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Synonyms for let have it

Grammar : Verb
Spell : let
Phonetic Transcription : lɛt

Top 10 synonyms for let have it Other synonyms for the word let have it

Définition of let have it

Origin :
  • Old English lætan "to allow to remain; let go, leave, depart from; leave undone; to allow; bequeath," also "to rent" (class VII strong verb; past tense let, past participle læten), from Proto-Germanic *letan (cf. Old Saxon latan, Old Frisian leta, Dutch laten, German lassen, Gothic letan "to leave, let"), from PIE *le- "to let go, slacken" (cf. Latin lassus "faint, weary," Lithuanian leisti "to let, to let loose;" see lenient). If that derivation is correct, the primary sense would be "let go through weariness, neglect."
  • Of blood, from late Old English. To let (something) slip originally (1520s) was a reference to hounds on a leash; figurative use from 1540s. To let (someone) off "allow to go unpunished" is from 1814. To let on "reveal, divulge" is from 1725; to let up "cease, stop" is from 1787. Let alone "not to mention" is from 1812.
  • As in inveigh : verb blame, denounce
  • As in maul : verb mangle, abuse
  • As in assault : verb attack
  • As in pummel : verb beat, pommel
  • As in slug : verb hit
  • As in best : verb defeat; gain advantage
  • As in blame : verb accuse; place responsibility
  • As in accuse : verb place blame for wrongdoing, fault
  • As in biff : verb hit
  • As in bop : verb hit
  • As in condemn : verb blame, convict
  • As in contend : verb argue
  • As in disagree : verb argue; hold differing opinion
  • As in hit : verb strike

Antonyms for let have it

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019