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Synonyms for catapult
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : kat-uh-puhlt, -poolt |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈkæt əˌpʌlt, -ˌpʊlt |
Top 10 synonyms for catapult Other synonyms for the word catapult
Définition of catapult
Origin :- 1570s, from Middle French catapulte and directly from Latin catapulta "war machine for throwing," from Greek katapeltes, from kata "against" (see cata-) + base of pallein "to toss, hurl" (see pulse (n.1)). As an airplane-launching device on an aircraft-carrier by 1927.
- noun implement for shooting weapon
- Juve shot his answer at the lieutenant, like a stone from a catapult.
- Extract from : « A Nest of Spies » by Pierre Souvestre
- All its spires are spears at rest; and all its stones are stones asleep in a catapult.
- Extract from : « A Miscellany of Men » by G. K. Chesterton
- Is it the thought of Wolsey which makes him frown—or is he wondering where he left his catapult?
- Extract from : « Once a Week » by Alan Alexander Milne
- And he knew that at any moment this beast might come at him as if discharged from a catapult.
- Extract from : « Diamond Dyke » by George Manville Fenn
- But I know that our steam-bowler will beat their catapult hollow.
- Extract from : « The Fixed Period » by Anthony Trollope
- They tried their catapult with single, double, and even treble action.
- Extract from : « The Fixed Period » by Anthony Trollope
- Durham was flung over its head like a stone from a catapult.
- Extract from : « The Rider of Waroona » by Firth Scott
- Turner shot into the air as though he were flung from a catapult.
- Extract from : « Nan Sherwood at Pine Camp » by Annie Roe Carr
- Then there was a bound, as if the boat had been shot from a catapult, and the billow fell.
- Extract from : « The Island Queen » by R.M. Ballantyne
- Before he could reach the door out came his cousin, as if fired by a catapult.
- Extract from : « Klondike Nuggets » by E. S. Ellis
Words or expressions associated with your search
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- catalogue
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- catalogue raisonné
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- catalogued
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- cataloguing
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- catalyze
- catalyzed
- catalyzes
- catalyzing
- catamaran
- catamenia
- catamount
- cataplasm
- catapult
- catapulted
- catapulting
- cataract
- cataracted
- cataracting
- catarrh
- catastrophal
- catastrophe
- catastrophic
- catatonia
- catatonic
- catawampus
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