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Synonyms for prosecute

Grammar : Verb
Spell : pros-i-kyoot
Phonetic Transcription : ˈprɒs ɪˌkyut

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Définition of prosecute

Origin :
  • early 15c., "follow up, pursue" (some course or action), from Latin prosecutus, past participle of prosequi "follow after, accompany; chase, pursue; attack, assail, abuse" (see pursue). Meaning "bring to a court of law" is first recorded 1570s. Meaning "go into detail" is from 1530s.
  • verb bring action against in court
  • verb follow through, persevere
Example sentences :
  • Prosecute the boy, and you put him in prison, and spend more money; you get none back.
  • Extract from : « The New Mistress » by George Manville Fenn
  • Prosecute him, and you may promise yourself to be blown up at every gaming-house in the town.
  • Extract from : « The World's Greatest Books, Vol IV. » by Editors: Arthur Mee and J.A. Hammerton

Antonyms for prosecute

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019