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Antonyms for retard

Grammar : Verb
Spell : ri-tahrd, for 1–3, 5; ree-tahrd for 4
Phonetic Transcription : rɪˈtɑrd, for 1–3, 5; ˈri tɑrd for 4

Definition of retard

Origin :
  • late 15c., "make slow or slower," from French retarder "restrain, hold (someone) back, keep (someone from doing something); come to a stop" (13c.) or directly from Latin retardare "make slow, delay, keep back, hinder" (see retardation). Related: Retarded; retarding.
  • The noun is recorded from 1788 in the sense "retardation, delay;" from 1970 in offensive meaning "retarded person," originally American English, with accent on first syllable. Other words used for "one who is mentally retarded" include retardate (1956), retardee (1971).
  • verb hinder, obstruct

Synonyms for retard

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