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Synonyms for take to task
Grammar : Verb |
Spell : task, tahsk |
Phonetic Transcription : tæsk, tɑsk |
Top 10 synonyms for take to task Other synonyms for the word take to task
- abase
- abuse
- adjudicate
- afflict
- animadvert
- arraign
- asperse
- attack
- backbite
- bawl out
- blacklist
- blame
- call down
- call on the carpet
- call to task
- carp at
- carp on
- cavil
- charge
- charge with
- chasten
- check
- chew out
- climb all over
- come down on
- condemn
- contemn
- cow
- curb
- cut up
- damn
- declaim
- decry
- defame
- denigrate
- denounce
- denunciate
- deprecate
- derogate
- disapprove
- discipline
- discredit
- disparage
- dress down
- excoriate
- expose
- expostulate
- exprobate
- find fault with
- finger
- fry
- fulminate against
- get after
- give a talking-to
- give comeuppance
- give piece of one's mind
- give the devil
- give the dickens
- give tongue-lashing
- go after
- hang something on
- have on the carpet
- have words
- humble
- impeach
- implicate
- impugn
- incriminate
- indict
- inveigh against
- jawbone
- judge
- jump down one's throat
- jump on
- keep aft
- knock
- lambaste
- lay down the law
- lay into
- lay on
- lean on
- lecture
- lesson
- light into
- look askance
- lower the boom
- monish
- nag
- objurate
- objurgate
- oppose
- ostracize
- pay
- penalize
- pick apart
- preach
- proscribe
- prosecute
- pull apart
- punish
- put down
- rail
- rake
- rake over the coals
- rap
- rat
- rate
- read
- read out
- read the riot act
- ream
- rebuff
- rebuke
- recriminate
- remonstrate
- reprehend
- repress
- reprimand
- reproach
- reprobate
- reprove
- restrain
- revile
- rip
- rip into
- scold
- scourge
- show up
- sit on
- skin
- smear
- soften
- sound off
- stigmatize
- subdue
- take to task
- tame
- taunt
- tear apart
- tell off
- threaten
- tick off
- tongue lash
- tongue-lash
- trim
- try
- upbraid
- vilify
- vituperate
- yell at
- zap
Définition of take to task
Origin :- c.1300, "piece of work imposed as a duty," from Old North French tasque (13c., Old French tasche, Modern French tâche) "duty, tax," from Vulgar Latin *tasca "a duty, assessment," metathesis of Medieval Latin taxa, a back-formation of Latin taxare "to evaluate, estimate, assess" (see tax). General sense of "any piece of work that has to be done" is first recorded 1590s. Phrase take one to task (1680s) preserves the sense that is closer to tax.
- German tasche "pocket" is from the same Vulgar Latin source (via Old High German tasca), with presumable sense evolution from "amount of work imposed by some authority," to "payment for that work," to "wages," to "pocket into which money is put," to "any pocket."
- As in rebuke : verb reprimand; criticize harshly
- As in reprimand : verb blame, scold
- As in reproach : verb find fault with
- As in reprove : verb rebuke
- As in scold : verb find fault with
- As in tell off : verb reprimand; criticize harshly
- As in upbraid : verb scold
- As in bawl out : verb severely reprimand
- As in bring to book : verb call to account
- As in censure : verb condemn; criticize severely
- As in chasten : verb correct, humiliate
- As in denounce : verb condemn, attack
Antonyms for take to task
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019