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Synonyms for knock about
Grammar : Verb |
Spell : nok |
Phonetic Transcription : nɒk |
Définition of knock about
Origin :- Old English cnocian (West Saxon cnucian), "to pound, beat; knock (on a door)," likely of imitative origin. Meaning "deprecate, put down" is from 1892. Related: Knocked; knocking. Knock-kneed first attested 1774. Knock-down, drag-out is from 1827. Command knock it off "stop it" is first recorded 1880, perhaps from auctioneer's term for "dispose of quickly:"
- At the commencement of the sales, he gave every one that wanted to purchase a paper containing a description of the lands that were to be sold; and, as the sales were cried, he called over the numbers and described the land; and when it got up to one dollar and a quarter an acre, if no body bid, after it was cried two or three times, he would say, knock it off, knock it off. [U.S. Senate record, 1834]
- verb roam
Words or expressions associated with your search
- a thing about something
- abound
- abounded
- abounding
- abounds
- about
- about-face
- about faced
- about-faced
- about-facing
- about facing
- about to
- about to be
- about to happen
- aboutface
- aboutfaced
- aboutfacing
- ask about
- babouche
- be about
- be about to
- be and about
- be big about
- be brought about
- be concerned about
- be crazy about
- be mad about
- be nuts about
- be serious about
- be sure about
- be wild about
- bring about
- brought about
- carry on about
- cast about
- cast about for
- changeabout
- come about
- crazy about
- do an about-face
- enquire about
- enquiring about
- face about
- fiddle about
- find out about
- gadabout
- gaga about
- get about
- getting about
- go about
- hang about
- hang about/hang around/hang out
- hanging about
- hangs about
- hard knock
- hard knocks
- has a thing about
- have a thing about
- in a roundabout way
- it about time
- it's about time
- its about time
- just about
- kick about
- knew about
- knock
- knock about
- knock about/knock around
- knock around
- knock around with
- knock back
- knock block off
- knock bottom out
- knock bottom out of
- knock chip off one shoulder
- knock chip off shoulder
- knock cold
- knock dead
- knock down
- knock down and drag out
- knock-down-drag-out
- knock-down drag-out
- knock down drag out
- knock down drag outs
- knock down price
- knock 'em dead
- knock em dead
- knock for a loop
- knock high horse
- knock it off
- knock-off
- knock off
- knock off high horse
- knock offs
- knock-on
- knock-on effect
- knock-on effects
- knock on wood
- knock one's socks off
- knock one socks off
- knock oneself out
- knock ons
- knock out
- knock over
- knock over with feather
- knock props from under
- knock props out
- knock senseless
- knock socks off
- knock someone's socks off
- knock the bottom out of
- knock the chip off one's shoulder
- knock the chip off shoulder
- knock the chip shoulder
- knock together
- knock unconscious
- knock up
- knockabout
- knockback
- knockdown
- knockdowns
- knocked about
- knocked around with
- knocked chip ones shoulder
- knocked 'em dead
- knocked em dead
- knocked for a loop
- knocked off
- knocked off high horse
- knocked one socks off
- knocked out
- knocked over
- knocked senseless
- knocked socks off
- knocked the chip one's shoulder
- knocked together
- knocked up
- knocked-up
- knockedup
- knocker
- knocking around with
- knocking back
- knocking chip off one's shoulder
- knocking chip off ones shoulder
- knocking chip ones shoulder
- knocking down
- knocking downs
- knocking 'em dead
- knocking em dead
- knocking off high horse
- knocking one socks off
- knocking senseless
- knocking socks off
- knocking the chip off shoulder
- knocking the chip one shoulder
- knockoff
- knockon effects
- knockout
- knockout drops
- knockout pills
- knocks about
- knocks around
- knocks around with
- knocks chip one's shoulder
- knocks em dead
- knocks 'em dead
- knocks ones socks off
- knocks over
- knocks props out from under
- knocks socks off
- knocks the chip off one's shoulder
- knocks the chip one's shoulder
- knocks together
- knocksed props out from under
- knockses props out from under
- knocksing props out from under
- know about
- knowing about
- knows about
- layabout
- mad about
- make a big thing about
- make a fuss about
- make no bones about it
- man about town
- man-about-town
- move about
- nearabout
- no buts about it
- no ifs ands or buts about it
- no two ways about it
- noise about
- noises about
- nothing to brag about
- nothing to write home about
- nuts about
- nutty about
- order about
- round-about
- roundabout way
- roustabout
- see about
- set about
- show about
- superabound
- talk about
- talked about
- talking about
- talks about
- technical knockout
- tell about
- telling about
- tells about
- the knocks
- turnabout
- walkabout
- wander about
- wanders about
- was about
- was about to
- was and about
- was brought about
- was crazy about
- was mad about
- wild about
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