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Synonyms for parables
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : par-uh-buhl |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈpær ə bəl |
Définition of parables
Origin :- mid-13c., parabol, modern form from early 14c., "saying or story in which something is expressed in terms of something else," from Old French parable "parable, parabolic style in writing" (13c.), from Latin parabola "comparison," from Greek parabole "a comparison, parable," literally "a throwing beside," hence "a juxtaposition," from para- "alongside" (see para- (1)) + bole "a throwing, casting, beam, ray," related to ballein "to throw" (see ballistics).
- Replaced Old English bispell. In Vulgar Latin, parabola took on the meaning "word," hence Italian parlare, French parler "to speak" (see parley (n.)).
- noun moral story
- In connexion with hair like that one must speak in parables.
- Extract from : « Alarms and Discursions » by G. K. Chesterton
- The most beautiful fictions ever written were the parables of the Savior.
- Extract from : « Graham's Magazine Vol XXXII. No. 5. May 1848 » by Various
- What is true of proverbs, is true of all fables, parables, and allegories.
- Extract from : « Nature » by Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Whittier said, "But do they not always have an application, like the parables?"
- Extract from : « Whittier-land » by Samuel T. Pickard
- "The Bible is filled with parables," said Mr. Talmadge, simply.
- Extract from : « 'Smiles' » by Eliot H. Robinson
- "Oh, don't talk in these parables," cried Flambeau impatiently.
- Extract from : « The Wisdom of Father Brown » by G. K. Chesterton
- "You always spoke in parables," the inspector exclaimed irritably.
- Extract from : « The Crooked House » by Brandon Fleming
- Go forth upon the earth, and speak in parables of His glorious works.'
- Extract from : « Parables from Flowers » by Gertrude P. Dyer
- The Bible parables from nature are very significant and powerful.
- Extract from : « Standards of Life and Service » by T. H. Howard
- Most of these letters were parables, but parables which it was not difficult to unriddle.
- Extract from : « The History of England from the Accession of James II. » by Thomas Babington Macaulay
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- disparager
- disparaging
- disparate
- draw parallel
- go separate ways
- in comparable
- in comparably
- in preparation
- in separable
- incomparable
- made parallel
- make parallel
- make reparation
- make reparations
- not parallel
- paparazzi
- paparazzo
- para-bola
- para-chuted
- para chuted
- para chutes
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- para-meter
- para meters
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- para-mount
- para normal
- para-normal
- para-phrase
- para phrase
- para-phrased
- para phrased
- para phrases
- para-phrases
- para phrasing
- para-phrasings
- para phrasings
- para-professional
- para professional
- para professionals
- para-professionals
- para-site
- para site
- para sites
- para-sites
- parable
- parables
- parabola
- parabolic
- parabolic reflector
- parachute
- parachuted
- parachuting
- paraclete
- parade
- parade one's wares
- parade one wares
- parade wares
- paraded
- paraded one's wares
- parades one's wares
- parades one wares
- paradigm
- paradigmatic
- paradigms
- parading
- paradings
- paradisaic
- paradisaical
- paradisal
- paradise
- paradisiac
- paradisiacal
- paradisiacally
- paradox
- paradoxes
- paradoxical
- paraesthesia
- paragon
- paragoned
- paragoning
- paragraph
- paragraphed
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- parallel
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- parallel of
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- parallel parking
- parallel to
- paralleled
- paralleling
- parallelings
- parallelism
- parallelize
- parallelogram
- parallels
- paralogism
- paralogize
- paralogy
- paralysis
- paralysis agitan
- paralysis agitans
- paralytic
- paralyze
- paralyzed
- paralyzing
- paralyzings
- paramecia
- paramedic
- paramedics
- parameter
- parameters
- paramnesia
- paramount
- paramountcy
- paramour
- paranoia
- paranoid
- paranoids
- paranormal
- paranymph
- parapet
- paraphernalia
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- paraphraser
- paraphrasing
- paraphrasings
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- parapluie
- paraprofessional
- paraprofessionals
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- parasitic
- parasitical
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- paratroops
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- preparatory
- reparation
- reparations
- separate
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- separately
- separateness
- separating
- separation
- separationist
- separatist
- spastic paralysis
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