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Synonyms for disparager
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : dih-spar-ij |
Phonetic Transcription : dɪˈspær ɪdʒ |
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Définition of disparager
Origin :- early 14c., "degrade socially," from Old French desparagier (Modern French déparager) "reduce in rank, degrade, devalue, depreciate," originally "to marry unequally," and thus by extension the disgrace or dishonor involved in this, from des- "away" (see dis-) + parage "rank, lineage" (see peer (n.)). Sense of "belittle" first recorded 1530s. Related: Disparaged; disparaging; disparagingly.
- As in niggler : noun critic
- As in nitpicker : noun critic
- As in quibbler : noun critic
- As in critic : noun faultfinder, detractor
- Cato himself, who was certainly no disparager of his own merits, says that a great many were killed, but he specifies no number.
- Extract from : « History of Rome, Vol III » by Titus Livius
Antonyms for disparager
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019