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Synonyms for leant on

Grammar : Verb
Spell : leen
Phonetic Transcription : lin

Top 10 synonyms for leant on Other synonyms for the word leant on

Définition of leant on

Origin :
  • c.1200, from Old English hleonian "to bend, recline, lie down, rest," from Proto-Germanic *khlinen (cf. Old Saxon hlinon, Old Frisian lena, Middle Dutch lenen, Dutch leunen, Old High German hlinen, German lehnen "to lean"), from PIE root *klei- "to lean, to incline" (cf. Sanskrit srayati "leans," sritah "leaning;" Old Persian cay "to lean;" Lithuanian slyti "to slope," slieti "to lean;" Latin clinare "to lean, bend," clivus "declivity," inclinare "cause to bend," declinare "bend down, turn aside;" Greek klinein "to cause to slope, slant, incline;" Old Irish cloin "crooked, wrong;" Middle Irish cle, Welsh cledd "left," literally "slanting;" Welsh go-gledd "north," literally "left" -- for similar sense evolution, see Yemen, Benjamin, southpaw).
  • Meaning "to incline the body against something for support" is mid-13c. Figurative sense of "to trust for support" is from early 13c. Sense of "to lean toward mentally, to favor" is from late 14c. Related: Leaned; leaning. Colloquial lean on "put pressure on" (someone) is first recorded 1960.
  • As in intimidate : verb frighten, threaten
  • As in maul : verb mangle, abuse
  • As in menace : verb bother, frighten
  • As in press : verb pressure, trouble
  • As in pressure : verb bother, urge
  • As in push : verb incite, urge
  • As in raid : verb attack, pillage
  • As in rebuke : verb reprimand; criticize harshly
  • As in bank on : verb depend upon
  • As in squeeze : verb try to get money out of
  • As in trust : verb believe, place confidence in
  • As in count on : verb rely
  • As in browbeat : verb castigate, nag
  • As in bully : verb intimidate, push around
  • As in castigate : verb criticize severely
  • As in chastise : verb scold, discipline
  • As in rely on : verb depend
  • As in coerce : verb compel, press
  • As in count on/count upon : verb depend on; rely
  • As in cow : verb browbeat, intimidate
  • As in depend : verb count on, rely upon
  • As in dissuade : verb talk out of
  • As in drive : verb move or urge on
  • As in enforce : verb put a rule, plan in force
  • As in exact : verb demand, call for
  • As in hurt : verb cause mental pain

Antonyms for leant on

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019