egypt » by C. N. Williamson
- It is to such that the unlimited prayer promises of the parable are given.
- Extract from : « The Ministry of Intercession » by Andrew Murray
- We remember the marks of the true intercessor as the parable taught us them.
- Extract from : « The Ministry of Intercession » by Andrew Murray
- What does the parable of the Pounds show us that we should do?
- Extract from : « Hurlbut's Bible Lessons » by Rev. Jesse Lyman Hurlbut
- Not one of them who would not quote with approval the parable of the Wedding Guest.
- Extract from : « The Stark Munro Letters » by J. Stark Munro
- You ask a question, I said, to which a reply can only be given in a parable.
- Extract from : « The Republic » by Plato
- Whereupon the aunties took up their parable with, 'Well, well!
- Extract from : « The Christian » by Hall Caine
- I will expound this meaning of mine through the medium of a parable.
- Extract from : « The Shame of Motley » by Raphael Sabatini
- There now, make out my meaning out of my parable, as best you may.
- Extract from : « One Of Them » by Charles James Lever
- His people flock to him gladly, but require that he should teach them by parable and tale.
- Extract from : « Legends of the Saxon Saints » by Aubrey de Vere
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- disparaging
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- draw parallel
- go separate ways
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- in preparation
- in separable
- incomparable
- made parallel
- make parallel
- make reparation
- make reparations
- not parallel
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- paparazzo
- para-bola
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- para chuted
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- para-mount
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- para-phrased
- para phrased
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- para phrasing
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- para phrasings
- para-professional
- para professional
- para professionals
- para-professionals
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- para site
- para sites
- para-sites
- parable
- parables
- parabola
- parabolic
- parabolic reflector
- parachute
- parachuted
- parachuting
- paraclete
- parade
- parade one's wares
- parade one wares
- parade wares
- paraded
- paraded one's wares
- parades one's wares
- parades one wares
- paradigm
- paradigmatic
- paradigms
- parading
- paradings
- paradisaic
- paradisaical
- paradisal
- paradise
- paradisiac
- paradisiacal
- paradisiacally
- paradox
- paradoxes
- paradoxical
- paraesthesia
- paragon
- paragoned
- paragoning
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- paragraphed
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- parallel
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- parallel parking
- parallel to
- paralleled
- paralleling
- parallelings
- parallelism
- parallelize
- parallelogram
- parallels
- paralogism
- paralogize
- paralogy
- paralysis
- paralysis agitan
- paralysis agitans
- paralytic
- paralyze
- paralyzed
- paralyzing
- paralyzings
- paramecia
- paramecium
- paramedic
- paramedics
- parameter
- parameters
- paramnesia
- paramount
- paramountcy
- paramour
- paranoia
- paranoid
- paranoids
- paranymph
- parapet
- paraphernalia
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- paraphraser
- paraphrasing
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- paraplegic
- parapluie
- paraprofessional
- paraprofessionals
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- parasitical
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- separating
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- separationist
- separatist
- spastic paralysis
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